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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10707
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Сарское село.
Добавлено: 20.09.2024 18:08  |  #151803
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«Варвар» и «Еретик»: « ».

Идею исключения теории Дарвина из школьной программы поддержали в РПЦ.

Ранее экс-председатель правительства Чечни Хучиев предложил Минпросвещения исключить информацию о теории Чарльза Дарвина из школьных учебников, поскольку, по его словам, она ошибочна и идет вразрез с религией и воспитанием.

"Хотел бы поддержать позицию, высказанную... Хучиевым, и согласен, что необходимо исключить теорию Дарвина из школьных учебников как вводящую (детей) в заблуждение", - сказал РИА Новости председатель Патриаршей комиссии РПЦ по вопросам семьи, защиты материнства и детства иерей Лукьянов.



Источник иллюстрации.

Теория Дарвина об эволюции несомненно теория либеральная: по тому, что классификация, по тому, что специализация, по тому, что выделение признаков видов.

Кроме того, Теория Дарвина определяет цепи видов последовательностью Продуктов, отрицая Процессы, что их связывают.
То есть Теория эволюции Дарвина эволюцию/инволюцию Процессов не рассматривает вовсе.

Но, это можно отнести ко всем без исключения либеральным гуманитарным наукам.

Например история.
Вся современная история не принимает во внимание Процесс, как доказательство – только Продукт.
Есть сведения в источниках подтвержденных другим независимым источником - есть такой участник истории, нет таковых записей или источник всего один, извини - считай, что его нет.

То же с археологией.
Есть материальные формы подтверждающие ту или иную цивилизацию – есть цивилизация, нет таковых артефактов, извини – цивилизации нет.

А для церкви, конечно, какой такой Дарвин?
Родители Спасителя, Иосиф и Мария, были потомками обезьян?
Каких таких обезьян?
Вот же в писании сказано - из рая были изгнаны двое: муж Адам и жена его Ева...


Источник видео.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10707
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Сарское село.
Добавлено: 24.09.2024 1:27  |  #151812
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«Варвар» и «Еретик»: « предвидение Фрая ».

If even Stephen Fry has turned his back on Britain, what does that say about Brexit?

When the most English man in England decides he’s Austrian, maybe Brexit hasn’t been the saviour of our national identity that was promised.
Fry has adopted Austrian citizenship under a law that grants the option to the descendants of Austrians who were persecuted in the Holocaust. He says it also allows him to stick his “tongue out at Brexit”. Given the number of people and businesses that have left the UK since the 2016 vote, has Brexit now turned Brits against Britain?
Since the referendum, hundreds of thousands of Brits have applied for EU citizenship and over 100,000 have been granted it. The bulk of this was, of course, for Irish citizenship. It exposed a great irony of Brexit: it was meant to be about freedom, yet without EU citizenship, we’re trapped.
We used to have the automatic right to live and work in 31 countries (EU, plus the single market countries of Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein). Now, we only have that right in the UK. I don’t know about you but I prefer voluntary love to forced marriage. Stripping Brits of their choice to live elsewhere has not made us love the UK more.
Our passport, the symbol of our identity, is literally worth less now. Didn’t Martin Luther King once say: “I had a dream, that one day, my passport will be judged not by the colour of its outer skin, but by the ports it lets me pass”? (I might be misremembering.) So no wonder Stephen Fry has decided to upgrade his British passport to an EU one. With it, he can now live in almost every country in Europe.
Personally, I never feel more British than when I’m abroad, because that’s when my British identity actually means something to the people around me. When I worked in France and Belgium, I was referred to as “the British guy”. And before 2016, I was proud of that. But two-thirds of Brits now say they are less proud of the UK than they were in 2018, before we left the EU.
Living abroad has become a privilege for those who happen to either have an EU grandparent, be rich enough to afford the visa charges, or be employed in a job that meets the minimum salary requirements of the EU country.
Now I’ve looked really hard, and I’ve struggled to find many Irish people in my family tree; nothing came up. I tried putting an apostrophe after the O in my last name.
Brexit was supposed to be about helping working-class people get a fair shot in the world. But working-class people are the ones now finding it hardest to work abroad.
For example, the 25,000 young Brits who used to work in seasonal hospitality around Europe? That opportunity’s gone now. The bureaucracy involved in employing Brits now, coupled with the 90-day limit for working in the EU, has simply made it too difficult for many holiday companies.
Brexit has left Brits feeling that our British identity isn’t enough. It has left many of us scrambling for the door. But that door is shut to all but the richest and those with dual citizenship, meaning that the average Brit doesn’t get to show Europe who Brits are. Meanwhile, Britain is seen as a country that foolishly shot itself in the foot.
One of my favourite Nigel Farage quotes is: “When I’m asked, ‘Are we going to be richer or poorer with Brexit?’, do you know what my answer is? What price freedom? What price our identity as a country? These are the arguments, actually, that really matter.” The people who brought us freedom said there was no limit to the price they’d be happy for the country to pay, to restore our national identity.
Imagine paying an unlimited price to save our identity, only to end up burning it down.

