Kate Spade
Издательство: Simon & Schuster, 2004 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 96 стр.
Making a good first impression, tipping for a haircut, dispensing with a large handful of cherry pits, and determining the so-called pedestrian passing lane on a crowded sidewalk are just some of the many etiquette conundrums we all face. As liberated as we`ve become in our dress and in our lifestyles, good manners are still essential.
Whether you`re in Boston or in Phoenix, and whether you`re a record producer or a dog groomer, the same quandaries can occur: Who goes through a revolving door first, a man or a woman? When is it polite to correct someone`s mispronunciation of your name? And what if you can`t see over the head of the person who has just sat in front of you at the movies?
For Kate Spade, growing up in a large family required good manners, and to this day they are a natural part of her daily routine. In Manners, she shares her ideas about etiquette in lighthearted but down-to-earth terms. Kindness, common sense, and levity are the foundation for good manners at home, when dining, in the office, or out in public (at a sporting event or on an airplane). The art of communication is still important today, especially when it comes to written correspondence and being considerate when using cell phones, and Kate has something to say on both subjects. A "Manners Miscellany" concludes the book, casting a wide net over topics such as air kissing and "we must do lunch" to competitive parking, rain checks, and re-gifting.
Manners is an unpretentious guide to navigating the social shoals of modern life. Kate`s sensible commentary coupled with the nearly 200 captivating watercolor illustrations make Manners a welcome addition to any home library. As portrait photographer Slim Aarons writes, "Good manners are never passA©."
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