Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

Soros on Soros: Staying Ahead of the Curve

George Soros

Soros on Soros: Staying Ahead of the Curve

Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 326 стр.

George Soros Ends the Speculation

"The outcome [of this book] is a summing up of my life`s work. . . As I finish the book, I feel I have succeeded."—George Soros from the Preface

Critical praise for Soros on Soros

"If you have ever wanted to sit down for a candid conversation with a phenomenal financial success, George Soros`s book provides the opportunity. You will meet a complex man and a first-rate mind."—Henry A. Kissinger

"The best expert on Soros is undoubtedly George Soros! After all, who is better equipped to tell us what he really thinks and how he thinks, a matter of some importance given the fact that he has translated a remarkable personal financial success into a truly generous and historically significanteffort to promote postcommunist democracy." —Zbigniew Brzezinski

"The best X-ray of the mind of the master yet." —Barton M. Biggs

"George Soros brings a lot more to the world of finance than the intuition and nerve of a born trader—and in Soros on Soros he`s no longer bashful about telling us about it. A philosopher at heart, George attributes his success at investing to a theory of the interaction of reality and human perception. What really drives the man now, with a personal fortune beyond all personal need, is a different kind of strategic investing—investment to build in Eastern Europe the kind of open societies he came to value in his own life." —Paul A. Volcker

Financial guru George Soros is one of the most colorful and intriguing figures in the financial world today. Now in Soros on Soros, readers are given their most intimate and revealing look yet into the life and mind of the one BusinessWeek dubbed, "The Man Who Moves Markets."

Soros on Soros interweaves financial theory and personal reminiscence, political analysis and moral reflection to offer a compelling portrait of the world (and its markets) according to Soros. In an interview-style narrative with Byron Wien, Managing Director at Morgan Stanley, and with German journalist Krisztina Koenen, Soros vividly describes the genesis of his brilliant financial career and shares his views on investing and global finance, politics and the emerging world order, and the responsibility of power.

Speaking with remarkable candor, he traces his progress from Holocaust survivor to philosophy student, unsuccessful tobacco salesman to the world`s most powerful and profitable trader and introduces us to the people and events that helped shape his character and his often controversial views.

In describing the investment theories and financial strategies that have made him "a superstar among money managers" (The New York Times), Soros tells the fascinating story of the phenomenally successful Soros Fund Management and its $12 billion flagship, Quantum Fund. He also offers fresh insights into some of his most sensational wins and losses, including a firsthand account of the $1 billion he made going up against the British pound and the fortune helost speculating on the yen. Plus: Soros`s take on the devaluation of the peso and currency fluctuations internationally.

He tells of the personal and professional crises that more than once threatened to destroy him and of the personal resources he drew upon to turn defeat into resounding victory. And he explains his motivations for establishing the Soros Foundation and the Open Society Institute through which he worked to build open societies in postcommunist countries in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

Finally, turning his attention to international politics, Soros offers keen insights into the current state of affairs in Russia and the former communist bloc countries and analyzes the reasons behind and likely consequences of the West`s failure to properly integrate them into the free world. He also explores the crisis of the ERM and analyzes the pros and cons of investing in a number of emerging markets.

Find out what makes one of the greatest financial wizards of this or any age tick. Soros on Soros is a must read for anyone interested in world finance and international policy.

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