Книги по рекламе, маркетингу, PR и дизайну

Economic Behavior and Institutions

Thrainn Eggertsson

Economic Behavior and Institutions

Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 1990 г.
0 521 34891 9
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 404 стр.

Scholars in a wide range of disciplines are adopting research approaches that emphasize the important role institutions play in shaping social behavior. Until now, however, no broad institutional framework has been developed for economics.
In this important book, Professor Eggertsson suggests that the field of economics as a whole has lagged behind other disciplines in utilizing institutional methods due to a lack of viable theoretical structures. In an effort to rectify this deficiency, Professor Eggertsson surveys institutional research now under way in various branches of economics and proposes a unified approach to this research that emphasizes the common dependency on Neoclassical models. The resultant "Neoinstitutional Economics" brings together such topics as the economics of property rights, the theory of the firm, industrial organization, cliometrics, and law and economics.
This book will serve as the primary resource for scholars and students who want to learn about this important new branch of economic theory.

"This study is much more than an excellent survey of diverse bodies of political and economic literature that fall under the author`s rubric of neoinstitutional economics. In the process of integrating and synthesizing this literature Thrainn Eggertsson has made important original extensions and contributions to a burgeoning field of the social sciences".

Douglass North

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16.02.2025 - 11:58
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