Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

Dictionary of Environmental Economics

Anil Markandya, Renat Perelet, Pamela Mason, Tim Taylor

Dictionary of Environmental Economics

Издательство: Earthscan, 2002 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 208 стр.

This is the first comprehensive dictionary of environmental economics, compiled by leading academics in the field. Each expression or phrase is explained clearly in non-technical language, with references given to its use in the growing literature on the subject area.
From abatement to zonal travel cost method, there are over 1000 cross-referenced entries covering topics such as:
- environmental instruments for policy-making;
- techniques applied in environmental and natural resource economics;
- major issues in environmental economics and environmental management;
- economics of sustainable development;
- natural resource accounting;
- international environmental agreements.
As well as providing incisive answers to questions such as "what is natural capital?" or "when are crowding diseconomies important?", the dictionary includes a list of commonly used acronyms and abbreviations and a complete bibliography detailing the major texts in the field.

The Dictionary of Environmental Economics will prove to be an essential tool for students and policy-makers.

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27.02.2025 - 12:48
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