Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

Stock Market Strategies That Work

Jake Bernstein

Stock Market Strategies That Work

Издательство: McGraw-Hill, 2001 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 288 стр.

How to trade­­and make money­­in today`s volatile market

Making significant money in the stock market isn`t a given. However, investors can greatly increase their odds of success by knowing the basics of how the market works and­­more important­­how to trade profitably in the market. Stock Market Strategies That Work goes far beyond other introductory books on the market, explaining in step-by-step detail the specific techniques, systems, methods, and indicators that veteran investors have used for years to prey on the unsuspecting average investor and fatten their own trading accounts. Jake and Elliott Bernstein use numerous charts and graphs to emphasize timing, entry and exit methods, trend analysis, risk management, and other higher-level topics.

Methods covered in this unique introduction to profitable investing include:

Risk management in today`s volatile market Charting techniques to track the consistent big movers Finding key entry and exit points using technical analysis

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17.02.2025 - 22:41
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