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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10731
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Сарское село.
Добавлено: 02.10.2024 18:16  |  #151843
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Russia captures strategic stronghold after 2 years of Ukrainian resistance
KYIV, Ukraine — Russian troops on Wednesday took charge of the eastern Ukrainian town of Vuhledar, a bastion that had resisted intense attacks since Russia launched its full-scale assault in 2022.
The advance of Moscow’s forces, which control just under a fifth of Ukraine, has underlined Russia’s vast superiority in men and materiel as Ukraine pleads for more weapons from the Western allies that have been supporting it.
Ukraine’s eastern military command said it had ordered a pullback from the hilltop coal mining town to avoid encirclement by Russian troops and “preserve personnel and military equipment.”
The 72nd Mechanized Brigade, the last unit defending the city, posted photos of wounded soldiers to Facebook with the message: “These are very hard days. Very!”
The Russian defense ministry did not mention Vuhledar in its daily battlefield report.
Russian Telegram channels, however, published video of troops waving the Russian tricolor flag over shattered buildings.
The town, which had a population of over 14,000 before the war, has been devastated, with Soviet-era apartment buildings smashed apart and scarred.
President Vladimir Putin has said Russia’s primary tactical goal is to take the whole of the Donbas region — the provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk — in southeastern Ukraine.

Russia controls about 80% of the Donbas, a heavy industry hub where the armed conflict began in 2014 when Moscow-coordinated pro-Russian "separatist" forces took control over part of the region after a pro-Russian president was toppled in Kyiv and Moscow seized Crimea from Ukraine.
Since Russia sent its army into Ukraine in February 2022, the war has largely been a story of grinding artillery and drone strikes along a heavily fortified 620-mile front involving hundreds of thousands of soldiers.
But in August the battlefield became much more dynamic: Ukraine smashed through the border in Russia’s Kursk region in a bid to divert Russian forces, and Russian troops began advancing faster than before in eastern Ukraine.
Russian forces have been pushing westwards at key points along some 95 miles of the front in the Donetsk region, with the logistics hub of Pokrovsk also a key target.
They captured Ukrainsk on Sept. 17 and then began encircling Vuhledar, about 50 miles south of Pokrovsk.
Russia has been using pincer tactics to trap and then constrict Ukrainian strongholds. Images from the area showed intense bombardment of the town with artillery and aerial glide bombs.
Neither side discloses losses, and each said the other had paid a high human price for the town.
“Having suffered numerous losses as a result of prolonged battles, the enemy did not stop trying to capture Vuhledar. In an effort to take control of the city at any cost, he managed to direct the reserves to carry out flanking attacks, which exhausted the defense of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As a result of the enemy’s actions, there was a risk of the encirclement of the city,” Ukraine’s eastern command said early Wednesday.
“The higher command has given permission to carry out a maneuver to withdraw units from Vuhledar in order to preserve personnel and combat equipment, to take up positions for further actions.”
Control of Vuhledar, which lies at the intersection of the eastern and southern battlefields, is significant because it will ease Russia’s advance as it tries to pierce deeper behind the Ukrainian defensive lines.
Russian bloggers said Russia could now try to push towards Velyka Novosilka, just over 20 miles to the west.
Vuhledar also sits close to a railway line connecting Crimea to the Donbas region.
Russian forces currently control 98.5% of the Luhansk region and 60% of the Donetsk region.

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С такими обложками вышли сегодняшние номера иранских газет.

Реклама отечественного оружия - баннер в Тегеране с изображением ракеты «Фаттах» и надписью на ней:

«Вы будете много плакать. אתם תבכו הרבה».


Successo di pubblico e una contestazione all'International Salieri Circus Award
L'evento di Legnago si è chiuso con sette spettacoli che hanno fatto sempre registrare il tutto esaurito. Squalificata l'artista ucraina AnnaDallArt per la sua protesta contro la presenza di un giurato russo

Saluti finali all'International Salieri Circus Award 2024

Si è concluso con una polemica ed un grande successo la quarta edizione dell'International Salieri Circus Award, uno degli appuntamenti più prestigiosi per l'arte circense internazionale. Accompagnati dalla musica eseguita dal vivo dall'Orchestra Ritmico Sinfonica Italiana diretta dal maestro Diego Basso, artisti provenienti da 21 diverse nazioni si sono esibiti sul palco del Teatro Salieri di Legnago in sette spettacoli che hanno fatto sempre registrare il tutto esaurito.
Al termine della kermesse, il direttore generale Luciano Giarola ha elencato dati importanti. La vendita di tutti i biglietti è stata raggiunta con largo anticipo rispetto allo scorso anno e molte persone non hanno potuto accedere al teatro. Ed anche gli eventi collaterali hanno registrato una grande partecipazione, con un ottimo afflusso alle mostre e alle altre iniziative in programma.
Uno dei fattori chiave del crescente successo di pubblico è stato individuato nell'estensione della durata del festival, con l'inaugurazione delle mostre nella settimana precedente, per un totale di 16 giorni di eventi.
Giarola ha infine annunciato le date degli spettacoli della quinta edizione, che si svolgeranno dal 25 al 29 settembre 2025.
E la quarta edizione verrà ricordata per i vincitori premiati al termine dell'Award Gala, ma anche per una plateale protesta avvenuta sul palco domenica scorsa, 29 settembre.

La protesta di Anna Petrenko (Fermo immagine video Instagram - annadellart)

Sul palco era salita la giocoliera ucraina AnnaDellArt, nome d'arte di Anna Petrenko. Il sipario del Salieri si è aperto, ma invece di esibirsi AnnaDellArt ha mostrato a tutti la bandiera dell'Ucraina e dei cartelli contro uno dei giurati, il russo Maxim Nikulin. Una contestazione diretta agli organizzatori che hanno messo in giuria il direttore del circo di Mosca. «Nikulin è funzionario di un paese aggressore - ha spiegato sui social AnnaDellArt - Sotto la sua guida, il Circo di Stato di Mosca offre benefici ai partecipanti alle azioni militari in Ucraina e ai loro figli, mentre le brigate di artisti favorevoli alla guerra si esibiscono per i soldati. Nikulin aiuta l'esercito e sostiene il governo russo. Ogni giorno le bombe continuano a colpire case pacifiche in Ucraina. Come può una persona con un'immagine del genere essere invitata nella giuria dove si esibiscono gli artisti ucraini?».
AnnaDellArt, anche per il semplice fatto di non essersi esibita e quindi di non aver dato materiale per essere giudicata, è stata squalificata. La giovane si è scusata con il pubblico che non ha potuto vedere il suo spettacolo ed ha ringraziato che l'ha supportata. «Attraverso la mia esibizione - ha aggiunto - ho espresso il mio malcontento per la decisione degli organizzatori che giudico un tentativo di riabilitare l'immagine della Russia, Paese aggressore nella guerra contro l'Ucraina».

Mikail Karahan (Foto di Gaby Merz)

AnnaDellArt è stata quindi esclusa dai possibili vincitori dei premi del festival.
Alla fine, la giuria presieduta da Anita Gambarutti Orfei ha conferito il Salieri d'Oro, massimo riconoscimento, a Mikail Karahan per la sua performance con la ruota Cyr. L'artista, a Legnago, ha conquistato il pubblico grazie a un numero che unisce virtuosismo tecnico e grande espressività comica. Il Salieri d'Argento è andato al giocoliere russo Aleksei Teslin, che ha stupito con la sua energica esibizione con il diabolo, e agli acrobati aerei Xtreme Flying, che hanno incantato con un romantico e coinvolgente numero di acrobatica aerea e pole dance. Il Salieri di Bronzo è stato assegnato al verticalista bielorusso Cello, che ha eseguito difficili equilibri sulle mani con eleganza e precisione, al duo aereo americano Luna Girls, che ha emozionato con una performance armoniosa al cerchio aereo, e alla trapezista italiana Valentina Padellini, della compagnia ArteMàkia, che ha saputo coniugare danza e trapezio in un numero intenso e sperimentale realizzato con la regia di Milo Scotton.
Il Premio della Critica, deciso dalla giuria della stampa composta da giornalisti italiani e stranieri esperti del settore, è stato assegnato all'acrobata russo Ivan Slipchenko, per la sua straordinaria combinazione di teatralità e abilità nell'equilibrismo. Il Premio Musica, conferito dal maestro Diego Basso, è andato all'artista belga Alexandra Malter, che ha incantato con una coreografia fluida e perfettamente sincronizzata con la musica, utilizzando l'hula hoop. Il Premio del Pubblico, deciso tramite gli oltre 1.550 voti raccolti tramite l'app del festival, è stato vinto da Mikail Karahan, acclamato per la sua maestria e simpatia. Il Premio Ansac (Associazione Nazionale Sviluppo Arti Circensi) è stato assegnato all'equilibrista russo Artem Sherstobitov, per il suo impressionante controllo durante complesse evoluzioni su strutture precarie. Il duo di clown argentini Crazy Mozarts ha ricevuto il Premio Città di Legnago per la loro sinfonia di gag comiche e musicali che ha coinvolto e fatto ridere il pubblico. Infine, Il Premio Fondazione Teatro Salieri è stato consegnato dalla presidente Mariagrazia Moratello all’artista Cello.
E durante l'Award Gala, è stato assegnato il Salieri di Platino alla Carriera a Paolo Casanova, in arte Carillon. La sua emozionante performance con la cantante Nox e la successiva consegna del premio hanno incantato il pubblico, celebrando la sua carriera come massimo interprete della "Clownerie del Cuore".

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С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10731
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Сарское село.
Добавлено: 02.10.2024 19:12  |  #151844
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Благодарю российских дипломатов, всех коллег и просто неравнодушных людей за поддержку в ситуации, которая произошла в штаб-квартире ООН. Будем бороться дальше. Не за себя, а за то, чтобы никто не мог препятствовать нашим зрителям и слушателям в доступе к информации.


