Jack Mitchell
Hug Your Customers : The Proven Way to Personalize Sales and Achieve Astounding Results
Издательство: Hachette Book Group, 2015 г.
978-1-4013-9774-6, 978-1-4013-0034-0
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 318 стр.
The book is a deceptively simple but winning approach to customer service - that a relationship is at the heart of every transaction. Jack Mitchells` business philosophy is based on "hugs" - personal touches such as knowing every customer`s name and clothing preferences or handing out free coffee and newspapers on the commuter train platform. Complete with anecdotes that exemplify outstanding customer service, "Hug Your Customers", shows how any business can adapt this hugging philosophy to attract great staff, lower marketing costs, and maintain higher gross margins and long term revenues. At a time when customer service has become the difference between success and failure, "Hug Your Customers" shows how Jack`s one-of-a-kind philosophy brings winning results.
Revised edition.
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