Tom Cannon
Basic Marketing: Principles and Practice
Издательство: Cassell, 1997 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 464 стр.
The fourth edition of BASIC MARKETING retains the strengths that made earlier editions the most widely praised and highly regarded European marketing textbook. The newest edition incorporates the latest thinking on issues like building the customer-driven company while underpinning its analysis with the best contemporary research.
The fundamental assumption of BASIC MARKETING is that the interplay of academic and practical knowledge holds the key to understanding and applying marketing techniques. The book integrates a host of relevant illustrations and the best US, European and other research with probably the largest and most diverse selection of cases available in a European textbook on marketing.
The new edition reinforces the international, especially European, features introduced in earlier editions while greatly expanding its coverage of strategy and development. Particular attention is paid to the challenge of implementing policy in a rapidly changing market-place. Treatment of the role of technology and the impact of innovation is expanded. There is increased coverage of ethical and environmental issues. The text pays particular attention to the changes introduced by developments such as mass customization, service marketing and the evolving role of the state.
The coverage of the cases is expanded. A major additional feature for students is the inclusion of new sections which give sample questions at the end of each chapter. These closely mirror the needs of students studying for undergraduate degrees, the Diploma in Management Studies, NVQs and the Chartered Institute of Marketing`s Diploma in Marketing. The new sections are designed to reflect the changes introduced into marketing, business and professional education through courses offered by BTEC and SCOTVEC. Particular attention is paid to the innovations prompted by the eyolution of the Management Charter Initiative (MCI).