Возмутительная история с Валентином Богдановым и его съемочной группой. Будем бескомпромиссно бороться за права наших журналистов в ООН!


Официальный представитель МИД России Мария Захарова раскритиковала решение секретариата ООН понизить уровень аккредитации шефа нью-йоркского бюро ВГТРК Валентина Богданова:

"Если бы секретариат ООН наказывал всех журналистов, которые задают вопросы дипломатам, передвигающимся по штаб-квартире, то в ООН не осталось бы ни одного представителя средств массовой информации".


Россия направила ноту генсеку ООН с требованием прояснить обстоятельства инцидента с Валентином Богдановым и дать оценку действиям представителей Германии, заявила Мария Захарова.

"Мы будем добиваться справедливости, восстановления нашего журналиста в правах и вынесения соответствующих… предписаний в отношении действий Анналены Бербок и ее команды хамов".


ООН понизила уровень аккредитации шефу нью-йоркского бюро ВГТРК Валентину Богданову за вопросы главе МИД Германии Анналене Бербок на Генассамблее ООН.

В сообщении организации утверждается, что Богданов нарушил правила доступа СМИ, но не указаны конкретные пункты, которые якобы нарушил журналист.

"В свете вышеизложенного и с учетом дополнительных привилегий доступа, предоставляемых владельцам корреспондентских пропусков резидентов, было принято решение заменить ваш основной пропуск на нерезидентский (Green P), который вступает в силу немедленно", - говорится в письме ООН.


Небензя: Сегодняшняя новость об объявлении Генсекретаря ООН персоной нон грата в Израиле – это неслыханное и в высшей степени хамское решение. Это пощечина не только ООН, но и всем нам. Призываем членов Совета и членов ООН отреагировать на этот возмутительный шаг.
Еще раз повторяю, необходимый для решения этих задач инструментарий у Совета имеется. Вопрос лишь в наличии политической воли. А она у нас есть, а у вас? Призываем всех как можно скорее дать ответ на этот вопрос!


Примеры самодовольства и исключительности:

DAVID PATRIKARAKOS: My Israeli sources say there's never been a better time to destroy those who want them dead. All of us who hope to live in peace must pray they succeed

The only surprise was that the attack didn’t come sooner. Israel has spent weeks pounding Iran’s proxies – Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.
It has killed both Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah – and on Monday night, Israel finally put boots on the ground in southern Lebanon. The humiliation for Tehran’s mullahs has been relentless.
So last night’s sudden barrage of missiles – 500 illuminated the skies over Israel, which caused panic but inflicted limited casualties – was hardly unexpected. This day was always going to come.
It’s deja vu in the Middle East. Once more, Iran strikes Israel. Once more, the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) are marching across a border – this time to neutralise Hezbollah which has struck Israeli civilians, towns and cities almost daily since the October 7 Hamas atrocities.
Islamist terrorists in the Middle East refuse to let the Jewish state live in peace; and the Israelis have had enough.
Both Hezbollah and Tehran are united by a single goal: to destroy a sovereign democracy. It is an intolerable situation for any nation state. My Israeli sources tell me they are ready for anything Iran throws at them. They believe that there has never been a better time to destroy those who want them dead.
Britain and America have significant ¬military assets in the region, which will likely support Benjamin Netanyahu’s forces. The United States has a senile incumbent and a vice president focused on winning an election. The absence of internal US leadership gives Israel more latitude to operate than it has perhaps ever had. And after its extraordinary successes over recent weeks, it has something else vital, too: momentum.
With so many actors involved, the regional and possibly global war that no one wants but everyone fears is now all too real.
Hezbollah has turned southern Lebanon into a staging post for its attacks. Its border villages have become military bases; its houses ammunition stores and its civilians human shields.
Now that Iran has attacked, the IDF’s mission in Lebanon could not be more critical. It has described the invasion as one that will be ‘limited, localised and targeted’. The goal is to disrupt Hezbollah’s infrastructure and eliminate its military positions there.
Simple and quick, right?
The problem here is that this is exactly what the IDF told me the Gaza operation would be like when I visited their HQ in October 2023. Almost a year later, Israeli troops are still in the strip. Hamas, though massively degraded, is there, too.
The IDF will not find southern Lebanon a hospitable place. It’s a beautiful part of the world, formed by the Jabal Amel mountains – rich in olives, grapes and tobacco – and the Litani River, which originates in the Beqaa Valley and flows southward, creating a fertile coastal plain, before turning west towards the Mediterranean.
But southern Lebanon is also home to something else: hundreds of miles of tunnels and caves, a subterranean labyrinth of terror that Hezbollah (Arabic for Party Of God) uses to hide, to store its massive arsenal and to launch its demented attacks.
Israel knows this. Military spokesman Daniel Hagari, an articulate and thoughtful man in my experience, says special forces have in fact operated inside Lebanon dozens of times over the past months, destroying tunnels ¬wherever they find them. I don’t doubt it. The Israelis are excellent at this sort of thing. But still, I can’t help but worry – not least after last night’s spectacular missile onslaught. Lebanon is a tiny country that has always exercised an influence far beyond its size. As I said on 90 Seconds To Midnight, the Mail’s weekly global news podcast, it’s worth remembering a dictum of international politics: ‘Beware of small states.’
Believe me, no country has felt this curse more than Israel – itself a very small state. On June 6, 1982, Israeli forces invaded Lebanon, aiming to quickly neutralise the threat to their north.
Operation Peace For Galilee was launched after gunmen from the Palestinian Abu Nidal Organization attempted to assassinate Shlomo Argov, Israel’s ambassador to the United Kingdom. It was time, Jerusalem decided, to take them out once and for all. Eighteen years later the Israelis, exhausted and demoralised, finally withdrew, the threat to their north still present.
When the Israelis whacked ¬Nasrallah last week, they did not only themselves, but the world, a favour. The Hezbollah boss was not just a terrorist butcher – he was a highly capable one. With help from Iran, of course, the group has achieved more military success against Israel in just over 30 years than almost all the Arab states had in around 80.
First, it kicked the Israelis out of the ‘security zone’ they held in southern Lebanon for 18 years. Then, in 2006, it fought Israel to something approaching a draw in a head-to-head war. It began when Nasrallah ordered his men to kidnap some Israeli soldiers, which they did, and which brought a ferocious Israeli response. So vast was the destruction to Lebanon that Nasrallah said that had he known how the Israelis would react he would never have ordered the kidnapping. But to many in the Arab world, Hezbollah had once again stood up to the ‘Zionist oppressor’. They were heroes.
Well, no longer.
‘Unprecedented’ is an overused word in political and journalistic discourse, but Israel’s ability to pack thousands of Hezbollah ¬pagers with explosives that were then distributed to the group’s members across Lebanon was truly something I’ve never seen before – an operation that will be studied in military history for -decades to come.
Then they swiped Nasrallah himself. The Israelis have since taken out around 98 per cent of Hezbollah’s leadership. But Hezbollah is not just a terror organisation, it is a highly organised ¬paramilitary group (not to mention political party and social actor in Lebanon). Within its second-rung leadership, there are men who are smart and exceptionally ruthless as they’ve spent years fighting on the ground.
Already you can see how its ¬tactics are shifting. After Mossad took out Hezbollah’s pagers (and then walkie-talkies) it shattered the group’s communications, not only internally but with its ¬masters in Tehran and terrorist allies across the region. But it also forced Hezbollah to get creative and, in true Islamist style, this has meant regression – to earlier, more analogue forms of contact.
The militants now pass messages verbally, the group’s vast networks allow them to spread widely rapidly and, of course, it’s much harder to hack or intercept them with satellites.
Meanwhile, the bulk of Hezbollah’s ground forces remain – brandishing large amounts of sophisticated weaponry (including guided missiles theoretically capable of hitting deep inside Israel).
Israel is embarking down a hard and brutal road. By splitting its resources between two fronts –not including any direct action it might take on Tehran – it may well be weakened. But what choice does it have?
What would we demand of Downing Street if thousands of rockets had rendered large parts of Britain uninhabitable? What would be the point of our armed forces if not to remove that threat?
We must hope that Israel ¬succeeds in its missions against both Iran and its proxies, quickly and with minimal loss of life.
This is a battle not just for regional security, but for anyone who cares about democracy, the rule of law and the right to live in peace – and the Israelis are fighting it on behalf of us all.

Материал полностью.

How Israel could target Iran's sprawling 'oil island' where 90% of the country's exports flows as IDF 'prepares to launch retaliation for missile barrage attack'

Israel could be plotting to target Iran's sprawling 'oil island' where 90 per cent of the country's exports flow as the IDF is peparing to exact revenege following last night's missile barrage attack.
The Israeli military branded the multiple strikes 'a severe and dangerous escalation' and warned 'there will be consequences,' as tensions in the Middle East continue to spiral.
Now, in retaliation to the launch of almost 200 Iranian missiles into Israeli territory, the country is planning a major response which is likely to destory Iran's most crucial oil export hub - Kharg Island.
Known as Iran's 'Oil Island', up to 95 per cent of the country's oil exports travel through its doors, meaning Israel could target the terminal in the Persian Gulf with the aim of denying the country oil revene.
Located just 15miles off Iran's Northern coast, Kharg Island was once the world's largest offshore crude oil terminal and a hit could carry devastating consequences.

