Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

Книги издательства "McGraw-Hill"

How to Succeed with Continuous Improvement: A Primer for Becoming the Best in the World

How to Succeed with Continuous Improvement: A Primer for Becoming the Best in the World

Your organizational transformation begins here! Comprehensive, detailed, and easy to read and understand, How to Succeed with Continuous Improvement takes you through a real-life case study of one organization`s journey to a world-class ......

The McKinsey Engagement: A Powerful Toolkit for More Efficient and Effective Team Problem Solving

The McKinsey Engagement: A Powerful Toolkit for More Efficient and Effective Team Problem Solving

Problem solving is a team effort. Whether it`s implementing major change in a single division or throughout a company, identifying and fixing a snag in a production chain, or reinvigorating flagging customer satisfaction, superior teams produce ......

Micromessaging: Why Great Leadership is Beyond Words

Micromessaging: Why Great Leadership is Beyond Words

Absolutely, says Stephen Young-especially when it comes to those critical behaviors that can make or break performance. The reason is simple: no matter what you think you`re saying, your words, gestures, and tone of voice can actually ......



The 12th edition of Macroeconomics is published 34 years after the first. We have been both amazed and flattered by the response our book has received over those years. Besides its use in the classrooms of many U.S. universities, it has been ......

Essentials of Investments

Essentials of Investments

Open the pages of the Fifth Edition of Essentials of Investments and you will clearly understand that the author team of Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, and Alan Marcus is committed to providing you the material you need to understand today`s investments ......

Perfect Phrases for Project Management: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Delivering Results on Time and Under Budget

Perfect Phrases for Project Management: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Delivering Results on Time and Under Budget

THE RIGHT PHRASE FOR EVERY SITUATION . . . EVERY TIME As a project manager, your job is to ensure that every project is completed on time and on budget, which involves defining your objectives, understanding the processes, and communicating with ......

The McKinsey Way

The McKinsey Way

It`s been called "a breeding ground for gurus." McKinsey & Company is the gold-standard consulting firm whose alumni include titans such as "In Search of Excellence" author Tom Peters, Harvey Golub of American Express, and Japan`s Kenichi Ohmae. ......

McGraw-Hill`s GMAT with CD-ROM 2013 Edition

McGraw-Hill`s GMAT with CD-ROM 2013 Edition

We want to help you succeed on the GMAT. We`ve put all of our proven expertise into McGraw- Hill`s GMAT to make sure you`re ready for this difficult exam. With this book, you`ll get essential skill-building techniques and strategies developed by ......

The Millionaire Real Estate Agent

The Millionaire Real Estate Agent

Anyone who wants to turn their real estate practice into a highly successful business must understand the fundamental models that drive the best real estate agents in the industry. In The Millionaire Real Estate Agent these models are revealed ......

CBAP: Certified Business Analysis Professional Exam Guide (+ CD-ROM)

CBAP: Certified Business Analysis Professional Exam Guide (+ CD-ROM)

All-in-One is All You Need! Get complete coverage of all the material included on the International Institute of Business Analysis CBAP exam inside this comprehensive resource. Written by industry expert, trainer, and project management ......

Solution Selling: Creating Buyers in Difficult Selling Markets

Solution Selling: Creating Buyers in Difficult Selling Markets

"Solution Selling is the most comprehensive sales and sales management process available today. Mike Bosworth has the best understanding of sales process in corporate America". `Jeffrey M.Fisher, Vice President, Symix Computer Systems....

Get Rich with Apps!: Your Guide to Reaching More Customers and Making Money Now

Get Rich with Apps!: Your Guide to Reaching More Customers and Making Money Now

Out of nowhere, apps have taken the world by storm. In a short time, millions of customers have downloaded apps - and they`re eagerly awaiting more. If you`re considering entering the market, stop thinking about it and make your move. You`ll ......

Perfect Phrases for Sales Presentations: Hundreds of Ready-To-Use Phrases for Delivering Powerful Presentations That Close Every Sale

Perfect Phrases for Sales Presentations: Hundreds of Ready-To-Use Phrases for Delivering Powerful Presentations That Close Every Sale

When it comes to sales presentations, every word counts-but who has the time to craft perfect presentations all the time? You do - when you have Perfect Phrases for Sales Presentations. This go - to guide is exactly what you need to streamline ......

McGraw-Hill`s GMAT

McGraw-Hill`s GMAT

We`ve put all of our proven expertise into "McGraw-Hill`s GMAT" to make sure you`re ready for this difficult exam. With this book, you`ll get essential skill-building techniques and strategies developed by a team of renowned test-prep tutors. ......

Mastering the Trade: Proven Techniques for Profiting from Intraday and Swing Trading Setups

Mastering the Trade: Proven Techniques for Profiting from Intraday and Swing Trading Setups

When it was first published in 2005, Mastering the Trade became an instant classic in the world of day trading. Now, veteran day trader and educator John F.Carter has updated his time-proven swing trading technique to help you succeed in an ......

