Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

The Guide for Penny Stock Investing

Donny Lowy

The Guide for Penny Stock Investing

Издательство: Xlibris Corporation, 2000 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 168 стр.

"The Guide for Penny Stock Investing" is a book dedicated to the experienced and novice investor who wants to invest in penny stocks. The book offers the investment and trading strategies used by the author and other experienced penny stock traders. The book uncovers the rules that investors and traders need to learn before they can hope to capitalize on the opportunities offered by penny stocks. And since the book is written as a practical educational manual you will have the opportunity to learn concreteinvestment and trading strategies. You will be given real life examples explaining and supporting the various strategies in this useful book. You will read about stocks that delivered returns of over 1000% in less than a year. You will be given forward-looking strategies to help you find stocks with the potential to increase upwards of 500% in a given period.
Penny stock investing by nature has the potential to produce outstanding returns for those who take the time to study and practice. This book contains all the information you will need to succeed in one of the most challenging and rewarding fields in the investment arena.

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24.09.2024 - 21:30
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