Материал полностью.


Источник видео.


Источник видео.

Одно дело, когда Британию из-за дороговизны и непомерных налогов покидает Сева Новгородцев и совсем другое, когда Стивен Фрай.
Британия горевала по Новгородцеву, но у неё не было и не могло быть к нему никаких претензий.
Зато у Британии явно имеются претензии к Фраю, вспомнившему о своих корнях на родине Гитлера.

Как выглядит предательство на родине Предательства?
Любопытно и поучительно наблюдать эту мелодраму со стороны.

С пониманием и очевидными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10707
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Сарское село.
Добавлено: 27.09.2024 17:14  |  #151824
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«Варвар» и «Еретик»: « ».

В России, в силу знака преобладания Систем ИСО>ЕСО, проблема адекватности актуальности справедливости Политической и Скрытой Реклам «обывателя», как написано в статье, в репертуаре и в лентах, театра и кинематографа, стоит куда острее, чем в США.
И нельзя сказать, что на неё не обращают внимание. Обращают. Но, к сожалению, дальше разговоров и поручений президента дело не двигается.

Why has Hollywood turned its back on the American everyman?
Salt-of-the-earth heroes have long been a staple of American cinema, from ‘12 Angry Men’ and ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ to ‘Erin Brockovich’. Geoffrey Macnab laments the decline of one of cinema’s richest storytelling traditions

