Договор о всеобъемлющем стратегическом партнерстве между Корейской Народно-Демократической Республикой и Российской Федерацией
Пхеньян 20 июня. /ЦТАК/-- Генеральный секретарь ТПК, Председатель государственных дел КНДР уважаемый товарищ Ким Чен Ын и Президент РФ товарищ Владимир Владимирович Путин 19 июня подписали «Договор о всеобъемлющем стратегическом партнерстве между Корейской Народно-Демократической Республикой и Российской Федерацией».
Ниже следует полный текст договора, подписанного высшими лидерами КНДР и РФ.
Корейская Народно-Демократическая Республика и Российская Федерация, далее именуемые Сторонами,
исходя из общего стремления и желания сохранять исторически сформировавшиеся традиции корейско-российской дружбы и сотрудничества, выстраивать устремленные в будущее межгосударственные отношения новой эпохи, тем самым способствуя процветанию и благополучию народов двух стран,
выражая уверенность, что развитие отношений всеобъемлющего стратегического партнерства Сторон отвечает коренным интересам их народов и вносит вклад в обеспечение мира, региональной и глобальной безопасности и стабильности,
подтверждая свою приверженность целям и принципам Устава ООН, а также другим общепризнанным принципам и нормам международного права,
подтверждая стремление защищать международную справедливость от гегемонистских устремлений и попыток навязывания однополярного миропорядка, установить многополярную международную систему, основанную на добросовестном сотрудничестве государств, взаимном уважении интересов, коллективном решении международных проблем, культурно-цивилизационном многообразии, верховенстве международного права в международных отношениях, совместными усилиями противодействовать любым вызовам, ставящим под угрозу существование человечества,
стремясь путем упрочения товарищеских дружественных двусторонних связей, а также расширения и укрепления сотрудничества во всех сферах вывести корейско-российские отношения на устойчивый уровень, способствующий региональному и международному миру и процветанию,
договорились о нижеследующем:
Статья 1
Стороны на постоянной основе поддерживают и развивают с учетом законодательства своих государств и их международных обязательств отношения всеобъемлющего стратегического партнерства, базирующиеся на принципах взаимного уважения государственного суверенитета и территориальной неприкосновенности, невмешательства во внутренние дела, равенства и других принципах международного права, касающихся дружественных отношений и сотрудничества между государствами.
Статья 2
Стороны путем диалога и переговоров, в том числе на высшем уровне, обмениваются мнениями по вопросам двусторонних отношений и международной повестки дня, представляющим взаимный интерес, а также укрепляют совместную координацию и взаимодействие на международных площадках.
Стремясь к установлению глобальной стратегической стабильности и нового справедливого и равноправного международного порядка, Стороны поддерживают тесную коммуникацию друг с другом и укрепляют тактическое и стратегическое взаимодействие.
Статья 3
Стороны сотрудничают друг с другом в целях обеспечения прочного регионального и международного мира и безопасности.
В случае возникновения непосредственной угрозы совершения против одной из Сторон акта вооруженной агрессии Стороны по требованию одной из Сторон незамедлительно задействуют двусторонние каналы для проведения консультаций с целью координации своих позиций и согласования возможных практических мер по оказанию помощи друг другу для содействия устранению возникшей угрозы.
Статья 4
В случае если одна из Сторон подвергнется вооруженному нападению со стороны какого-либо государства или нескольких государств и окажется таким образом в состоянии войны, то другая Сторона незамедлительно окажет военную и иную помощь всеми имеющимися в ее распоряжении средствами в соответствии со статьей 51 Устава ООН и согласно законодательству Корейской Народно-Демократической Республики и Российской Федерации.
Статья 5
Каждая из Сторон обязуется не заключать с третьими государствами соглашения, направленные против суверенитета, безопасности, территориальной неприкосновенности, права на свободный выбор и развитие политической, социальной, экономической и культурной систем и других ключевых интересов другой Стороны, а также не принимать участие в таких действиях.
Стороны не допускают использования своей территории третьими государствами в целях нарушения суверенитета, безопасности, территориальной неприкосновенности другой Стороны.
