Kevan Williams
Strategic Management
Серия: Essential Managers
Издательство: Дорлинг Киндерсли, 2009 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 72 стр.
This is a practical, pocket-sized guide to improving your strategic management skills which will give you the information and skills to succeed. Find out how to improve your strategic management skills by learning to set boundaries and test and communicate your strategy. You`ll learn to analyze your position, understand your skills and define your strategy. Tips, dos and don`ts and `In focus` features on what to do in a particular situation, plus real-life case studies demonstrate key skills such as how to plan for change, assess the risks and monitor performance. Read it cover to cover, or dip in and out of topics for quick reference. It features handy tips in a pocket-sized format - take it wherever your work takes you.
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