Книги издательства "McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing"
Designing Organizations To Create Value: From Strategy To StructureThis book contains a three-pronged strategy for boosting organizational performance - and shareholder value. As a business leader in today`s increasingly competitive global race, you need more than fads and buzzwords. You need a focused, ...... |
Gemba Kaizen: A Commonsense Approach to a Continuous Improvement StrategyThe methods presented in Gemba Kaizen, Second Edition reveal that when management focuses on implementing kaizen (incremental, continuous improvement) in the gemba (the worksite) unique opportunities can be discovered for increasing the success ...... |
The Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook (Six SIGMA Operational Methods)EXTREME SIX SIGMA: A new series that takes Six Sigma to the next level The Six Sigma Operational Methods Series goes beyond simply explaining Six Sigma basics to interested managers--these are hard-core working tools of statistical methods, ...... |
Juran's Quality Handbook: The Complete Guide to Performance Excellence 6/eThe definitive quality management compendium - revised for the first time in a decade. For more than 50 years, Juran`s Quality Handbook has been the singular essential reference to quality management and engineering. The Sixth Edition - the ...... |
Home Inspection Checklists: 111 Illustrated Checklists and Worksheets You Need Before Buying a HomeA prospective home buyer`s guide to evaluating a property, inside and out, loaded with inspection checklists, worksheets, charts, checklists, and photographs. This is a must-have for anyone considering a new or used home purchase. Формат: 18,5 ...... |
Construction Insurance, Bonding, and Risk ManagementDon`t let a construction lawsuit wipe you out. More and more construction contractors are getting sued these days. Make sure you protect yourself against costly litigation with Construction Insurance, Bonding and Risk Management edited by ...... |