З. Г. Малаева
The Art of Decorative Iron Casting: Kasli
Серия: Шедевры народного искусства России / Masterpieces of Russian Folk Art
Издательство: Интербук-бизнес, 2005 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 160 стр.
This album is devoted to the objects of art produced at the famous pig-iron casting works in Kasli, in the Urals. The numerous exhibits of this art, well represented on display at the All-Russia Decorative and Folk Art Museum in Moscow, and reproduced here in plates, would give the reader an opportunity to acquaint himself or herself with the outstanding examples of artistic casting technique as well as with a variety of types, styles and genres of this trade, including literary characters, household utensils, figurines, hunting scenes and battle episodes to name just a few.