The Nation's Leading Fitness Pros, Alwyn Cosgrove, Rachel Cosgrove
Results Fitness
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 360 стр.
Changing The Way Fitness Is Done! In our eternal quest for good health and fitness, we often wish for a magic potion or pill to make us fit and keep us in good health forever. Most of us don`t have the time to exercise and have become more and more sedentary as technology takes over, becoming glued to our desks. In the fitness industry, over the years, we have seen a dramatic decrease in the activity levels of clients showing up for their initial assessment. People are showing up in worse and worse shape each year. The advice from the Celebrity ExpertsA?A‚A‚A® in this book will turn this around with an approach that is changing the way fitness has been done in the past. The methods in this book don`t take a lot of time and are extremely effective. These Celebrity ExpertsA?A‚A‚A® bring us the best results and the bodies we want, using their knowledge, experience and proven methods. Reading their chapters and following their advice will truly change your fitness, health and lifestyle, giving you the results you desire. The greatest wealth is health. ~ Virgil