Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

The Art of People

Dave Kerpen

The Art of People

Издательство: Portfolio Penguin, 2016 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 288 стр.

What does it take to win success and influence?
In a world where we are constantly connected, it`s those with the best people skills who win the day. Those who build the right relationships. Those who truly understand and connect with their colleagues, their customers, their partners. Those who others like, respect and trust.
The Art of People reveals the eleven people skills that will get you more of what you want at work, at home and in life. Accessible, easy to execute and often counter-intuitive, these include:
The single most important question you can ever ask to win attention in a meeting.
Why it usually pays to be the one to give the bad news.
How to get everyone to want to be around you, with one word.
No matter who you are or what profession you`re in, The Art of People will show you how to charm and win over anyone.
"People skills can`t be computerized, outsourced or reduced to a rubric. Thaf s why The Art of People is more important now than ever - it will teach you a set of irreplaceable skills that will help you in every area of your life".

Daniel H.Pink, author of Tо Sell is Human and Drive

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02.06.2024 - 22:17
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