Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

Visio 2003 For Dummies

Debbie Walkowski

Visio 2003 For Dummies

Издательство: For Dummies, 2004 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 398 стр.

Did you ever wish you could draw folks a picture of your business processes or the design of your database, but you just don’t have the graphics skills? Then Visio 2003 might be exactly what you’re looking for, and Visio 2003 For Dummies makes it easy for you to find out.

Often, pictures do speak louder than words. Visio enables you to turn business and technical concepts into visual diagrams. Best of all, it doesn’t require you to possess any artistic talent! Visio 2003 For Dummies shows you how to:

Navigate the software and use the menus, toolbars, and task panes Create simple diagrams Use Visio drawings with other software programs Annotate your diagrams Post diagrams on the Web

If you need to explain business goals and procedures, software concepts, or database designs to others, Visio 2003 For Dummies can get you going with this great software package in no time. Soon you’ll be able to:

Choose the appropriate type of drawing for your purpose, work with stencils, and add shapes Pan and zoom to fine-tune your diagram Set up your printer with Visio 2003, add headers and footers, and print an entire drawing or only selected parts Explore open and closed or one- and two-dimensional shapes, and manipulate them to demonstrate what you want to show Add color and text to enhance your drawings Create custom shapes, develop and use templates, and even add layers to provide more detail Integrate Visio with Excel, Word, Project, and Outlook Produce reports using data stored in Visio, update them, make them available for others to review, and even track changes

Additional information and links to online Visio resources are available on the book’s companion Web site. Visio 2003 offers you an exciting new way to communicate business processes, information systems, database and software designs, or computer and telecommunications networks, and Visio 2003 For Dummies gives you the power to use this great tool quickly and easily.

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18.02.2025 - 22:37
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