A view of oil facilities on the Kharg island on the Persian Gulf about 1,250km south of Tehran on February 23, 2016

Located just 15miles off Iran's Northern coast, Kharg Island was once the world's largest offshore crude oil terminal and a hit could carry devastating consequences

Up to 95 per cent of the country's oil exports travel through Kharg Island

Such an attack will likely end with a short-term crude price spike of around five per cent as it carries the potential for widespread international disruption - primarily to Iran's exports to China, the world's largest importer of oil.
Iran is the third biggest producer of crude oil in the OPEC group of oil-producing countries and is heavily reliant on its oil and gas exports to prop up its ailing economy amid years of sanctions.
Former Israeli Intelligence official and regional analyst Avi Melamed told MailOnline the Iranian strike was likely to 'provoke a significant counterstrike', warning that 'Israel's response this time will likely be broader and less restrained than it was in the wake of Iran's unprecedented direct strike in April.'
But Iran's armed forces joint chief of staff Gen. Mohammad Bagheri said this morning that the Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) was prepared both defensively and offensively to repeat its missile attack with 'multiplied intensity', should Israel seek retribution.
'If the Zionist regime, that has gone insane, is not contained by America and Europe and intends to continue such crimes or do anything against our sovereignty or territorial integrity, tonight's operation will be repeated with much higher magnitude and we will hit all their infrastructure,' he said.
With crude supplies in the region under threat, oil prices have sky-rocketed by more than two per cent.
Iran is believed to be producing more than a staggering three million barrels a day, placing it at a five-year high.
Helima Croft, an analyst at RBC Capital Markets, an investment bank, told CNBC: 'There has been a lot of complacency about this war'.

Ballistic missiles being launched from Iran against Israel and intercepted in the sky. Over 150 ballistic missiles had been launched from Iran against Israel and intercepted in the sky across the country

A view of lighting flares fired by Israeli army at the Netzarim Corridor area in the central part of the Gaza Strip, Gaza on October 01

Iran launched a missile attack on Israel's commercial hub Tel Aviv

Artillery is fired by the Israeli Army into Lebanon, amid cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel, as seen from Jish, northern Israel October 2, 2024

Iranian state TV broadcasted the moment it launched nearly 200 missiles towards Israel

She added that amid the ongoing chaos, traders have mostly ignored the threat of oil supply disruptions .
'We do need to think about a scenario where Iranian oil supplies are at risk,' Croft warned.
US lawmakers have backed a strike against Iranian oil production.
Senator Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina, said he would 'urge the Biden administration to coordinate an overwhelming response with Israel, starting with Iran's ability to refine oil'.
In a statement, he said Iran's oil refineries should be 'hit and hit hard'.
The threat comes after Iran last night fired a barrage of nearly 200 ballistic missiles at Israeli territory with Israeli military now preparing a 'significant retaliation' to the shocking attack.
The IDF said it intercepted 'a large number' of the ballistic missiles thanks to the country's Arrow and David's Sling missile defense systems, and assistance from US destroyers and Jordanian interceptors in the region.
Israel Defence Forces' Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said: 'There were a small number of hits in the centre of Israel, and other hits in Southern Israel.
'The majority of the incoming missiles were intercepted by Israel and a defensive coalition led by the United States.
'Our defensive and offensive capabilities are at the highest levels of readiness.

Материал полностью.

Did Israel's Iron Dome withstand Iran's rocket salvo? How missile defense system intercepted missile barrage...and what could happen if it fails

A vindictive Iran last night sought to strike at the heart of Israel with a shocking attack that saw an unprecedented barrage of almost 200 ballistic missiles streak towards Israeli cities.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Iran 'has made a big mistake' and 'will pay' for the attack, with Israel's military preparing a 'significant retaliation' to the bombardment that could see if strike nuclear facilities and oil fields.
It's unclear how many of the missiles actually penetrated Israel's defences, with the scale of the strike proving to be one of the biggest tests ever faced by the country's hi-tech Iron Dome network.
A triumphant Tehran has claimed up to 80 per cent of its missiles ripped through Israel's sophisticated air defences - but the IDF disputed this, saying most were shot down, with the aid of US warships in the region.
Dramatic footage from the aerial assault showed missiles streaking through the sky, with some exploding mid-air after being hit by Israeli air defence missiles - while others were seen slamming into the ground and blowing up.
And as the fallout of last night's raid continues to clear, amid fears a retaliatory strike could ignite 'all-out war' in the Middle East, defence experts have said Israel's air defences were broadly successful in protecting the country.
'If this is the best [Iran] can do, then Israel will chalk this up as yet another victory. Yes, another humiliation for Tehran,' defence expert Michael Clarke said.

Israeli officials have not reported any serious injuries as a result of Tuesday's air attacks, but Israeli medics said two people had been slightly wounded by shrapnel.
Israel's Iron Dome system garners the most attention of the country's air defences as it's used most frequently to bring down unguided, short-range rockets often fired by Hezbollah and Hamas.
However, the country's air defences are made of three critical 'overlapping' systems that can blast threats out of the skies at different ranges.
The targeting of guided ballistic missiles that travel at higher altitudes, longer ranges and faster speeds requires a different system from the Iron Dome to take them down.
For this, Israel uses both 'David's Sling 'and the 'Arrow 2 and 3' home-grown air defence systems which are built to destroy medium-range and long-range ballistic missiles.
Defence expert Prof Clarke said Iran's shock attack had sought to 'overwhelm' Israeli defences - and was a step up from Tehran's last attack on April 13 when more than 300 projectiles were fired and largely repelled.
He said TV pictures indicated a 'fairly fierce, sort of missile, counter-missile battery battle' above Jerusalem and other cities.
Although some missiles appeared to breach Israeli defences, Prof Clarke claimed this could have been a deliberate decision by the IDF to 'let go' the missiles that weren't deemed a major threat.
Describing the Iron Dome and it's effectiveness, he told Sky News: 'It's really important to understand when we're trying to talk about how effectively the Iron Dome – Israel's defence system works.

'What they do is they track incoming missiles and if they think that the missile is going to land in a place that doesn't matter they just let it go.
'There's no point in using a very expensive air defence missile against something that is going to fall into the middle of the desert.
'The whole of the Iron Dome system is built on a very sophisticated monitoring system and they work out which missiles they need to intercept and which missiles they just let go.
'And so when the Iranians claims 'lots of missiles have landed' some of them probably will have – but some of them will have probably landed in the middle of nowhere and the Israelis will have just let them go.'
He said ballistic missiles were 'much more predictable than cruise missiles', which weren't used last night.
Cruise missiles have the ability to be guided towards their target and were 'harder to predict' where they would land, Prof Clarke said.
'It may be programmed to dodge around and go on a decoy and turn back around and so on before it reaches it’s target.
‘So you don’t really know [where it will land] and you’ve got no choice but to shoot cruise missiles down if you can.
‘But ballistic missiles – the sort that the Iranians are using which are almost certainly variations of the Fateh-110 which they developed many years ago – only burn for maybe 30 or 40 seconds, and then they’re on pure ballistics.
‘So once the take-off has been detected – and they’re easy to detect on take-off because they’re slow and hot and have a very big signature.'
Israel's Iron Dome air defence system has been dubbed one of the best in the world, and according to its developer Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, is '90 per cent effective'.
The three-part, multi-billion pound Iron Dome system, developed by Israel with US backing after the 2006 Lebanon War, has been crucial in defending Israeli cities for over a decade and is credited with preventing serious damage or casualties.
Similar tactics have also been used by Russia to blast Ukraine's flurry of Western and Soviet-era surface-to-air systems.
The Jewish state has at least 10 missile batteries capable of intercepting enemy rockets and missiles scattered across the country.

The device is made up of three main sections: a radar detection system, a computer to calculate the incoming rocket's trajectory, and a launcher that fires interceptors if the rocket is deemed likely to hit a built-up or strategic area.
Each Iron Dome battery consists of three to four launchers that can each carry up to 20 Tamir interceptor missiles.
Commodore Stephen Prest, a retired Royal Navy Commodore who has worked as part of a carrier battle group, believed Israel targeted missiles that posed a high-threat to Israeli civilians and military HQs.
But he told MailOnline: 'These are not trivial problems.
'Ballistic missiles has an up-and-over trajectory whereas cruise missiles fly like a small fast airplane.
'Ballistic missiles launch up like a space rocket, they will potentially exit the atmosphere and come back down. There will be some guidance once back in the atmosphere on getting back on to target.
'But it’s the speed they come down with that makes them much more difficult to target coming down.'

