Нестандартная реклама "Cap Recall", рекламодатель: James Ready, агентство: Leo Burnett Toronto
Название: Cap Recall
Агентство: Leo Burnett Toronto
Рекламодатель: James Ready
Страна: Канада
Сектор бизнеса: Пиво
Год выхода: 2011
Вид рекламы: Нестандартная реклама
Name | Company | Position |
Judy John | Leo Burnett, Toronto | Chief Creative Officer |
Judy John | Leo Burnett, Toronto | Creative Director |
Lisa Greenberg | Leo Burnett, Toronto | Creative Director |
Steve Persico | Leo Burnett, Toronto | Copywriter |
Anthony Chelvanathan | Leo Burnett, Toronto | Art Director |
David Buckspan | Leo Burnett, Toronto | Group Account Director |
Natasha Dagenais | Leo Burnett, Toronto | Account Director |
Jordan Lane | Leo Burnett, Toronto | Account Exec |
Gladys Bachand | Leo Burnett, Toronto | Print Producer |
Describe the brief from the client: After a printing screw up left millions of J.R. Beer Caps blank we were asked to explain to confused consumers what had happened. We chose to launch a promotion as a way to address each of our drinkers and fix the problem. We launched a Blank Cap Recall. Any drinker who received a blank cap on their beer could mail it back to us and in return we would give them "something" from the brewery as compensation. Thousands of drinkers participated with the recall.
Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation: Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation. After getting emails and calls from confused drinkers, we notified people through an in-case letter and a Facebook post that we were launching a blank cap recall. Drinkers then mailed us their blank cap and we mailed them something in return.
Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results: We received thousands and thousands of caps from our drinkers and continue to do so. The fans love to talk about the recall on Facebook and discuss the items they got back. The blank caps may have caused a doubt about if James Ready cared or would listen to drinker concerns but the recall proved that the brand really does appreciate their drinkers. This is just one part of what makes J.R. one of the fastest growing beer brands in the province.
Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service: James Ready ha a real close relationship with their drinkers. By not addressing their concerns they could have lost faith in the brand. This promotion proved the brand does care and is willing to fix any mistakes. The quirky tone of the brand is what people expect and love.
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