Brad Schepp, Debra Schepp
Amazon Top Seller Secrets: Insider Tips from Amazon's Most Successful Sellers
Издательство: AMACOM/American Management Association, 2009 г.
978-0-8144-1034-9, 0-8144-1034-0
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 320 стр.
There is a new phenomenon hitting the world of the Internet marketplace. Suddenly, Power Sellers who have made a fortune on eBay are moving their merchandise over to Amazon. After all, the benefits of selling on Amazon are legion sellers have found that they can charge more for their merchandise, avoid upfront fees, and deal with less-demanding customers. The opportunities for selling are endless Amazon now sells products in 42 categories and is the web`s number one retailer with more than 81 million customers. As the authors of the popular book "eBay Power Seller Secrets", Debra and Brad Schepp are experts at making big money selling products on the web. Now, in their new book "Amazon Top Seller Secrets" they show readers why Amazon is the marketplace that will bring them more cash and more customers. With this priceless advice, readers can make more profits and build their business without constraints and without all the hassles.
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