Cmdr Prest suspected that Israel opted to take out the missiles that posed the biggest threat to civilian populations or military HQs.
He added: 'In general, that’s how air defence deals with something called threat evaluation and weapon allocation. You look at all potential threats coming in and priotise them and allocate the appropriate effector.
'You then consider where you think it likely the target and missiles are going to land. If you’re in a ship and have missiles coming in and going near where near the task force you wouldn't waste your munitions of those. You’d use those on the greatest threat – that's those missiles which are targeting the high-value targets like aircraft carriers.
'If you’re defending populated areas or military facility you care far less about the ones that aren’t part of this.'
The region is edging closer to all-out war that is already drawing in allies on both sides - with British jets used to counter Iran's strikes, which were fired in retaliation to attacks on the Islamic Republic's Hezbollah allies in Lebanon in recent days.
Reports suggest Israel, which has vowed to strike 'powerfully' in response to Iran , could go after the country's oil facilities.
However, a former head of Britain's Royal Navy this morning warned any such strike could lead to Iran becoming 'even more dangerous'.
Lord Alan West told MailOnline: 'Iran won’t be beaten by being bombed, she will just be wounded and more dangerous. They will just try and find to get back at them.'
Iran is the third biggest producer of crude oil in the OPEC group of oil-producing countries and is heavily reliant on its oil and gas exports to prop up its ailing economy amid years of sanctions.
Former Israeli Intelligence official and regional analyst Avi Melamed told MailOnline the Iranian strike was likely to 'provoke a significant counterstrike', warning that 'Israel's response this time will likely be broader and less restrained than it was in the wake of Iran's unprecedented direct strike in April.'
But Iran's armed forces joint chief of staff Gen. Mohammad Bagheri said this morning that the Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) was prepared both defensively and offensively to repeat its missile attack with 'multiplied intensity', should Israel seek retribution.
'If the Zionist regime, that has gone insane, is not contained by America and Europe and intends to continue such crimes or do anything against our sovereignty or territorial integrity, tonight's operation will be repeated with much higher magnitude and we will hit all their infrastructure,' he said.
Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi also declared that Tehran had warned the US 'to withdraw from this matter and not to intervene'.
But the US has vowed to stand with its regional ally Israel, with national security adviser Jake Sullivan telling reporters at the White House: 'We have made clear that there will be consequences, severe consequences, for this attack, and we will work with Israel to make that the case.'
Meanwhile, Israel's ongoing military operations have continued uninterrupted - at least five airstrikes reportedly hit the southern suburbs of Beirut early this morning.
More than 1,000 people have been killed in Israeli strikes in Lebanon since September 17, while hundreds of thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes.
And Israeli strikes killed at least 32 people in southern Gaza overnight as the military launched ground operations in the hard-hit city of Khan Younis.
Israel has continued to strike what it says are militant targets across Gaza nearly a year after Hamas' October 7 attack ignited the war, even as attention has shifted to Lebanon and growing tensions with Iran.
Defence secretary John Healey visited Cyprus today as the British government steps up efforts for a potential evacuation of UK nationals in Lebanon as the crisis threatens to boil over.
Mr Healey confirmed British forces were involved in efforts to defend Israel from Iran's ballistic missile barrage as Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer warned of the risk of a 'miscalculation"' after the escalation of violence in the region.
It is understood RAF jets were involved in the efforts to intercept the Iranian missiles targeted at Iran.
The operation was similar to the role carried out by the UK's forces when Iran launched a drone and cruise missile barrage at Israel in April, when RAF Typhoons were involved in the defensive effort.
In a statement on Tuesday night, Mr Healey confirmed "British forces have this evening played their part in attempts to prevent further escalation in the Middle East".
Hundreds of British troops have been deployed to Cyprus alongside RAF and Royal Navy assets in the region in preparation for a potential evacuation of British nationals from Lebanon following the launch of Israel's ground offensive.
On Wednesday, Mr Healey met Cypriot counterpart Vasilis Palmas for talks about the crisis.
Israel said it intercepted many of the missiles fired by Iran on Tuesday, while Tehran claimed most had hit their targets. There were no immediate reports of casualties.
In a Downing Street statement on the crisis, Sir Keir Starmer said he was "deeply concerned that the region is on the brink and I am deeply concerned about the risk of miscalculation".
He said that Iran, with proxies including Hezbollah in Lebanon, had "menaced the Middle East for far too long".

Материал полностью.

Fears UK and US could be dragged into Israel and Iran conflict in the Middle East: Experts say 'huge diplomatic pressure' could pull West into WW3

Britain and America could be dragged into a wider war between Israel and Iran, a defence chief has warned - as the globe teeters on the brink of World War Three.
US and British warships are already in the region, with one of America's most powerful aircraft carriers the USS Harry S Truman now steaming across the Atlantic to bolster the West's military muscle in the region.
It comes after Iran launched an unprecedented onslaught against Tel Aviv overnight which saw about 180 ballistic missiles being fired against Israel, plunging the Middle East into chaos.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned the Iranian leadership had 'made a big mistake' and he defiantly vowed it 'will pay' for its bombardment.
Meanwhile Iran threatened more 'crushing attacks' on Israel - while Iranian-backed militias warned American bases in Iraq would be targeted should the US join any action against Tehran.
And as the crisis threats to explode, with Israel continuing with its bombing against Lebannon today, Admiral Lord Alan West, the former head of the Royal Navy, feared the ratcheting up of military aggression was reaching a dangerous stage.
The veteran Labour peer told MailOnline: 'There's a huge amount of diplomatic pressure - the last thing we want is for a war between Israel and Iran because inevitably America would be involved because the USA is the 'Great Satan' and we're the little one and Iranians see us working alongside us, so it could inevitably see the UK getting pulled into this.'

Pictured are the British and American warships in the region that could aid Israel against Iran

Two American warships were last night used in the effort to defend Israel from Iran's bombardment, with the USS Bulkeley and USS Cole firing 'approximately a dozen interceptors against the incoming Iranian missiles', US officials confirmed.
America already has a number of major naval battle groups stationed in the region, with the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group in the Gulf of Oman, south of Iran, the USS Wasp amphibious assault group in the Mediterranean, as well as a number of Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers in the Med and Red Sea.
The USS Harry S Truman aircraft carrier is steaming across the Atlantic with Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS Jason Dunham and USS Stout and guided-missile cruiser USS Gettysburg and is expected to arrive in the region soon.
While Britain has £1bn Type 45 warship HMS Duncan, which is touted as one of the most advanced air defence destroyers in the world, is currently in Cyprus - a key staging point for UK forces in the Middle East region.
The UK Ministry of Defence said two Typhoon jets and a tanker were involved in the operation on Tuesday night as Iran launched a missile barrage against Israel but 'due to the nature of this attack, they did not engage any targets'.
The bolstering of Western military hardware comes as the region edges closer to an all-out war that is drawing in allies on both sides - with British jets used to counter Iran's strikes, which were fired in retaliation to attacks on the Islamic Republic's Hezbollah allies in Lebanon in recent days.
Reports suggest Israel, which has vowed to 'make Iran pay', could go after the Islamic Republic's oil facilities.
Iran is the third biggest producer of crude oil in the OPEC group of oil-producing countries and is heavily reliant on its oil and gas exports to prop up its ailing economy amid years of sanctions.

Meanwhile, former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett this morning called for a decisive strike to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities.
'We must act now to destroy Iran's nuclear program, its central energy facilities, and to fatally cripple this terrorist regime,' Bennett wrote on X just hours after the attack on Israel on Tuesday.
'We have the justification. We have the tools. Now that Hezbollah and Hamas are paralysed, Iran stands exposed.'
Speaking at the opening of a cabinet meeting on Tuesday night, Mr Netanyahu said Iran 'does not understand' his country's 'determination to retaliate' against its enemies.
'They will understand. We will stand by the rule we established: whoever attacks us – we will attack'.
An Israeli official said the attack – a major escalation in the months-long conflict in the Middle East – signalled war had been declared on Israel.
'This attack will have consequences. We have plans, and we will operate at the place and time we decide,' added Rear-Adm Daniel Hagari, an Israeli military spokesman.
America, which was involved in shooting down the barrage, warned there will be 'severe consequences' for Iran, while Downing Street 'completely condemns' Tehran's actions and has called for de-escalation across the region.
In the wake of Iran's missile attack, President Joe Biden said last night the US remains 'fully' supportive of Israeli defense efforts.
Speaking just before he was set to receive a briefing on ongoing relief efforts in the wake of Hurricane Helene, Biden said American troops had 'actively supported the defense of Israel' against Tehran's shock offensive.

'Based on what we know now, the attack appears to have been defeated and ineffective, and this is testament to Israeli military capability and the US military,' he said. 'It's also a testament to intensive planning between the United States and Israel to anticipate and defend against the brazen attack we expected.'
Responding on Tuesday to Iran's attack, Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer said the UK 'stands with Israel' and recognises its right to self-defence.
Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps claimed it had launched the missiles in retaliation for recent attacks that killed the leaders of the Hezbollah and Hamas terror groups, as well as a top Iranian commander.
But speaking from Downing Street Sir Keir lashed out at Iran's bombardment of Israel, saying he was 'deeply concerned that the region is on the brink'.
'We stand with Israel and we recognise her right to self-defence in the face of this aggression,' said the PM, who had been on the phone with Netanyahu when the strikes began.
Calling on Iran to stop its attacks, the PM added: 'Together with its proxies like Hezbollah, Iran has menaced the Middle East for far too long, chaos and destruction brought not just to Israel, but to the people they live amongst in Lebanon and beyond.
'Make no mistake, Britain stands full square against such violence. We support Israel's reasonable demand for the security of its people.'
Defence Secretary John Healey, who is Cyprus to visit personnel based on the island, said British forces had 'played their part in attempts to prevent further escalation', without giving more details.
He added: 'The UK stands fully behind Israel's right to defend its country and its people against threats.'
Former Tory Armed Forces Minister said Britain must remain staunchly behind its allies in Israel.
He told MailOnline: 'We should stand by Isreal, the only democracy in the Middle East, in her hour of need.'
In a statement, the MoD said: 'Last night two Royal Air Force Typhoon fighter jets and a Voyager air-to-air refuelling tanker played their part in attempts to prevent further escalation in the Middle East, demonstrating the UK's unwavering commitment to Israel's security.
'Due to the nature of this attack, they did not engage any targets, but they played an important part in wider deterrence and efforts to prevent further escalation.
'The Defence Secretary has thanked our personnel involved in the response.'

Материал полностью.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Сарское село.
Добавлено: 03.10.2024 1:05  |  #151845
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К сожалению только версия для 3D…

Источник видео.

Непростая ночь.

Эта ночь может быть непростой для целого ряда русских земель - по поступающим данным, боевики ВСУ подготовили массированную атаку дронов на следующие российские регионы - Белгородскую, Курскую, Брянскую, Воронежскую и Липецкую области.

По предварительным данным, общее количество запущенных нацистами дронов только по трём областям - Брянской, Курской и Белгородской - уже превысило 200 БПЛА и может достигать 250 беспилотников.


Российские паблики сообщают, что Украина предприняла новую массированную атаку дронов по территории РФ.

Пишут, что более 200 БПЛА летят через Брянскую, Белгородскую и Орловскую область в северном направлении.

По ним работает ПВО.


Массированная атака врага в сторону Москвы: армия России сбивает их над Белгородом, Курском и Брянском

▪️Сообщается, что до 200 дронов запущены в сторону Москвы, их сбивают под Брянском и Курском.
▪️Над Белгородом и районом ПВО уже пару часов уничтожает вражеские БпЛА.
▪️В селе Ясные Зори дрон атаковал машину. Госпитализирован мужчина со слепыми осколочными ранениями предплечья, спины и ранами бедра бригада, сообщил губернатор Гладков.
▪️В результате атаки в городе загорелась трава и мусор на крыше гаража, в селе Ближняя Игуменка в частном домовладении загорелась баня.