Статья 6
Стороны поддерживают миролюбивую политику и меры друг друга, направленные на защиту их государственного суверенитета, обеспечение их безопасности и стабильности, отстаивание их права на развитие, а также активно сотрудничают друг с другом в проведении такой политики, нацеленной на установление справедливого многополярного нового миропорядка.
Статья 7
Руководствуясь целями поддержания международного мира и безопасности, Стороны проводят консультации и сотрудничают друг с другом в рамках международных организаций, в том числе ООН и ее специализированных учреждений, по вопросам глобального и регионального развития, которые прямо или косвенно могут представлять вызов общим интересам и безопасности Сторон.
Стороны сотрудничают и поддерживают на взаимной основе членство каждой Стороны в соответствующих международных и региональных организациях.
Статья 8
Стороны создают механизмы по проведению совместных мероприятий в целях укрепления обороноспособности в интересах предотвращения войны и обеспечения регионального и международного мира и безопасности.
Статья 9
Стороны взаимодействуют в целях совместного противостояния множащимся вызовам и угрозам в сферах стратегического значения, в том числе продовольственной и энергетической безопасности, безопасности в сфере информационно-коммуникационных технологий (далее – ИКТ), изменения климата, здравоохранения и цепочек поставок.
Статья 10
Стороны способствуют расширению и развитию сотрудничества в торгово-экономической, инвестиционной и научно-технической областях.
Стороны прилагают усилия для увеличения объемов взаимной торговли, создают благоприятные условия для экономического сотрудничества в таможенной, валютно-финансовой и других сферах, а также поощряют и защищают взаимные инвестиции в соответствии с Соглашением между Правительством Корейской Народно-Демократической Республики и Правительством Российской Федерации о поощрении и взаимной защите капиталовложений от 28 ноября 1996 года.
Стороны оказывают содействие особым/свободным экономическим зонам Корейской Народно-Демократической Республики и Российской Федерации и организациям с их участием.
Стороны развивают обмены и сотрудничество, а также активно поощряют совместные исследования в области науки и технологий, включая такие сферы, как космос, биология, мирная атомная энергия, искусственный интеллект, информационные технологии и иные.
Статья 11
Стороны поддерживают развитие межрегионального и приграничного сотрудничества в сферах, представляющих обоюдный интерес, исходя из его особой важности для расширения всего комплекса двусторонних отношений.
Стороны создают благоприятные условия для установления прямых связей между регионами Корейской Народно-Демократической Республики и Российской Федерации, содействуют взаимному ознакомлению с их экономическим и инвестиционным потенциалами, в том числе путем проведения бизнес-миссий, конференций, выставок, ярмарок и других совместных межрегиональных мероприятий.
Статья 12
Стороны укрепляют обмены и сотрудничество в области сельского хозяйства, образования, здравоохранения, спорта, культуры, туризма и иных областях, осуществляют взаимодействие в сфере охраны окружающей среды, предотвращения и ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий.
Статья 13
Стороны развивают сотрудничество в вопросах взаимного признания стандартов, протоколов испытаний и сертификатов соответствия, прямого применения стандартов, обмена опытом и новейшими достижениями в сфере обеспечения единства измерений, обучения экспертов и содействия признанию результатов испытаний между Корейской Народно-Демократической Республикой и Российской Федерацией.
Статья 14
Каждая из Сторон защищает законные права и интересы находящихся на ее территории юридических лиц и граждан другой Стороны.
Стороны сотрудничают по вопросам оказания правовой помощи по гражданским и уголовным делам, выдачи и передачи лиц, осужденных к лишению свободы, а также реализации договоренностей в сфере возвращения активов, полученных преступным путем.
Статья 15
Стороны углубляют контакты между законодательными, исполнительными и правоохранительными органами двух стран, проводят обмен опытом и мнениями в сфере принятия и применения законов и по другим вопросам, представляющим взаимный интерес.
Статья 16
Стороны противодействуют применению односторонних принудительных мер, в том числе экстерриториального характера, и считают их введение незаконным и противоречащим Уставу ООН и нормам международного права. Стороны координируют усилия и взаимодействуют в целях поддержки многосторонних инициатив, направленных на исключение практики применения таких мер в международных отношениях.
