Kenneth W. Edwards
Your Successful Real Estate Career
Издательство: AMACOM/American Management Association, 2007 г.
978-0-8144-7319-1, 0-8144-7319-9
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 256 стр.
Your Successful Real Estate Career has long been the bible for couptless aspiring real estate professionals, providing all the tools needed for success in this tough-but rewarding and profitable-profession. Now in a brand new, fully updated fifth edition, this comprehensive guide offers practical and candid advice on everything from getting your license and choosing a company to prospecting and selling, along with all new strategies for starting out on the right foot and staying ahead of the competition.
It also covers such important topics as: finding a mentor, differentiating yourself, and winning clients avoiding typical career mistakes marketing yourself to growing but underserved demographics dealing with specialized property types responding to shifts in the marketplace setting career goals that will take you from newbie to "power agent" and much more!
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