Alanna Jones
104 Activities That Build: Self-Esteem, Teamwork, Communication, Anger Management, Self-Discovery, Coping Skills
Издательство: Rec Room Publishing, 1998 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 272 стр.
Alanna Jones is a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist who has worked in a variety of settings using games for teaching and therapy. She has worked in psychiatric hospitals, as a church youth group leader, in therapeutic outdoor groups, and as a camp counselor with a variety of people. She has presented the popular TAG (Therapeutic Activities and Games) workshop in over 26 different cities across the country!
Alanna found that when working in the field of Therapeutic Recreation there were few good books of useful, interactive games and activities for therapy. Most books were pen/pencil worksheets or outdoor oriented and required a large budget. This prompted her to write books that are useful, easy to use and full of fun, interactive therapeutic activities and games.
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