Книги издательства "Oxford University Press"
High Inflation: The Arne Ryde Memorial LecturesThis book looks at very high inflations, exemplified by those suffered by Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Israel, Mexico, and Peru in the eighties and by the Soviet Union today. The authors argue that a better grasp of high inflation processes is ...... |
Estimation and Inference in EconometricsOffering students a unifying theoretical perspective, this innovative text emphasizes nonlinear techniques of estimation, including nonlinear least squares, nonlinear instrumental variables, maximum likelihood and the generalized method of ...... |
Co-Integration, Error Correction, and the Econometric Analysis of Non-Stationary Data (Advanced Texts in Econometrics)This book is wide-ranging in its account of literature on cointegration and the modelling of integrated processes (those which accumulate the effects of past shocks). Data series which display integrated behavior are common in economics, ...... |
One Thousand Exercises in ProbabilityThe companion volume to Probability and Random Processes, this book contains 1000+ exercises on the subjects of elelmentary aspects of probability and random variables, sampling, Markov chains, convergence, stationary processes, renewals, ...... |
The European Corporation: Strategy, Structure, and Social ScienceThis book examines the evolving strategies and structure of large European firms in comparative and historical context. Although European corporations still differ in terms of ownership and management, they are adopting increasingly similar ...... |
Ethics and Governance: Business as Mediating InstitutionThis book argues that ethical business behavior can be enhanced by taking fuller account of human nature, particularly with respect to the need for creating relatively small communities within the corporation. Timothy Fort discusses this premise ...... |
Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional Foundations of Comparative AdvantageWhat are the most important differences among national economies? Is globalization forcing nations to converge on an Anglo-American model? What explains national differences in social and economic policy? This pathbreaking work outlines a new ...... |