Men of Achievement
Издательство: Melrose Press Ltd, 1995 г.
0 948875 46 1, 0-948875-46-1
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 740 стр.
It is now a quarter of a century since the first of four editions of "Two Thousand Men of Achievement" was published by the International Biographical Centre, then in London and for the last twenty-two years in Cambridge, England. These editions honoured, in total, 8000 men of remarkable achievement throughout the world. But, as the ГВС grew and developed, it became evident that there were far more exceptional achievers (many of them undiscovered and unsung) than this unique work could accommodate, so when we moved to Cambridge, the title was changed simply to "Men of Achievement". This Sixteenth Edition of "Men of Achievement" contains the biographies of another 5000 men from all parts of the world and brings the total of those recognized in the series so far to more than 85000. And there is still a long way to go!
This Sixteenth Edition is dedicated to forty seven men from all parts of the world who have been selected by a team at the ГВС consisting of myself and our senior editors and researchers. A feature article on each of them appears in the Dedication Section.
Sixteenth Edition.
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