Winning the Loser`s Game: Timeless Strategies for Successful Investing

Winning the Loser`s Game: Timeless Strategies for Successful Investing

The Classic Guide to Winning on Wall Street-Completely Updated and Expanded! "The best book about investing? The answer is simple: Winning the Loser’s Game. Using compelling data and pithy stories, Charley Ellis has captured beautifully in this ......

Influencer: The Power To Change Anything

Influencer: The Power To Change Anything

Whether you`re a CEO, a parent, or merely a person who wants to make a difference, you probably wish you had more influence with the people in your life. But most of us stop trying to make change happen because we believe it is too difficult, if ......

Toyota Supply Chain Management: A Strategic Approach to Toyota`s Renowned System

Toyota Supply Chain Management: A Strategic Approach to Toyota`s Renowned System

The Toyota Production System is the benchmark used throughout the world for "lean" thinking. Now you can model your own processes after those of the company that "wrote the book on supply chain management." Written by two experts on the subject, ......

The Toyota Way To Continuous Improvement: Linking Strategy And Operational Excellence To Achieve Superior Performance

The Toyota Way To Continuous Improvement: Linking Strategy And Operational Excellence To Achieve Superior Performance

A lean blueprint for creating long-term sustainability the Toyota way! During Toyota’s highly publicized recalls of 2009 and 2010, the legendary carmaker’s 60-year-old reputation for operational excellence was put under the microscope. Business ......

Toyota Culture: The Heart and Soul of The Toyota Way

Toyota Culture: The Heart and Soul of The Toyota Way

Winner of the Shingo Prize for Research and Professional Publication, 2009 The international bestseller The Toyota Way explained the company`s success by introducing a revolutionary 4P model for organizational excellence-Philosophy, People, ......

The Toyota Way Fieldbook

The Toyota Way Fieldbook

The Toyota Way Fieldbook is a companion to the international bestseller The Toyota Way. The Toyota Way Fieldbook builds on the philosophical aspects of Toyota`s operating systems by detailing the concepts and providing practical examples for ......

Crucial Confrontations

Crucial Confrontations

The authors of the New York Times bestseller Crucial Conversations show you how to achieve personal, team, and organizational success by healing broken promises, resolving violated expectations, and influencing good behavior. Discover skills to ......

Strategic Management of Technological Innovation

Strategic Management of Technological Innovation

"Strategic Management of Technological Innovation" by Melissa Schilling is the first comprehensive and rigorous, yet accessible text for the Technology and Innovation Management course. Unlike other books, Schilling`s approach synthesizes the ......

What to Say When... You`re Dying on the Platform: A Complete Resource for Speakers, Trainers, and Executives

What to Say When... You`re Dying on the Platform: A Complete Resource for Speakers, Trainers, and Executives

A heckler is in the audience; the overhead projector breaks; the allotted speech time runs out - these are just some of the panic-producing crises, interruptions, or distractions easily dealt with in this first-aid guide for business speakers. ......

Six Sigma for Managers

Six Sigma for Managers

Six Sigma is today`s most dynamic management approach for dramatically improving product and process quality-along with employee enthusiasm and involvement. Its success, however, requires a new corporate mindset and an entirely transformed set ......

World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling

World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling

This title presents timeless insights for planning and managing 21st-century warehouse operations. Despite today`s just-in-time production mentality, with its efforts to eliminate warehouses and their inventory carrying costs, effective ......

Import/Export: How to Take Your Business Across Borders

Import/Export: How to Take Your Business Across Borders

Doing business across international borders is more lucrative than ever, and the classic "Import/Export" has all the tools you need to reap the profits of today`s booming world economy. In this exhaustively revised edition, renowned global trade ......

Gemba Kaizen: A Commonsense, Low-Cost Approach to Management

Gemba Kaizen: A Commonsense, Low-Cost Approach to Management

When it comes to making your business more profitable and successful, don`t look to re-engineering for answers. A better way is to apply the concept of kaizen, which mean making simple, common-sense improvements and refinements to critical ......

Marketing Warfare: 20Th Anniversary Edition

Marketing Warfare: 20Th Anniversary Edition

The book that changed marketing forever is now updated for the new millennium. In 1986, Marketing Warfare propelled the industry into a new, modern sensibility and a world of unprecedented profit. Now, two decades later, this Annotated Edition ......

The Power of Simplicity: A Management Guide to Cutting Through the Nonsense and Doing Things Right

The Power of Simplicity: A Management Guide to Cutting Through the Nonsense and Doing Things Right

Renowned marketing expert and best-selling author Jack Trout has a message for managers who are struggling to keep up with today`s ever-changing business climate: Keep It Simple. In this paperback edition of The Power of Simplicity, Trout ......

The Product Manager`s Handbook

The Product Manager`s Handbook

Long considered the most useful and insightful guide of its kind, The Product Manager’s Handbook has been fully revised and updated to give you the edge in today’s challenging business landscape. It features expanded coverage of product ......

