Tim Hindle
Manage Your Time
Серия: Essential Managers
Издательство: Дорлинг Киндерсли, 2011 г.
978-0-7513-0530-2, 0-7513-0530-8
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 72 стр.
Learn all you need to know about allocating your time wisely from assessing the reasons that time problems arise to distributing your time realistically and effectively. "Manage Your Time" not only shows you how to prioritize your workload and cope with other people`s demands but also provides practical techniques for you to use when organizing your time. Power tips help you to handle real-life situations and develop first-class time-management skills that will dramatically improve efficiency and results. This innovative series covers a wide range of management and personal development topics. Each title is a comprehensive yet compact source of easy reference for all those in or aspiring to a position of responsibility with a focus on developing and enhancing professional management practice.
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