Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

The Divine Right of Capital: Dethroning the Corporate Aristocracy

Marjorie Kelly, William Greider

The Divine Right of Capital: Dethroning the Corporate Aristocracy

Издательство: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2003 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 288 стр.

Wealth inequity, corporate welfare, and industrial pollution are the symptoms of our sickened economy, Marjorie Kelly suggests. The underlying illness is shareholder primacy. In The Divine Right of Capital, she shows that the corporate drive to maximize shareholder profits at any cost is not only out of step with democratic and free-market principles, but is detrimental to the long-term health of individual companies and the economy as a whole. Kelly, the cofounder and editor of the national journal Business Ethics, offers a far-reaching solution to rebuild corporations in a way that serves all. The Divine Right of Capital is a radical critique of the corporate economy, newly updated with information on Enron and other business scandals.

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27.02.2025 - 17:57
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