В Белгородской и Курской областях отбивают атаки украинских беспилотников — местные власти

Губернаторы Белгородской и Курской областей России пишут в соцсетях, что в их областях идет отражение налетов украинских беспилотников.

«Над Белгородом и Белгородским районом продолжает работать наша система ПВО — идет уничтожение вражеских беспилотников. Информация о пострадавших на данный момент не поступала», — сообщил губернатор Белгородской области Вячеслав Гладков.

Гладков утверждает, что, по его информации, отражение налета пока привело только к двум небольшим пожарам в Белгороде и селе под ним.

Российские военные телеграм-каналы утверждают, что над Белгородом сбиты около 15 дронов, но эти утверждения нуждаются в проверке.

Губернатор Курской области Алексей Смирнов в последние полтора часа сообщил в своем телеграм-канале о двух ракетах и 10 беспилотниках, сбитых над его областью.

Би-би-си не может оперативно проверять утверждения воюющих сторон.



Момент удара йеменского БЭКа по британскому танкеру Cordelia Moon.

Ресурсы хуситов утверждают, что судно затем было "доработано" ракетами, получив серьёзные повреждения. Тем не менее, команде удалось удержать корабль на плаву.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10731
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Сарское село.
Добавлено: 03.10.2024 18:28  |  #151850
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Просьба не забывать, что в основном, нижеприведенные рекламно-политические материалы, по определению, могут рассчитывать только на весьма ограниченную объективность и ориентированы, в первую очередь, на либеральную публику.
Iran's Hand on the Trigger

TEHRAN – Salvos of Iranian missiles rained on the occupied territories on Tuesday night, comforting the people of the region who were eagerly awaiting a response to Israel’s terror attacks in the past two months, and occupying observers with the thought of what could happen next.
Iran’s attack dubbed Operation True Promise II involved firing approximately 200 ballistic missiles at three Israeli military bases near Tel Aviv. The Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) said in a statement that 90% of the projectiles managed to hit their targets. Israel and the U.S. claimed the operation had “failed”, not addressing online footage that showed tens of Iranian missiles hit the ground after the regime’s sophisticated defense shield failed to intercept them despite help from surrounding American forces and at least one regional country.
Operation True Promise II marked the second time Iran has targeted Israel directly from its soil. In mid-April, Tehran lobbed around 300 hundred drones and missiles at the occupied territories two weeks after the regime attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing a high-ranking IRGC commander and his deputy. After April’s strikes, Iran said it would repeat the procedure more painfully if Israel harms its personnel or assets anywhere in the world.

Was Iran’s attack legal?
Iran’s attack was in line with Article 51 of the UN Charter, which states that countries have an inherent right to defend themselves when they have been the victim of an “armed attack”. The Tuesday operation came after Iran became the target of two Israeli armed attacks. One on July 31, which killed Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, and one on September 27, which claimed the life of IRGC military advisor Brigadier General Abbas Nilforooshan along with Hezbollah leader Sayyad Hassan Nasrallah in southern Beirut.
According to Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian, Iran was willing to put off a retaliation against Israel if that meant the U.S. could successfully pressure Israel to seal a cease-fire deal with Hamas. However, after the recent round of talks - which were initiated by the U.S. following the Haniyeh assassination - failed due to Israel's intransigence, and with the assassination of Nasrallah and a buoyed wave of Israeli terrorism in Lebanon, Tehran was forced to get back on track.

What happens next?
Iran says it used only a portion of its capabilities to strike Israel Tuesday night, a claim that analysts seem to confirm. Multiple high-ranking Iranian officials have stated that they are ready to take more severe action if the regime continues its aggression and responds to the missile strikes.
Israel, for now, says it will be retaliating. On the night of the attack, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Iran had made a “big mistake” and that it would end up with the same fate as Gaza and Lebanon, as he read from a paper he was holding onto with shaking hands.
Iran’s rhetoric so far shows that while it is not looking to enter a war, it would also not shy away from one either if its interests and assets were on the line. It remains to be seen what move Israel makes next, but analysts speculate that the regime's actions will have a significant impact on the future of the region.
It is believed that Israel could choose to respond to Iran by trying to strike its military bases, nuclear sites, or energy facilities. It might also decide to carry out a sabotage attack, which is less likely to draw a strong reaction from Tehran.
“This may be where the Biden administration will intervene and truly rein in Israel,” said Scott Ritter, former U.S. Marine Intelligence Officer and UN Weapons Inspector. “If Israel attacks Iran’s oil-producing facilities, Tehran will do the same and target similar sites across the region. This would lead to global catastrophe and skyrocketing energy costs, especially in the West,” he told the Tehran Times, adding that current Vice President Kamala Harris would not have the chance to get elected as the next president if that happens.
Targeting Iranian nuclear sites will have unprecedented and devastating repercussions too, Ritter added. “I think Israelis will choose some military sites or decide to conduct sabotage attacks.”

Материал полностью.

‘Unilateral self-restraint has ended,’ Iran tells US in indirect message

TEHRAN - An Iranian source has told Al Jazeera that Tehran has sent a message to the United States via Qatar addressing the rising regional tensions.
In the message, Tehran told Washington that “the phase of unilateral self-restraint has ended.”
It also said any Israeli attack would meet an “unconventional response” that includes targeting Israeli infrastructure.
The indirect message also emphasized that Iran does not want a regional war, the official said.
In a meeting on Wednesday with a high-ranking delegation from the Palestinian Hamas resistance movement in Dohan, Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian reiterated Tehran’s position that the Islamic Republic will definitely give a “stronger and more crushing” response to Israel if it commits the “slightest” mistake.
The meeting came a day after the Islamic Republic carried out a retaliatory operation against Israel, dubbed Operation True Promise II.
Pezeshkian criticized Western countries for making empty promises, saying they requested Iran to exercise self-restraint and refrain from giving a response to the Israeli assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas political bureau chief, in Tehran on July 31 in exchange for establishing ceasefire in Gaza.
Therefore, "the continuation of the Zionist regime’s crimes made the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran to give a decisive response,” he added, Press TV reported.
The president condemned the atrocities perpetrated by Israel in Gaza and Lebanon, and lashed out at the United States and other Western countries for pursuing hypocritical approaches, saying they back Israel while claiming to advocate democracy and human rights.

Материал полностью.

An analysis of Operation 'True Promise II'

In an official statement from the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC), it was reported that these missile strikes are part of Operation "True Promise II," executed under the codename "Oh Messenger of God!" and directed against security and intelligence targets in Israel.
The IRGC issued its statement just minutes after the operation began, stating: “The great Islamic community, the noble and martyred Iranian nation, moments ago, after a period of restraint in the face of the violation of the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the assassination of the martyred fighter, Dr. Ismail Haniyeh, by the Zionist regime, and under the country's right to legitimate defense according to the United Nations Charter, has responded to the intensification of the regime's atrocities, supported by the United States in the massacre in Lebanon and Gaza. In this context, and in tribute to the martyrdom of the great fighter, leader of the Resistance Axis, and proud Secretary-General of Hezbollah, the martyr Hassan Nasrallah, as well as the brave commander and senior advisor of the IRGC in Lebanon, Major General Seyyed Abbas Nilforoushan, the IRGC Aerospace Force has launched dozens of ballistic missiles against key military and security targets in the heart of the occupied territories.”
The statement also warned that “this operation has been approved by the Supreme National Security Council and ordered by the General Staff of the Armed Forces, with the support of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Ministry of Defense. It is warned that if the Zionist regime responds militarily to this operation, which is in accordance with international law and the legitimate rights of the country, it will face devastating and crushing attacks.”
Simultaneously, Iran's representation at the UN issued another statement regarding the missile attack on the occupied territories, declaring that "Iran's legal, logical, and legitimate response to the terrorist actions of the Zionist regime, which targeted Iranian citizens and interests and violated the national sovereignty of the Islamic Republic, has been carried out."
According to several reports, this operation was conducted through the launch of ballistic missiles. Iranian local channels, citing sources from the IRGC, claimed that approximately 400 missiles were fired at military targets in Tel Aviv and its surroundings. Israeli media, for their part, reported that several Iranian missiles had been launched against targets located in the central and southern parts of the colonial entity.
Iranian media, citing sources close to the operation, claimed that “over 80% of the missiles in the first wave hit their intended targets." Additionally, it was reported that the headquarters of the Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency, was completely destroyed in the attack, although this information has not yet been confirmed or denied by colonial authorities, who have prohibited any photographs showing the damage caused by the Iranian operation.
Another target of the Iranian missiles was the Negev Air Base, located in the southern part of the occupied territories. This base houses the two squadrons of fifth-generation F-35 fighter jets of the Israeli Air Force and was scheduled to receive a third squadron once more units were delivered. Iranian media sources have reported that the facility was "completely destroyed" during the attack.
Images from Israel confirm the impact of dozens of ballistic missiles that the country's air defenses, known as the “Iron Dome,” failed to intercept. The inability of the Iron Dome to intercept these missiles, evidenced in hundreds of online videos, is explained by military sources as a consequence of its design. This defense system was specifically conceived to intercept and neutralize short-range rockets and mortar shells, primarily launched from Gaza. In this context, it has proven effective, managing to intercept a high percentage of incoming threats.
However, when it comes to hypersonic missiles, which exceed the speed of Mach 5 and have highly maneuverable trajectories, no existing air defense system in the world, including the Iron Dome, offers credible deterrence. Hypersonic missiles present unique challenges due to their speed, unpredictability of trajectory, and ability to evade radar systems, making them an extremely difficult threat to counter with traditional defense technologies.
According to Iranian media, various types of missiles were used in Operation “True Promise II.” Among them are the Ghadr missiles, publicly unveiled in 2005 and available in three versions: the Ghadr-S, with a range of 1,350 km; the Ghadr-H, with 1,650 km; and the Ghadr-F, which reaches 1,950 km. Ballistic Emad missiles with a range of 1,700 km were also launched. Lastly, the IRGC employed the hypersonic Fattah-1 missile, which has a range of 1,400 km and a terminal velocity of Mach 13 to 15 (16,000 to 18,500 kilometers per hour).
In general terms, the operation reflects Iran's need to regain its “capability of threat” in the face of ongoing Israeli aggression, supported by the United States. In this regard, it is interesting to highlight an article published by the U.S. magazine Politico, which aligns with the liberal consensus, clarifying that there is a well-articulated plan between the U.S. and Israel to invade Lebanon and redraw the region.
Iran has made every effort to avoid falling into Zionist provocations, reiterating its intention to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza and asserting that it never sought to initiate a war that would jeopardize regional stability. However, the Islamic Republic is aware that Israel's genocidal escalation, both in Palestine and Lebanon, ultimately targets Iran and aims at the political redesign of the region—something that is politically and militarily untenable.
The Islamic Republic's restraint in the face of Zionist attacks also serves to challenge the prevailing narrative in the West that presents Iran as an irrational actor with unpredictable behavior. Accusations of "irrationality" against the Iranian government are closely linked to the idea that it seeks to export its revolution by force throughout the region and that its regional preference is chaos.
This discourse, which associates the Islamic Republic with violence and irrationality, was challenged by the manner in which the Iranian response unfolded. At a moment of heightened regional tension, generated by Israel's provocative behavior, Iran demonstrated a level of restraint and strategic vision that deserves highlighting. It is also relevant to point out a fundamental difference in how Iran and Israel manage the division between friends and enemies.
While Israel seeks to maximize casualties in each attack, doing everything possible not only to avoid them but also to increase them, Iran, as seen in this attack, has consciously avoided targeting what are considered "civilian" objectives (although in a colonial context such as Palestine, the category of “civilian” blurs, since all colonists benefit, to varying degrees, from the occupation).
The philosopher Walter Benjamin spoke of the difference between mythical violence and divine violence. The former seeks to secure power and maintain hierarchical divisions, while the latter aims to rehumanize the sanctity of life. It is not intended to suggest that Iran's response to Israeli violence fits within the category of “divine violence” as explained by Benjamin. However, it is important to note that even in a military conflict context, there are two distinct approaches to achieving objectives: on one hand, a cruel and brutal manner, and on the other, a restrained approach that shows respect for the lives of those who, in many cases, benefit from and support the genocidal colonial occupation of Palestine.