It’s one of the great scenes in one of the classic movies of its era. Henry Fonda, as the migrant sharecropper Tom Joad at the end of the John Steinbeck adaptation The Grapes of Wrath (1940), stands with a fervent, messianic expression on his face, railing against the injustice he sees all around him. Joad vows to take the cause of the ordinary Joe. “I’ll be all around in the dark,” he says. “I’ll be everywhere, wherever you can look. Wherever there’s a fight so hungry people can eat, I’ll be there. Wherever there’s a cop beatin’ up a guy, I’ll be there. I’ll be in the way guys yell when they’re mad.”
It’s an electric moment, one that inspired Bruce Springsteen’s coruscating 1995 song, “The Ghost of Tom Joad”. And it remains one of the most famous sequences in Fonda’s entire career. Joad is a type who used to be found all the time in American films – but has now seemingly been wiped out of existence. He’s the hero from a humble and often troubled background who has integrity, defiance and the courage to speak out against injustice. Sally Field (in 1979’s Norma Ra e) and Julia Roberts (in 2000’s Erin Brockovich ) won Oscars for playing characters with precisely these traits. Fonda and James Stewart became household names for their many portrayals of salt-of-the-earth American everyman heroes taking on powerful vested interests – Stewart particularly in his Frank Capra collaborations It’s a Wonderful Life and Mr Smith Goes to Washington . Audiences cherished their performances. But you won’t find their equivalents in US films today.
Blame the reluctance of older audiences to return to cinemas post-pandemic. Blame the algorithm-based tracking systems that have convinced the US studios that dramas in general, let alone ones with a social conscience, are toxic at the box office. Blame the wariness among mainstream filmmakers about broaching political subject matter. Blame the blinkered and cowardly commissioning policies of the studio executives. Whatever the reasons, the types of films that catapulted Fonda and Stewart (among others) to stardom are simply no longer being made – and cinema is all the poorer as a result.
In the brave new world carved out by contemporary Hollywood, there are huge-budget Marvel and DC movies at one end of the scale and edgy, low-budget genre fare at the other – with a void in between where the films like Norma Rae and Erin Brockovich used to sit. Today, the dominant narrative is not that of the everyman, but the superhuman: being a hero requires not just pluck and derring-do, but also the ability to shoot lasers out your eyes, or webs from your wrist.
In the UK, a reported 13.5 million people watched ITV’s Mr Bates vs The Post Office earlier this year. The series dramatised the shocking story of the Post Office workers wrongly accused of stealing cash from their branches. In fact, the Post Office’s own faulty computer system was to blame for the missing money. The drama provoked a national outcry and its main character, the subpostmaster Alan Bates (Toby Jones) fighting stubbornly for justice against uncaring bosses, bureaucrats and politicians, became a modern-day Best of British national hero.
The popularity of Mr Bates suggests there is still a hunger among audiences for stories about the common person fighting back against corruption, incompetence and injustice. The US studios, though, seem to have forgotten all about the power of the underdog.
That’s why you’ll no longer find any new big-screen moments like the one in Martin Ritt’s Norma Rae when Sally Field’s character is fired. She is ordered to leave the textile factory immediately. She refuses to quit, stands on a table, scrawls “union” with some charcoal on a piece of cardboard, and holds the sign up for all the other workers to see. Eventually, their machines fall silent. This tiny woman on a factory floor surrounded by bulky, bullying men, has somehow started her own mini-revolution.
“Norma Rae is depicted as a champion of labour, a defender of civil rights, and an icon of feminist liberation,” wrote academic Angela Allan, who accused the film of “basking in the individual bravery” of a white woman who could single-handedly “bring the grinding machine of corporate capitalism to a halt”. In a way, it was all a little absurd. Nonetheless, not many other movies about would-be union organisers in racist southern cotton mills have won Oscars.
Other older movies have a similar contemporary resonance when they are revived today. Sidney Lumet’s 1957 classic 12 Angry Men , which screens at BFI Southbank this week, may be stagy and melodramatic in its construction but feels very modern in the way it exposes racial and generational tensions. Henry Fonda is juror number eight, holding out against his 11 colleagues who are already convinced of the guilt of the Puerto Rican youth on trial for murder. In today’s America, there are still plenty of cases of teenagers involved in alleged gang crimes being sent to prison on flimsy evidence by juries not willing to cut them any slack.
In 12 Angry Men , Fonda wins over the audience as well as his fellow jurors by dint of his sheer decency and common sense. Despite its formal constraints, the film (based on a TV play by Reginald Rose and set in a single room) makes riveting drama.
There used to be many other movies about people in seemingly dead-end jobs or terrible circumstances who showed transcendent heroism. In Mike Nichols’ Oscar-nominated Silkwood (1983), Meryl Streep plays a worker and union activist at a nuclear fuel production centre who reports her concerns about the radiation poisoning going on unchecked at the facility – and dies in suspicious circumstances.
In Steven Soderbergh’s Erin Brockovich (2000), the cash-strapped, twice-divorced, blue-collar single mother turned legal assistant (Julia Roberts) takes on the company whose reckless policies have caused multiple cases of cancer. “You not only witness the humiliations casually and routinely visited on working-class women; you feel in the pit of your stomach the overwhelming anxiety of impoverished single motherhood, which often amounts to a state of sheer terror,” The New York Times wrote of another Oscar-winning film that simply wouldn’t have been made today.
Sadly, stories about characters like Karen Silkwood, Norma Rae and Erin Brockovich are no longer being told - and no one in Hollywood is trying to make dramas about migrant farmers like Tom Joad either.
Careers are suffering as a result and the awards race is becoming markedly less interesting in the process. The Oscars and Golden Globes now routinely go to actors who give the most showy and unusual performances. A strong argument can be made, though, that it is far more challenging to play “ordinary” heroes than to showboat in extravagant costume dramas or to portray larger-than-life personalities caught in extreme situations.
George Clooney is a prime example of someone struggling in a Hollywood ecosystem that doesn’t allow him to take on the type of projects that Stewart and Fonda used to make so regularly. Clooney had by far his greatest hour as a filmmaker telling the story of broadcaster and journalist Edward R Murrow (David Strathairn) in Good Night, and Good Luck (2005). This was a sober but very powerful black-and-white drama set during the McCarthy-era anti-communist witch hunts. At great personal risk, Murrow spoke out on air against the red-baiting senator and helped bring him down by doing so. Clooney himself played a supporting role as Murrow’s producer, Fred Friendly. The film had an urgency and impact you certainly don’t find in the actor’s more vacuous star vehicles like Wolfs, his recent action comedy with Brad Pitt. In our era of fake news and culture wars, Good Night, and Good Luck feels as topical and relevant as ever – but it wouldn’t be made today.
Audiences (we are continually told) don’t want stories that preach at them. “Pictures are entertainment. If you have a message, call Western Union,” runs the famous quote most commonly attributed to producer Sam Goldwyn. Nonetheless, in dispensing with dramas about ordinary characters showing courage and integrity in extraordinary circumstances, Hollywood has cut off the source of some of its very greatest works. It’s a sign of defeatist pessimism about what cinema can actually achieve. After all, if you’re not trying to change hearts and minds, what’s the point of making movies in the first place?

