Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

Free! Love Your Work,  Love Your Life

Chris Barez-Brown

Free! Love Your Work, Love Your Life

Издательство: Portfolio Penguin, 2014 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 208 стр.

Chris Barez-Brown, author of Shine, brings us a new book which inspires you to set your own rules at work, and make your job work for you. `Life and work are intrinsically linked. They are not separate; they are one. If we want to live an extraordinary life, we have to make our work equally extraordinary. When your work resonates with purpose, you jump out of bed every morning, excited by the possibilities the day holds for you. Everything else in your life seems to have a glow about it, and you exude much more personal shine. My aim in writing this book is to help you feel like that every day. To help you make your work work for you. To feel truly free. Reading Free will: remind you that you are fantastic and have the ability to do amazing things; show you that work is your slave, not the other way round; help you make work your ticket to an extraordinary future and put you in the driving seat and show you a route to freedom.` "Buy this book and free your mind, life and career". (Shaa Wasmund, bestselling author of Stop Talking, Start Doing). "Successful people love what they do. You can too. Read Free and learn how to make work work for you". (Marshall Goldsmith, bestselling author of What Got You Here Won`t Get You There). Chris Barez- Brown is on a mission to bring creative leadership to the business world and beyond. After helping turn Carling Black Label into the first British billion pound brand, he joined? What If!, the innovation and ideas agency. There he helped some of the world`s biggest businesses get better at innovating. In 2009 he founded Upping Your Elvis, a business whose sole focus is to release the genius of organisations by helping their people shine more brightly. He works with the likes of Coca-Cola, Nike, Diageo and WPP to help their teams make an extraordinary impact. His previous book, Shine: How to survive and thrive at work, found a global audience. As Seth Godin said, This book doesn`t read: it buzzes.

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17.02.2025 - 13:21
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