Материал полностью.

С интересом и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Сообщений: 10731
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Сарское село.
Добавлено: 03.10.2024 20:14  |  #151851
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In a Cat-and-Mouse Game, Russian Oil Tankers Are Flying New Flags
A shadowy network of ships has registered in Gabon, highlighting how Vladimir V. Putin is building an economy beyond the reach of Western sanctions.

Dozens of tankers have registered in Gabon over the past year, records show, making that country’s ship registry one of the fastest-growing in the world.Credit...Yoruk Isik/Reuters

The Jaguar, a tanker the length of nearly five Olympic-size swimming pools, left a port near St. Petersburg, Russia, last year, bound for India and loaded with Russian oil.
Its trip that spring came as Western authorities were frantically trying to piece together the network to which it belonged: one of shadowy ships with hidden owners on whom powerful Russians relied to transport the nation’s valuable oil.
But by a quirk of the shipping industry, the Jaguar had ties to the West. The tanker flew the flag of St. Kitts and Nevis, which has its maritime registry just outside London — some 20 miles from the very British authorities who chase Russia’s assets around the world and chart its oil shipments.
After unloading the oil, the Jaguar would soon switch to a more obscure flag, the Central African nation of Gabon. With an act of paperwork, the Russian tanker had moved beyond the reach of Western financial authorities.
Dozens of tankers have made similar moves over the past year and a half, records show, as Moscow has worked to protect its so-called dark fleet in the face of international pressure to limit the market for Russian oil.
It is the latest in a cat-and-mouse game that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has played with the West since Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. As American, European and British authorities have pursued, frozen and seized Russian money worldwide, Mr. Putin has found ever new ways to evade their grip.
In doing so, he has shaped a new world order of companies and countries willing to transact with Russia. He has assembled an economy largely independent of the dollar, the euro or the pound — and increasingly beyond the reach of regulators.
Under Western sanctions, Russia is permitted to sell oil, but at a capped price. That is intended to stunt Moscow’s profits and keep oil prices from spiking. Russia has devised a workaround by using its dark fleet to sell to buyers in countries like India and China, which are not bound by the price cap.
The Jaguar and other tankers like it are examples of Russian assets that maintained bureaucratic links to the West, even as government officials hunted for Kremlin-linked money.
Just as the St. Kitts and Nevis ship registry is operated out of Britain, two major maritime shipping authorities, Liberia and the Marshall Islands, run their operations from the Washington suburbs. Whether American and British regulators were unaware, preoccupied or simply unsure whether they had jurisdiction to act, dark-fleet tankers remained untouched more than a year into the war.
Treasury and Justice Department officials declined to comment on the ships. In an email, the British foreign office indicated that it was still exploring whether foreign ship registries based in Britain were obligated to comply with British sanctions.
Since July 2023, more than 85 Russian-affiliated ships changed their registrations to Gabon from Liberia, according to the maritime analytics company Windward. Among them are ships in the fleet of Sovcomflot, a state-owned Russian shipping company that has been the subject of Western sanctions.
With that, Gabon’s registry, which opened in 2018, has ballooned into one of the quickest growing in the world.
Other Russian tankers have re-registered in Panama and Palau, according to vessel registration information retrieved through MarineTraffic and Lloyd’s List, providers of maritime analytics.
That maritime reshuffling has put the small countries in a position to profit off the war in Ukraine. Once a stalwart ally of the United States and France, Gabon has been increasingly friendly with Russia after a military coup in 2023. With Western exports to Russia largely frozen, Gabon has emerged as a key part of Moscow’s supply chain, with Western-made aircraft parts recently flowing through a Gabonese company to Russia, according to The Moscow Times.
The Russian Embassy in London did not respond to emails requesting comment on the tankers that had registered in Gabon.
“Gabon is important to Russia because it has been willing to register tankers that other flag states have dropped under Western pressure,” said Craig Kennedy, a former investment banker and now an associate at Harvard University’s Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies. “They are helping Russia develop a parallel shipping capability that makes it easier to sell oil above the price cap.”
Shipping records between Russian companies and their clients are normally private, so it is virtually impossible to say whether all of the tankers that reflagged have sold Russian oil, and for what price. But The New York Times obtained invoices showing that at least three tankers belonging to Russia’s dark fleet sold Russian oil last year while maintaining bureaucratic ties to the West. United States Treasury officials have reviewed those same records, according to two people familiar with the Treasury review.
American officials have engaged the Gabonese government about sanctions and particular ships, according to one U.S. official. The official requested anonymity to speak about internal government matters, adding that the Group of 7 nations behind the price cap continued to work publicly and privately to enforce it.
There are signs that Gabon is open to listening. It removed its flag from at least one ship this year after Western authorities had specifically named it as subject to sanctions.

In this photo released by state media, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia is with Igor Sechin, right, of the Russian state-controlled Rosneft oil company. Russia’s dark fleet has been opaquely linked to powerful players like Mr. Sechin.Credit...Pool photo by Pavel Bednyakov

Unlike the Sovcomflot tankers tied outright to the Russian state, the dark network to which the Jaguar belongs is part of a web far harder to trace. It has been linked opaquely to powerful players within Russia, including Rosneft, the state-controlled oil giant, and Igor Sechin, its head, who is widely considered a close ally and adviser to Mr. Putin, according to analysis of vessel registration information and two people familiar with the fleet’s business network.
The Jaguar is among the vessels chartered by Voliton, a regular trader of Russian oil that the United States subjected to sanctions late last year.
The Gabonese Ministry of Transport and the Gabonese Embassy in London did not respond to repeated requests for comment. Two people who answered the phone for Intershipping Services, which runs Gabon’s registry from the United Arab Emirates, declined to answer questions about their certification process and the boom in registrations.
All ships must register with a national authority, and countries with maritime registries have competed to offer lower taxes, less stringent regulations and speedy certifications.
In registering ships, the authorities must certify that a vessel is seaworthy and well insured. That Gabon has registered so many Russian tankers has contributed to its reputation for not being as strict as other jurisdictions.
Last year, a fatal explosion occurred aboard one aging tanker that had newly registered in Gabon. Another tanker registered in Gabon was detained in Gibraltar this year after its crew complained that they had not been paid in two months.

A photograph taken last year and released by the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency showing a tanker that had newly registered in Gabon and experienced an explosion. Ship registries must certify that a vessel is safe.Credit...Agence France-Presse, via MMEA

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MPs accepting freebies while out of power ‘different’, minister claims

A minister has claimed accepting freebies in opposition is “different” from doing so in government as she attempted to explain why Sir Keir Starmer has paid back the value of some Taylor Swift tickets, but not thousands of pounds worth of other gifts.
Industry minister Sarah Jones suggested Sir Keir and other Labour frontbenchers were taking free tickets to concerts and festivals while in opposition to “build relationships” with businesses.
It included Sir Keir’s £2,800 trip to see Taylor Swift and business secretary Jonathan Reynolds, who accepted Glastonbury tickets worth more than £3,000 from Google.
But Ms Jones said: “There is a difference between government and opposition when you’re building relationships in opposition, it’s different for when you’re a government minister with real levers of power.”
Ms Jones was sent out to defend Sir Keir’s decision to pay back more than £6,000 worth of gifts and hospitality. The move, which followed weeks of criticism of Labour ministers over freebies, was made as an updated register of MPs’ interests revealed thousands of pounds of additional freebies accepted by Sir Keir’s top team.

