Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

How and When to Invest in the Stock Market: Unique Approach to Winning Market Trading Strategies

Kantilal Patel

How and When to Invest in the Stock Market: Unique Approach to Winning Market Trading Strategies

Издательство: Writers Club Press, 2000 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 343 стр.

A unique approach with supporting market data and case studies is presented by the author. The approach is simple and easy to use and follow.

This book shows investors how and when to invest in stocks, mutual funds and index options.

The trading strategies are based on market timing techniques, with emphasis on technical analysis. It will expose, to investors, an exciting new approach in timing the trades.

It also discusses winning strategies for trading index options, supported by case studies with actual market data, which readers will find very useful.

The book also contains many examples and case studies including short and long term trading scenarios with loss and profit tally to help investors gain better understanding of the methodology.

One may ask, "Why another book on the stock market when there are so many books on the book shelves?"

This book is unique and different from other books on the subject matter. It makes the investing process foolproof. Buy and sell signals generated by the methodology presented in this book make the investing process mechanical without any attachment or emotional feeling for the stock market. In general, it tells investors when to get in the stock market and when to step aside. It removes the damaging effect of emotions and feelings from the investing process.

For more information, refer to page titled "Why This Book?"

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26.11.2024 - 10:55
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