Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

The Paris Shopping Companion: A Personal Guide to Shopping in Paris for Every Pocketbook

Susan Swire Winkler, Caroline Lesieur

The Paris Shopping Companion: A Personal Guide to Shopping in Paris for Every Pocketbook

Издательство: Cumberland House Publishing, 2006 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 260 стр.

It has been said that even those who hate shopping love to shop in Paris. Indeed, of all the ways to explore the City of Lights—touring, studying, or meandering through its colorful streets—shopping is by far the most pleasant and civilized way to get to know the city.

This new edition of The Paris Shopping Companion is a major revision and expansion of the third edition. As such, it is the perfect book for the traveler who wants to make the most of what Paris has to offer. While certainly a travel guide, it provides something no other book offers: personal guidance from two authors who know the city and its shops intimately. Each establishment is viewed from a French point of view, and practical advice is given on the best buys at each shop. With maps of the major shopping areas and photographs that richly illustrate the text, the book is organized to encourage shopping forays, neighborhood by neighborhood, throughout the city.

The Paris Shopping Companion describes the merchandise of a wide array of Paris businesses that offer unique goods and services, from clothing to linens, jewelry and accessories to books (including English-language stores), stationery, food, collectibles, leather goods, kitchen aids, and more. Packed with practical information, it will be useful for anyone who travels to Paris, regardless of one`s budget.

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Книги по дизайну

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В ЦДХ прошел День социальной рекламыВ ЦДХ прошел День социальной рекламы (3)
28 марта в Центральном доме художника состоялась 25-ая выставка маркетинговых коммуникаций «Дизайн и реклама NEXT». Одним из самых ярких её событий стал День социальной рекламы, который организовала Ассоциация директоров по коммуникациям и корпоративным медиа России (АКМР) совместно с АНО «Лаборатория социальной рекламы» и оргкомитетом LIME.
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На VII Международном форуме «Матрица рекламы», прошедшем в ЦВК «Экспоцентр» в рамках международной выставки  «Реклама-2018», большой интерес у профессиональной аудитории вызвала VI Конференция «Интернет-реклама».


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02.12.2024 - 07:59
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