Стороны гарантируют неприменение односторонних принудительных мер, направленных прямо или косвенно на одну из Сторон, физических и юридических лиц такой Стороны или их собственность, находящуюся под юрисдикцией такой Стороны, товары, работы, услуги, информацию, результаты интеллектуальной деятельности, в том числе исключительные права на них, происходящие из одной Стороны, предназначенные для другой Стороны.
Стороны воздерживаются от присоединения к односторонним принудительным мерам или поддержки таких мер любой третьей стороны, если такие меры затрагивают или направлены прямо или косвенно на одну из Сторон, физических и юридических лиц такой Стороны или их собственность, находящуюся под юрисдикцией такой третьей стороны, товары, происходящие из одной Стороны, предназначенные для другой Стороны, и (или) работы, услуги, информацию, результаты интеллектуальной деятельности, в том числе исключительные права на них, предоставляемые поставщиками другой Стороны.
В случае если в отношении одной из Сторон вводятся односторонние принудительные меры любой третьей стороной, Стороны предпринимают практические усилия для снижения рисков, устранения или минимизации прямого и косвенного воздействия таких мер на взаимные экономические связи, физических или юридических лиц Сторон или их собственность, находящуюся в юрисдикции Сторон, товары, происходящие из одной Стороны, предназначенные для другой Стороны, и (или) работы, услуги, информацию, результаты интеллектуальной деятельности, в том числе исключительные права на них, предоставляемые поставщиками Сторон. Стороны также предпринимают шаги по ограничению распространения информации, которая может быть использована такой третьей стороной для введения и эскалации таких мер.
Статья 17
Стороны взаимодействуют в борьбе с международным терроризмом и другими вызовами и угрозами, в том числе экстремизмом, транснациональной организованной преступностью, торговлей людьми и захватом заложников, незаконной миграцией, незаконными финансовыми потоками, легализацией (отмыванием) доходов, полученных преступным путем, финансированием терроризма и финансированием распространения оружия массового уничтожения, противоправными акциями, создающими угрозу безопасности гражданской авиации и морского судоходства, нелегальным оборотом товаров, денежных средств и денежных инструментов, а также незаконным оборотом наркотических средств, психотропных веществ и их прекурсоров, оружия, культурных и исторических ценностей.
Статья 18
Стороны взаимодействуют в сфере международной информационной безопасности, стремятся к укреплению двустороннего сотрудничества, в том числе посредством развития соответствующей нормативно-правовой основы и углубления межведомственного диалога.
Стороны способствуют формированию системы обеспечения международной информационной безопасности, в том числе путем выработки универсальных юридически обязывающих документов.
Стороны выступают за равные права для государств в управлении информационно-телекоммуникационной сетью «Интернет», а также против злонамеренного использования ИКТ с целью опорочить достоинство и репутацию суверенных государств и посягнуть на их суверенные права, считают неприемлемыми любые попытки ограничить суверенное право на регулирование и обеспечение безопасности национальных сегментов глобальной сети.
Стороны расширяют сотрудничество в сфере противодействия использованию ИКТ в преступных целях, включая обмен информацией для предупреждения, выявления, пресечения и расследования преступлений и иных правонарушений, связанных с использованием ИКТ.
Стороны координируют действия и совместно продвигают инициативы в рамках международных организаций и иных переговорных площадок, сотрудничают в области цифрового развития, обмениваются информацией и создают условия для взаимодействия компетентных органов Сторон.
Статья 19
Стороны сотрудничают в области печати и издательской деятельности.
Стороны поощряют продвижение корейской и русской литературы в своих государствах, способствуют изучению корейского языка в Российской Федерации и русского языка в Корейской Народно-Демократической Республике, а также содействуют взаимному ознакомлению и общению между народами Корейской Народно-Демократической Республики и Российской Федерации.
Статья 20
Стороны содействуют широкому сотрудничеству в медиасфере в целях повышения уровня знаний о жизни народов двух стран, продвижения в глобальном медиапространстве объективной информации о Корейской Народно-Демократической Республике и Российской Федерации и двустороннем сотрудничестве, дальнейшего формирования благоприятных условий для взаимодействия между национальными средствами массовой информации, укрепления координации в деле противодействия дезинформации и агрессивным информационным кампаниям.
