Robert Christie Mill
Restaurant Management: Customers, Operations, and Employees
Издательство: Prentice Hall, 2006 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 464 стр.
Identifies the crucial elements involved in the operation of a restaurant, and their interrelationships that are necessary to achieve success. Structured around the three parts of the meal experience - the customers, the operation (consisting of food, beverage and the physical facility) and the employees - the book examines how to effectively manage an existing restaurant operation. This edition continues its strong coverage of marketing, promotions, and employment issues, and captures the essential elements needed to produce satisfied customers and a profitable restaurant operation. Offers fully updated material including: Updated figures and numbers, Longitudinal analysis of recent trends, The latest demographic projections and the implications for managers, Added section on ergonomics and its impact on layout and design and New material on energy conservation and cost savings. Strategies for using the Internet as a promotional tool shows readers how to use technology to run and increase their business. A focus on profitability addresses common reasons restaurants fail. Examines factors to success, such as concept, creativity, menu, pricing, productivity, cost control etc. Restaurant managers. For anyone interested in "the meal experience", or thinking about becoming a restaurant entrepreneur.
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