Материал полностью.


Источник видео.


С пониманием и очевидными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10707
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Сарское село.
Добавлено: 30.09.2024 11:56  |  #151829
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«Варвар» и «Еретик»: « тяжесть мелочей ».

Наблюдаю выдающуюся работу и невероятные агентурные возможности спецслужб Израиля.
И одна очень простая, но очень тревожная мысль меня гложет.
А где же были все эти возможности и эти суперслужбы, когда у них под боком планировались и осуществлялись октябрьские нападения?
Что-то ту не сходится.


Как советовали нам классики: если в процессе расследования, Вы отвергли все версии кроме последней, самой невероятной, то вот эта последняя и есть истина.

Спецслужбы Израиля, вместе с англосаксами угнавшими боевое крыло палестинских радикалов, были организаторами и вдохновителями резни собственного народа 7 октября.

Когда и где их участие выразилось в неисполнении ими своих должностных обязанностей путём игнорирования явной угрозы и неоказании помощи военнослужащим и гражданам своего государства, подвергшихся такой атаке.

Именно этим объясняется нежелание вызволять из плена своих сограждан и военнослужащих, которые живыми - являются для фашистской власти Израиля неудобными свидетелями национального предательства, а мертвыми - удобным основанием для геноцида народов Ливана и Палестины.


Карл Добски. «Тяжесть мелочей.»

Источник иллюстрации.

В этой связи полезно сравнить два актуальных предательства: предательство фашистской власти Украины(ИСО>ЕСО) и фашистской власти Израиля(ЕСО>ИСО):
• ЕСО>ИСО, Израиль - сперва резали свой народ, теперь режут чужой;
• ИСО>ЕСО, Украина – сперва резали чужой народ, теперь режут свой.

С пониманием и отраслевыми пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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30.09.2024 - 12:35
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