Медиа-проект "Car vs Piano", бренд: InTouch, агентство: BBDO Russia Group
Название: Car vs Piano
Агентство: BBDO Russia Group
Бренд: InTouch
Страна: Россия
Сектор бизнеса: Страхование
Год выхода: 2012
Вид рекламы: Медиа-проекты
To prove how unpredictable car accidents are, Intouch insurance created a live 24/7 web broadcast. A 359 KG grand piano was suspended from nine ropes above a car in a Moscow garage during seven days. Twice a day people could vote on a live broadcast 24/7 on carvspiano.ru for an unpredictable real event resulting in one rope being cut. For example: if the temperature in Moscow rose to +21C one rope could be cut. If FC Barcelona advanced to the Champions League Final that same week, another rope would be cut. A live Twitter feed was projected on the wall and a timer clock kept the audience intrigued, waiting for the next rope to be cut-or not. On the 6th day the piano fell down on the car and proving that even if we couldn`t save the world from falling pianos we did make more drivers consider buying our intouch "no fault" car insurance.
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