Masters` Interior Design 5: Restaurant & Cafe
Издательство: Gingko Press, 2013 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 258 стр.
Restaurant & Cafe selects the latest interior design for unique eateries arould the world, from deluxe dinner venues that seat hundreds of patrons to casual fast food spots. The content is split intro three sections: theme restaurants, concept restaurants, and cafes. The style choices that together make up a luxury eating environment are carefully explored, along with architectural choices that maximize space and functionality. Each restaurant is presented in terms of spatial layout, structural design, lighting, materials, functionality, atmosphere, and dining culture, and each project description is paired with detailed photographs, sketches, floor plans, and drawings. Karl`s Kitchen in Stuttgard, Fabrica Kreaton in Greece, Mercat in Amsterdam, BLOSSOM in Tokyo, FIX Restaurant in Stuttgard, and Celeste Champagne & Tea Room in Mexico City are just some of the decadent spaces featured within, offering every type of taste experience for the sophisticate`s palate.
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