Marianna R. Eguaras Etchetto
Living in Dream Cities
Издательство: Loft Publications, 2009 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 672 стр.
Cities have their own spirits which give them Life and characterize them, filling them with charm and creating a definite personality which is deeply rooted in their history, architecture and residents. Witnesses to the past and the present, cities reflect the way their inhabitants think, feel and live, and are places where hopes and dreams are developed in so many different ways. With a great richness of architecture, tourism attractions and alternative cultures and societies all easily accessible, cities constitute modern spaces where people can experience different emotions. In this book we feature fifteen cities which stand out for their particular beauty and highlight the architectural spirit of historical and modern urbanization: Amsterdam, Cape Town, Barcelona, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, London, New York, Paris, Rome, San Francisco, Shanghai, Sydney and Tokyo. We invite you to browse through the pages and visit these fairy-tale cities with us.
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