Jim Rogers
Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Roadtrip
Издательство: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, 2004 г.
0-470-09458-3, 978-0-470-09458-7
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 368 стр.
This is a gripping tale of adventure, danger and humor, peppered with investment tips from a Wall Street legend. The best-selling author of "Investment Biker" takes a fascinating journey through the world`s economic situation in a convertible yellow Mercedes. This is the motivating story of entrepreneur Jim Rogers, dubbed `the Indiana Jones of finance` by "Time" magazine, who made his fortune playing the stock market and then embarked on his lifelong dream adventure. Together with his fiancee, Paige Parker, he set out on a three-year drive around the world that would ultimately set the Guinness world record for the longest continuous car journey. Their trip winds its way through 116 countries - through blizzards, deserts, epidemics and war zones - to discover failing economies and the new boom countries not from dry and potentially flawed statistics, but by experiencing life itself. This is a gripping tale of travel and adventure; along the way they encounter danger, love and farce. It is also a highly readable account of world economies: you won`t find a more enjoyable way to be introduced to the investment potential of Bolivia, or the cultural changes afoot in North Korea. Finally it is also an inward journey in which Rogers moves from the restless traveler to husband and father, hoping one day to introduce his daughter to his own passion for travel. Jim Rogers entered the investment business in 1968 with $600 dollars in his pocket. By 1980, at 37 years of age, he had left Wall Street with enough money to satisfy a lifelong appetite for adventure.
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