Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

Globalization: n.  the Irrational Fear that Someone in China Will Take Your Job

Bruce C. N. Greenwald, Judd Kahn

Globalization: n. the Irrational Fear that Someone in China Will Take Your Job

Издательство: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, 2009 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 208 стр.

In "Globalization", authors Bruce Greenwald and Judd Kahn cut through the myths surrounding globalization and look more closely at its real impact, presenting a more accurate picture of the present status of globalization and its future consequences. Page by page, they uncover the real facts about globalization and answer the most important questions it raises, including: Will globalization increase or diminish in economic importance? Do higher living standards depend more on global or local conditions - and what are the actual implications of globalization for financial markets?

"The book`s strength lies in its clear application of basic economic principles to reveal the hidden logic (and illogic) of claims about globalization`s causes and effects."

Choice, April 2009

"In the process of dispelling... simplistic myths of economic globalization, Greenwald and Kahn present an alternative history based on facts... Refreshingly, their conclusions cut across traditional ideological chasms... Greenwald and Kahn challenge much of the conventional knowledge about globalization and offer investors a long-run look into macroeconomic developments. They present intriguing insights based on facts rather than political ideology. That`s exactly what Foolish investors want to hear."

Motley Fool

"Columbia professor and economist Bruce Greenwald, abetted by collaborator Judd Kahn, deftly punctures the prevailing wisdom on the effects of international trade, arguing that most of the books and reporting on the subject deal with this complex, multidimensional phenomenon simplistically, anecdotally and incorrectly… It`s not globalization that`s screwing things up. On the contrary. Overriding local political and economic interests subvert the flow of commerce, which introduces disparities and deficits that result in trade imbalances, inflation, deflation and unemployment." - Richard Pachter, "Globalization myths debunked."

The Miami Herald

"The list of globalization errors (both pro and con) is long, and makes fertile territory for Bruce Greenwald and Judd Kahn in "Globalization." The authors, a Columbia Business School professor and a historian, respectively, argue that local decision-making, productivity-enhancing technological change, and the growing demand for services will be the key forces shaping our futures -- not globalization, meaning the global flow of goods and capital. …this work is a crisp, provocative addition to the debate on globalization. It`s well worth a look, particularly as a counterbalance to prevailing globalization "wisdom."

Rick Carew, The Wall Street Journal

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Книги по дизайну

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14.11.2024 - 20:54
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