Keir Starmer’s decision to pay back some freebies raised more questions than it answered (PA Wire)

The latest update showed Angela Rayner’s trip to an Ibiza nightclub, where she was filmed dancing in the DJ booth, was an £836 handout from electronic DJ Fisher’s agent.
Sir Keir’s decision to pay back some gifts but not others has raised more questions than it has answered, and has piled pressure on other Labour ministers to hand back the value of their own freebies.
Ms Jones said she will look at paying back the value of some of the free hospitality she accepted, including tickets to the Capital Radio Summertime Ball. And while she stressed that “it was all completely above board”, she said she would not go to other free events if she is invited in future.
She told Times Radio: “There is a difference in what you do as a minister, and what you do as a shadow minister.” And she said nobody else is being asked to pay back gifts because “nobody has broken the rules”.
Gifts which Sir Keir paid back include four Taylor Swift tickets from Universal Music Group totalling £2,800, two from the Football Association at a cost of £598, and four to Doncaster Races from Arena Racing Corporation at £1,939.
An £839 clothing rental agreement with Edeline Lee, the designer recently worn by his wife to London Fashion Week, along with one hour of hair and makeup, was also covered by the PM.

Business minister Sarah Jones said accepting gifts is fine when you are not in power (PA Media)

Sir Keir committed to overhauling hospitality rules for ministers to ensure better transparency about what is provided following the backlash.
On Wednesday, a Downing Street spokesman said: "The Prime Minister has commissioned a new set of principles on gifts and hospitality to be published as part of the updated ministerial code.”
Ms Jones also said high profile Labour peer Waheed Alli was “confident” he had done nothing wrong.
Lord Alli, who has faced scrutiny after donating thousands of pounds worth of glasses and suits to Sir Keir, is under investigation by the Lords’ commissioner over “alleged non-registration of interests” leading to a possible breach of the members’ code of conduct.
Ms Jones said: “He will completely cooperate with that investigation, of course, and he’s confident he’s registered everything in the way that he should have done. And that’s that, really. We need to let that investigation run its course.”
Ms Jones added: “You know he’s been a Lord for decades and he’s been very involved in trying to deliver a Labour Government for a very long time.
“It’s why he made the donations he did, because he was helping us to do that... I don’t think there was any question over whether he was trying to influence anything other than to deliver a Labour Government.”
She said Lord Alli was also involved in Labour’s 1997 campaign, insisting the party was “very grateful” for his donations but he “is not influencing any policy at all”.

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When Artists Found Beauty in London’s Toxic Fog
Monet and Turner found something sublime in the polluted 19th-century city — and maybe something darker, too.

“Waterloo Bridge, Overcast” (1903), which is on display in “Monet and London: Views of the Thames” at the Courtauld Gallery in London. Credit...Anders Sune Berg

If you’ve been to London recently (or ever) you’ll probably recognize Claude Monet’s description: “Today the weather was maddening, gusts of snow, then sunshine, fog and dark weather and clear, it was magnificent but all too changeable.”
Yet the French painter found London’s moody climate an inspiration, and he purposely came in only the colder months. During three visits from 1899 to 1901, he produced dozens of canvases of the city’s surging River Thames, 36 of which were shown to acclaim in Paris in 1904 but never exhibited in London.
One hundred and twenty years later, the Courtauld Gallery has brought a selection of the series home for the first time in “Monet and London: Views of the Thames” (through Jan. 19, 2025). The effect is as radiant and sublime as Monet might have hoped — though today we might see those unsettled skies in a different light.
“Every day I find London more beautiful to paint,” he wrote to his wife Alice from the swish Savoy Hotel, where he stayed on those visits. From his riverside balcony, the artist could observe the working waterway, chugging with boat traffic and steaming with trains on bridges above, from sunrise to sunset. Here, he would fulfill his enduring wish to “try to paint some fog effects on the Thames.”

Monet’s “Charing Cross Bridge, The Thames” (1903)Credit...Alain Basset/Lyon Mba

At the Courtauld (less than half a mile from the Savoy), 21 canvases show the river in an atmospheric suite of cornflower blue, cobalt, dove gray and mauve. The choppy Thames glimmers in shades of silver and blue flecked with violet and pink, or flaming yellow, orange and crimson from the sun — “the little red ball,” Monet called it — that’s high above in a sky thick with “delicious fog.” “The extraordinary fog so very yellow,” he wrote, characterized the industrialized late-19th-century London. Locals already called it “the Big Smoke.”
From the early 1800s, coal was a mainstay across Europe’s major cities, used to power industrial motors and, particularly in Britain, to warm homes. The resulting dense smoke saturated the atmosphere and, in London, it was amplified by gas street lighting. The fog stank of carbon and sulfur and irritated inhabitants’ eyes and noses. For the 19th-century art critic John Ruskin, it was a “plague-wind,” but artists — then and now — have taken differing approaches to pollution and its visual effects.
To Monet, industrialization’s miasma was a kind of aesthetic blessing for his Impressionist experiments. In “Charing Cross Bridge: Smoke in the Fog; Impression” (1902) the scene is awash in pearlescent hues, the piers of the bridge barely visible in spare teal lines. Billowing clouds of purple steam dominate the image, although no train is visible: All particulars have dissolved. “Waterloo Bridge, Sunlight Effect” (1903) is divided by the indigo monolith of the bridge, the sky above churning with violet clouds reflected in the water below.
The artist had previously painted series — haystacks, Rouen Cathedral — but these canvases are wild and tempestuous, otherworldly. The London works begin with modernity and end in dreamlike visions, but they are fundamentally about “a struggle with Nature,” as he wrote to his wife — an interesting characterization of a poisonous environment.

“Houses of Parliament, Sunset” (1900-03)Credit...RecomArt-Cruse-Color

“Parliament: Sunlight in the Fog” (1904)Credit...Grand Palais RMN (musée d’Orsay)/Hervé Lewandowski

The Courtauld Gallery show assembles 21 paintings that Monet showed in Paris in 1904, but that have never been seen in London.Credit...Tolga Akmen/EPA, via Shutterstock

Monet worked en plein air in London, but all of his canvases were finished at his studio in Giverny, France, where they took on new life. As much as they are representations of a city and its unearthly fog, they also show how art best captures nature when it transforms it. Critics described the 1904 Paris exhibition as a symphony of color, a whole work to be experienced at once; others praised “the prodigious views of the Thames by our French Turner.” Although the exhibition catalog says Monet never commented on the comparison, he was clearly influenced by the stormy landscapes, with their dramatic skies and rushing trains, of the British painter J.M.W. Turner.
Farther west down the Thames from the Courtauld, one of Turner’s fiery canvases, “Sunset” (1830-35) hangs at Sandycombe Lodge, the artist’s onetime country home, now a museum in the London suburbs. The painting is a standout work in “A World of Care: Turner and the Environment,” a small exhibition at Turner’s House (through Oct. 27) that shows how the artist observed the changing 19th-century environment through a very different lens from Monet’s.
Turner also witnessed unnaturally vivid sunsets caused by coal pollution, but unlike the Frenchman, he did not describe the effect in rapturous tones. A watercolor view of “London from Greenwich” (1808-9) shows the curving Thames obscured by what Turner described in an accompanying poem as a “murky veil” of pollution produced by the city’s “commercial care and busy toil.” Another watercolor from beyond the capital’s limits, “Crowhurst” (around 1816), shows a decimated East Sussex woodland where poor land management led to fuel shortages for local industry and to flooding that remains an ongoing problem.

“Sunset” (1830-35), by J.M.W. Turner, is on display at Turner’s House in London as part of the exhibition “A World of Care: Turner and the Environment.”Credit...

Wall labels remind us that Turner lived through a time of rampant fossil fuel extraction, rapid deforestation and climate-altering natural disasters: 1816 was known as “the year without a summer” after dust from an Indonesian volcano drifted around the world, causing temperatures to plunge and harvests to fail. Rather than fantastical visions, Turner’s images serve as records of his present — and, moreover, warnings about our future.
In a recent rehang of Tate Britain, another London museum, which owns one of the world’s largest Turner collections, contemporary works were placed in conversation with the permanent collection. A room of Turner watercolors now has flickering at its center a work by Yuri Pattison called “sun[set] provisioning” (2019) featuring a virtual reality ocean sunset whose colors shift according to real-time local pollution levels. When I visited the museum recently, the sky was dark blue, the waters lapis with a hint of red light on the horizon. But on other days, the sky is Monet’s eerie chartreuse, or Turner’s violent streams of red and orange.
London’s toxic fog has dissipated. The problem with pollution now is that it’s largely invisible and easy to ignore, unless — like artists — we find new ways of looking.

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С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Может ли Иран рассчитывать на Россию в конфликте с Израилем?

Военно-техническое и военное сотрудничество Тегерана и Москвы связано с войной в Украине, которую Россия начала в 2022 году, а также с ударами Ирана по Израилю, которые могут вылиться в полномасштабный конфликт уже в ближайшее время.
Иран уже поставлял в Россию дроны, которыми российские военные обстреливают Украину. Были и другие поставки, менее крупные.
Однако это военно-техническое сотрудничество могло бы быть намного более серьезным. Например, Россия могла бы продать Ирану партию истребителей Су-35, ранее собранных для продажи Египту в рамках сорвавшейся сделки. Иран высказывал интерес в получении этих самолетов.
Наличие таких истребителей осложнило бы проведение воздушных операций против Ирана. Сейчас иранские ВВС насчитывают всего несколько десятков боевых самолетов — это российские и устаревшие американские модели, оставшиеся после исламской революции 1979 года.
Весной 2023 года иранская телерадиокомпания IRIB процитировала анонимного сотрудника иранской миссии в ООН, который сказал, что сделка совершена, но с тех пор сообщений о передаче самолетов Ирану в СМИ не было.
На стоянке аэродрома дальневосточного авиационного завода КнААЗ остается более 20 истребителей в окраске, которую российский военный аналитический Центр анализа стратегий и технологий называл «египетской». Их можно увидеть даже в сервисе Гугл-карты.
Россия также могла бы передать Ирану средства противовоздушной обороны, например, комплексы ближнего радиуса действия «Панцирь С1». Они могут быть использованы для защиты более дальних систем ПВО или других объектов от ударов израильских ракет.
Как заявляли в Белом доме в 2023 году, российская группа «Вагнер» собиралась передать такую установку либо группе «Хезболла», либо Ирану. Тогда представитель американского Агентства по национальной безопасности Джон Кирби заявил, что американцы готовятся применить «контртеррористические санкции против российских физических и юридических лиц», если такие поставки состоятся.
О реализации этих планов впоследствии ничего не сообщалось.
В свою очередь Иран мог бы поставлять в Россию баллистические ракеты — оперативно-тактические или даже малого радиуса действия. Если бы такие ракеты появились у российской армии, то это сильно изменило бы обстановку в Украине. Дело в том, что баллистические ракеты труднее сбивать, а у России их запасы уменьшились, и она использует их реже, чем крылатые.

