John Y. Lee
Advances in Management Accounting, Volume 12 (Advances in Management Accounting)
Издательство: JAI Press, 2004 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 300 стр.
Publishes well-developed articles on a variety of current topics in management accounting that are relevant to researchers in both practice and academe. As one of the premier management accounting research journals, AIMA is well poised to meet the needs of management accounting scholars.
Featured in Volume 12 are articles on new directions in management accounting research, profit impact of value chain reconfiguration blending strategic cost management (SCM) and action-profit-linkage (APL) perspectives, the measurement gap in paying for performance, cost accounting practices used in advanced manufacturing environments, compensation strategy and organizational performance, accounting for cost interactions in designing products, relationship quality in performance measurement, measuring and accounting for market risk tradeoffs, connecting concepts of business strategy and competitive advantage to activity-based machine cost allocations, corporate acquisition decisions under different strategic motivations, and some new findings on the balanced scorecard adoptions.
Researchers in both practice and academe, as well as libraries, would be interested in the articles featured in the AIMA.
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