Bank Valuation and Value-Based Management: Deposit and Loan Pricing, Performance Evaluation, and Risk Management

Bank Valuation and Value-Based Management: Deposit and Loan Pricing, Performance Evaluation, and Risk Management

"Bank Valuation and Value-Based Management: Deposit and Loan Pricing, Performance Evaluation, and Risk Management" provides bankers, bank regulators, auditors, and risk managers with foundational concepts and practical tools for effectively ......

International Accounting

International Accounting

This book is written to provide an overview of the broadly defined area of international accounting, but that focuses on the accounting issues related to international business activities and foreign operations....

Six Sigma for Managers: 24 Lessons to Understand and Apply Six Sigma Principles in Any Organization

Six Sigma for Managers: 24 Lessons to Understand and Apply Six Sigma Principles in Any Organization

"Six Sigma for Managers" introduces you to the fundamental concepts of Six Sigma and provides 24 basic points for spearheading a Six Sigma program in your workplace. Carefully walking you through every phase of a successful Six Sigma initiative, ......

Quality Without Tears: The Art of Hassle-Free Management

Quality Without Tears: The Art of Hassle-Free Management

The author`s objective is to show managers how to build quality into all aspects of a company`s operations thereby lowering costs, increasing sales, and boosting profits and do all this without the typical bureaucratic controls and procedures ......


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PR в 2025 году: как изменилась профессия, и кто сможет в ней работатьPR в 2025 году: как изменилась профессия, и кто сможет в ней работать
Владимир Нерюев, заместитель генерального директора коммуникационного агентства Аура поделился мнением, какие изменения произошли или произойдут в профессии PR-специалиста.
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Генеральный директор агентства мобильного маркетинга Mobisharks (входит в ГК Kokoc Group) — об эффективном мобильном маркетинге и примерах успешных стратегий.
Как банки в рекламе ищут новые смыслы и старые ценностиКак банки в рекламе ищут новые смыслы и старые ценности
За последние пару лет реклама банков изменилась. Появились новые сюжеты и герои. Реклама по-прежнему — не только инструмент продвижения услуг, но и способ формирования доверия к финансовым организациям. Главный тренд, который отмечают  эксперты,— переход от сухого перечисления выгод к эмоционально окрашенным коммуникациям.
Антитренды наружной рекламыАнтитренды наружной рекламы
Антитрендами наружной рекламы в текущем году стали прямолинейность и чрезмерная перегруженность сообщений. Наружная реклама продолжает показывать рост: число рекламных конструкций за последний год увеличилось более чем на 2 тысячи.
Мария Бар-Бирюкова, Sellty: продажи на маркетплейсах не заменят...Мария Бар-Бирюкова, Sellty: продажи на маркетплейсах не заменят...
В компании Sellty спрогнозировали развитие рынка электронной коммерции в сегменте СМБ на ближайший год. По оценке основателя Sellty Марии Бар-Бирюковой, число собственных интернет-магазинов среднего, малого и микробизнеса продолжит расти и увеличится минимум на 40% до конца 2025 года. Компании будут и дальше развиваться на маркетплейсах, но станут чаще комбинировать несколько каналов продаж. 

Книги по дизайну

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Дизайн под грифом "секретно"Дизайн под грифом "секретно"
На чем раньше ездили первые лица страны? Эскизы, редкие фотографии и прототипы уникальных машин.
"Наша индустрия – самодостаточна": ГПМ Радио на конференции..."Наша индустрия – самодостаточна": ГПМ Радио на конференции...
Чего не хватает радио, чтобы увеличить свою долю на рекламном рынке? Аудиопиратство: угроза или возможности для отрасли? Каковы первые результаты общероссийской кампании по продвижению индустриального радиоплеера? Эти и другие вопросы были рассмотрены на конференции «Радио в глобальной медиаконкуренции», спикерами и участниками которой стали эксперты ГПМ Радио.
Форум "Матрица рекламы" о технологиях работы в период...Форум "Матрица рекламы" о технологиях работы в период...
Деловая программа 28-й международной специализированной выставки технологий и услуг для производителей и заказчиков рекламы «Реклама-2021» открылась десятым юбилейным форумом «Матрица рекламы». Его организовали КВК «Империя» и «Экспоцентр».
В ЦДХ прошел День социальной рекламыВ ЦДХ прошел День социальной рекламы (3)
28 марта в Центральном доме художника состоялась 25-ая выставка маркетинговых коммуникаций «Дизайн и реклама NEXT». Одним из самых ярких её событий стал День социальной рекламы, который организовала Ассоциация директоров по коммуникациям и корпоративным медиа России (АКМР) совместно с АНО «Лаборатория социальной рекламы» и оргкомитетом LIME.
Форум "Матрица рекламы": к рекламе в интернете особое...Форум "Матрица рекламы": к рекламе в интернете особое... (2)
На VII Международном форуме «Матрица рекламы», прошедшем в ЦВК «Экспоцентр» в рамках международной выставки  «Реклама-2018», большой интерес у профессиональной аудитории вызвала VI Конференция «Интернет-реклама».


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18.02.2025 - 00:53
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