Martin Gannon, Richard Thompson
Mahogany Hairdressing: Advanced Looks (Thomson Learning Series)
Издательство: Thomson Learning, 2001 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 144 стр.
Mahogany?s first book, Mahogany Hairdressing: Steps to Cutting, Colouring and Finishing Hair, received universal praise for its creative energy, stylish presentation and detailed step-by-step guides to cutting-edge style. Following on from the enormous success of their first book, Advanced Looks presents a range of Mahogany?s more challenging trademark cut and colour techniques. The techniques illustrated in Advanced Looks are responsible for sustaining and promoting Mahogany?s growing reputation in the hairdressing industry. Advanced Looks presents 18 innovative and versatile looks in step-by-step detail. Presented in five parts, the book also includes an exciting collection of cutting edge styles, making Advanced Looks an indispensable guide for professionals, trainers and aspiring students looking for the best role models. Mahogany continue to set the standards for innovative hair designs. Constantly developing their ideas to maintain a highly credible reputation, Mahogany are known and respected world-wide.
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