Robert Kaplan, Kathy Eisenhardt, Don Sull, Peter Tufano, Orit Gadiesh, James Gilbert, Mohanbir Sawhney, Michael Porter
Harvard Business Review on Advances in Strategy
Серия: Harvard Business Review Paperback Series
Издательство: Harvard Business School Press, 2002 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 256 стр.
The Harvard Business Review Paperback Series is designed to bring today's managers and professionals the fundamental information they need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world. From the preeminent thinkers whose work has defined an entire field to the rising stars who will redefine the way we think about business, here are the leading minds and landmark ideas that have established the Harvard Business Review as required reading for ambitious businesspeople in organizations around the globe.
This collection features the latest breakthroughs in strategy from some of the most pre-eminent names in the field.
Издание на английском языке.
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