James Hasik, Stacey Rudnick, Ryan Hackney
McGraw-Hill`s GMAT with CD-ROM 2013 Edition
Издательство: McGraw-Hill, 2012 г.
0071766979, 9780071766975
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 464 стр.
We want to help you succeed on the GMAT.
We`ve put all of our proven expertise into McGraw- Hill`s GMAT to make sure you`re ready for this difficult exam. With this book, you`ll get essential skill-building techniques and strategies developed by a team of renowned test-prep tutors. Their innovative teaching methods and expert coaching will help you master every question type. You`ll also get vital access to practice problems, 10 full-length practice tests, free coaching videos online, and all the facts about the current exam. With McGraw-Hill`s GMAT, we`ll guide you step-by-step through your preparation program-and give you the tools you need to succeed.
Features include:
- 10 full-length practice GMATs: 4 in the book, 4 on CD-ROM, and 2 complete interactive practice tests online at MHPracticePlus.com;
- New coaching videos demonstrating GMAT problem-solving strategies, available free online;
- Complete coverage of the new Integrated Reasoning section;
- Problem-solving techniques to boost your performance on all the most difficult question types;
- Strategies for getting into the best MBA programs, from choosing the right program to surviving in B-school;
- Important information for international GMAT takers.
CD-ROM with computer-adaptive practice GMATs.
Compatible with Mac and PC systems.
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