Robert S. Kaplan, David P. Norton
The Execution Premium: Linking Strategy to Operations for Competitive Advantage
Издательство: Harvard Business School Press, 2008 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 320 стр.
In a world of stiffening competition, business strategy is more crucial than ever. Yet most organizations struggle in this area - not with formulating strategy but with executing it, or putting their strategy into action. Owing to execution failures, companies realize just a fraction of the financial performance promised in their strategic plans. It doesn`t have to be that way, maintain Robert Kaplan and David Norton in The Execution Premium. Building on their breakthrough works on strategy - focused organizations, the authors describe a multistage system that enables you to gain measurable benefits from your carefully formulated business strategy. This book shows you how to:Develop an effective strategy - with tools such as SWOT analysis, vision formulation, and strategic change agendasPlan execution of the strategy - through portfolios of strategic initiatives linked to strategy maps and Balanced ScorecardsPut your strategy into action - by integrating operational tools such as process dashboards, rolling forecasts, and activity - based costing Test and update your strategy - using carefully designed management meetings to review operational and strategic data Drawing on extensive research and detailed case studies from a broad array of industries, The Execution Premium presents a systematic and proven framework for achieving the financial results promised by your strategy.
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