David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent
Market Leader: Elementary Business English: Course Book
Издательство: Pearson Education Limited, 2006 г.
0-582-77327-X, 978-0-582-77327-1
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 160 стр.
Business is changing faster now than ever. Market Leader Elementary is part of a distinctive multi-level business English course which reflects this global change. Drawing on the extensive media assets of the Financial Times and other sources, it offers a highly authoritative and flexible range of materials for business English learners worldwide.
Essential business content and skills Critical business issues of our time: topics include work and leisure, travel and the Web; Thorough treatment of basic structures and vocabulary; Case studies in each Course Book unit for real practice of key business skills. Choice and flexibility Wide range of components to support teachers, and offer choice and flexibility: Practice File, Test File, cassettes/audio CDs;
Teacher`s Resource Book with extra photocopiable materials. On-line resources On-line tests; Subscription service with a regular supply of new texts and ELT exploitation for higher levels. Издание на английском языке.
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