В случае войны с Израилем для Ирана, который находится на расстоянии тысячи километров от Израиля, были бы актуальны ракеты средней дальности, тогда как России нужны либо оперативно-тактические, либо малого радиуса c дальностью до 500 километров. Поэтому на возможности обстреливать Израиль эти поставки не отразятся.
Возможная передача ракет выглядела настолько опасной, что стала предметом внешнеполитического напряжения между Москвой и Вашингтоном — в начале сентября президент Джо Байден рассматривал возможность дать разрешение Украине на применение американских ракет против целей в России.
Тогда США, Франция, Германия и Великобритания официально обвинили Иран в поставке баллистических ракет в Россию. По информации, которая попала в прессу, эти ракеты уже прибыли в Россию.
Разрешение на удары по целям в России Киев так и не получил, но и Москва не стала применять в Украине иранские ракеты. Иран официально заявил, что не передавал их России.
Истребители и баллистические ракеты — самые крупные несостоявшиеся поставки, о которых стало известно, потому что информация попала в прессу.
Но они показывают, что потенциал военно-технического сотрудничества у Ирана и России велик и может сказаться на ситуации в регионах.
Однако такое сотрудничество затрагивает интересы Израиля, с которым у России отношения если не близкие, то как минимум не настолько же сильно испорченные, как с другими странами политического Запада.

Израиль до сих пор не поставлял Украине летальное оружие, по крайней мере открыто, хотя запросы со стороны украинского руководства были уже давно.
Киев интересуют высокоэффективные израильские системы противовоздушной обороны, такие как «Железный купол». Израиль вряд ли стал бы передавать Украине системы ПВО из действующей армии, но их строят на экспорт, и, кроме того, две батареи уже имеются в США — их можно передать украинцам с согласия израильтян.
Израиль не оказывает серьезную военную помощь Украине — он участвует только в гуманитарных поставках.
В феврале 2023 года премьер-министр Израиля Биньямин Нетаньяху сказал, что может рассмотреть возможность оказания военной помощи Украине, не уточняя, какой именно. Однако до сих пор этот вопрос не решился.
Отношения Израиля и России также осложняет тот факт, что военная авиация двух стран действует бок о бок в Сирии, где в воздухе военные самолеты нередко летают совсем рядом друг с другом.
Им постоянно приходится координировать свои действия, чтобы не допустить инцидентов, подобных гибели российского самолета-разведчика в 2018 году. Его по ошибке сбила сирийская ПВО, но в России утверждали, что рядом с ним находились израильские истребители, по которым стреляли сирийцы.
Международные отношения стран на Ближнем Востоке сплетены в такой плотный клубок, что любое интенсивное вмешательство повлечет за собой цепную реакцию проблем с другими странами.
В любом случае Москва и Тегеран явно старались обговорить все детали до эскалации обстановки в регионе.
30 сентября в Тегеран прилетал с визитом российский премьер-министр Михаил Мишустин. Как пишет российская газета «Ведомости», в ходе визита планировалось обсудить весь комплекс российско-иранского сотрудничества, но особое внимание было уделено крупным совместным проектам в области транспорта, энергетики, промышленности и сельского хозяйства.
Означает ли это обмен военными технологиями, неизвестно.

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Old graves could be reused as the UK runs out of space for the dead
Plots could be eligible for reuse when the last person was buried at least 75 years ago

The UK is running out of space to bury the dead.
The issue has forced a commission to recommend drastic measures in which old graves could would reused to manage the shortage of burial space.
Under the proposed changes put forward by the Law Commission, graveyards declared “full” during the Victorian era could also be reopened.
The commission warned urban areas across England and Wales are fast running out of burial space.
Proposed changes would allow any burial ground to reuse graves, but only following public consultation and government approval.
Safeguards would also be in place for each individual grave, with plots only eligible for reuse when the last person was buried at least 75 years ago.
Another separate public consultation is considering the timeframes around grave reuse, and what would happen if family members objected.
Professor Nick Hopkins, Commissioner for Property, Family and Trust Law said any change would need to be tackled in consultation with the public.
“Our proposals provide a significant opportunity to reform burial and cremation law and secure burial space for future generations,” he said.
“This must be done sensitively and with wider public support.”
Current legislation makes it illegal to redevelop a graveyard for any reason other than to grow a place of worship.
Other publicly-run cemeteries can be redeveloped if the owner is granted an Act of Parliament.
Alex Davies-Jones, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Ministry of Justice, said the Government was supportive of the Law Commission’s work.
“We await with interest the Law Commission’s recommendations, in due course, on the most appropriate framework to provide modern, consistent regulation for burial and cremation,” she said.
Public consultation on the proposed changes is open until January 2025.

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С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Сарское село.
Добавлено: 05.10.2024 1:33  |  #151855
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Источник видео.


Источник видео.


Источник видео.


Источник видео.


Источник видео.



Источник видео.


Источник видео.



Источник видео.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Есть мнение ...

День знаний для маркетологовДень знаний для маркетологов
Как не ошибиться с выбором формата обучения и предстать перед будущим работодателем успешным специалистом. Директор по маркетингу ведущего IT-холдинга Fplus Ирина Васильева рассказала, на что теперь смотрят работодатели при приеме на работу, как нестандартно можно развиваться в профессии и стоит ли действующим маркетологам обучаться на онлайн-курсах.
Почему покупатели бросают корзины в интернет-магазинах - исследованиеПочему покупатели бросают корзины в интернет-магазинах - исследование
Эксперты ЮKassa (сервис для приёма онлайн- и офлайн-платежей финтех-компании ЮMoney) и RetailCRM (решение для управления заказами и клиентскими данными) провели исследование* и выяснили, почему пользователи не завершают покупки в интернет-магазинах. По данным опроса, две трети респондентов хотя бы раз оставляли заказы незавершёнными, чаще всего это электроника и бытовая техника, одежда и товары для ремонта. Вернуться к брошенным корзинам многих мотивируют скидки, кэшбэк и промокоды.
Как в кино: принципы голливудского маркетингаКак в кино: принципы голливудского маркетинга
За пару недель создать ажиотаж вокруг фильма, чтобы все писали о смелом промо, а зрители сметали билеты на премьеру? Маркетинг впечатлений — это искусство, которым Голливуд владеет в совершенстве. Как использовать его принципы в рекламе, рассказывает генеральный директор Mera (by Okkam) Мария Силкина.
ИИ в рекламе: как автоматизация процессов меняет нашу жизньИИ в рекламе: как автоматизация процессов меняет нашу жизнь
Владимир Нерюев, заместитель Генерального директора коммуникационного агентства АУРА (в составе Газпром-Медиа Холдинга) поделился мнением, как искусственный интеллект (ИИ) стал неотъемлемой частью многих сфер нашей жизни, включая рекламу.
Этика vs эффективность: как сделать эффективный маркетинг этичным?Этика vs эффективность: как сделать эффективный маркетинг этичным?
Каждый третий россиянин считает, что неуместная реклама может вызвать сильные негативные эмоции

Книги по дизайну

Загрузка ...


Дизайн под грифом "секретно"Дизайн под грифом "секретно"
На чем раньше ездили первые лица страны? Эскизы, редкие фотографии и прототипы уникальных машин.
"Наша индустрия – самодостаточна": ГПМ Радио на конференции..."Наша индустрия – самодостаточна": ГПМ Радио на конференции...
Чего не хватает радио, чтобы увеличить свою долю на рекламном рынке? Аудиопиратство: угроза или возможности для отрасли? Каковы первые результаты общероссийской кампании по продвижению индустриального радиоплеера? Эти и другие вопросы были рассмотрены на конференции «Радио в глобальной медиаконкуренции», спикерами и участниками которой стали эксперты ГПМ Радио.
Форум "Матрица рекламы" о технологиях работы в период...Форум "Матрица рекламы" о технологиях работы в период...
Деловая программа 28-й международной специализированной выставки технологий и услуг для производителей и заказчиков рекламы «Реклама-2021» открылась десятым юбилейным форумом «Матрица рекламы». Его организовали КВК «Империя» и «Экспоцентр».
В ЦДХ прошел День социальной рекламыВ ЦДХ прошел День социальной рекламы (3)
28 марта в Центральном доме художника состоялась 25-ая выставка маркетинговых коммуникаций «Дизайн и реклама NEXT». Одним из самых ярких её событий стал День социальной рекламы, который организовала Ассоциация директоров по коммуникациям и корпоративным медиа России (АКМР) совместно с АНО «Лаборатория социальной рекламы» и оргкомитетом LIME.
Форум "Матрица рекламы": к рекламе в интернете особое...Форум "Матрица рекламы": к рекламе в интернете особое... (2)
На VII Международном форуме «Матрица рекламы», прошедшем в ЦВК «Экспоцентр» в рамках международной выставки  «Реклама-2018», большой интерес у профессиональной аудитории вызвала VI Конференция «Интернет-реклама».

на правах рекламы

05.10.2024 - 03:19
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