Barbara Pachter
When the Little Things Count. . . and They Always Count: 601 Essential Things That Everyone In Business Needs to Know
Издательство: Da Capo, 2006 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 192 стр.
From the Internet and e-commerce to contract work and globalization, the way we work and communicate is changing constantly. Still, one essential fact remains: We must pay attention to the little things - the details that demonstrate that we know how to communicate and interact with others on a professional level, regardless of our position or occupation. In this book, longtime business communications consultant and trainer Barbara Pachter offers 601 essential ways to approach every business situation and relationship with confidence and ease. With its empathetic tone and entertaining real-life anecdotes, "When the Little Things Count... and They Always Count" offers inspiration and advice to help get us to the next level of professionalism and success.
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