Статья 21
Стороны активно сотрудничают в целях заключения и последующей реализации отраслевых соглашений, направленных на выполнение настоящего Договора, а также соглашений в иных областях, не предусмотренных настоящим Договором.
Статья 22
Настоящий Договор подлежит ратификации и вступает в силу с даты обмена ратификационными грамотами.
С даты вступления в силу настоящего Договора прекращается действие Договора о дружбе, добрососедстве и сотрудничестве между Корейской Народно-Демократической Республикой и Российской Федерацией от 9 февраля 2000 года.
Статья 23
Настоящий Договор действует бессрочно.
Если одна из Сторон намерена прекратить действие настоящего Договора, то она должна уведомить об этом другую Сторону в письменной форме. Действие Договора прекращается через год с даты получения другой Стороной письменного уведомления.
Совершено в г. Пхеньяне 19 июня 2024 года в двух экземплярах, каждый на корейском и русском языках, причем оба текста имеют одинаковую силу.
Ким Чен Ын
CNN asked you how you felt about the outcome of the 2024 election and here’s what you told us
CNN — We asked you how you were feeling about the outcome of the election. In the more than 2,000 reader responses sent to CNN in the two days following the election, many of you expressed joy, excitement or sadness. Many more shared their fears, some expressed anger and others shared that they would not lose hope.
We asked you how you were feeling about the outcome of the election. In the more than 2,000 reader responses sent to CNN in the two days following the election, many of you expressed joy, excitement or sadness. Many more shared their fears, some expressed anger and others shared that they would not lose hope.
While emotions varied, voters shared their perspectives on critical issues that were top of mind in the 2024 election. Preservation of democracy, women’s reproductive rights and the state of the economy came up frequently, as did concerns about immigration and LGBTQ+ rights.
The selections below are a representative sample of those responses. No words were changed other than some typos corrected. A few are excerpts from longer responses.
‘His election brings me hope for a better future’
Some respondents voiced confidence in the election results, hopeful that new policies will allow for an improved economic state and more affordable consumer prices. Comments also highlighted desires to lessen the country’s political divide.
“I am feeling cautiously optimistic! As a married black male, I feel Trump has the best to offer myself, my wife, and our hopeful future family.”
– Clifford Wayne Irwin Jr. in Anchorage, Alaska
“I am a white, college educated, young, gay male who voted for Donald Trump. His election brings me hope for a better future, something that had seemed increasingly elusive under the Biden-Harris administration. I hope that moving forward, Donald Trump can lower the temperature of his more divisive political rhetoric and genuinely work toward uniting the country and embracing policies that empower and uplift legal American citizens of all backgrounds and locations. America will not be great again until we all have an equal opportunity to thrive and meet our ambitions.”
– Matthew Trovato in Phoenix
“I’m thrilled that we can get back to basics, I hope he can lead inclusively and reach across the aisle so we can all be proud to be Americans regardless of your political affiliations.”
– Matt in New Jersey
“I can’t wait to afford groceries and afford petrol. I believe that the next 4 years will be better than the last 4 years.”
– Berny in Ocean Springs, Mississippi
“As an Army veteran I have always given what Trump has said and done with utmost thoughts. … I’m excited to have DJT back in office!! It’s time for this country to get back on its feet and start taking better care of itself. I’m not rich or middle class, as a lower- class citizen I’ve never felt more comfortable in this country under the leadership of Donald Trump.”
– DaMarcus Powell in Biloxi, Mississippi
“I love Trump and think he is trying to make our country what it once was. Lowering tax, gas etc. He has great goals and hope everyone stands behind his decisions as we go through these next 4 years.”
– Michael Petry in West Virginia
“As a legal immigrant, I feel good about this. I feel seen. I paid thousands of dollars to live in this country and I pay my taxes. I trust this administration will finally do something about all those who abuse this system and do not contribute to US economy, and those who come here without any legal basis to do so.”
– Beka in Virginia
‘We cannot lose hope’
Although many respondents said they are feeling apprehensive about the change in the political landscape, some readers are trying to balance their fears with hope for the future. They expressed determination in the face of uncertainty.
“I am a queer woman from the southeast. … My partner is a Hispanic birthright citizen. … I worry about my reproductive freedom. I worry about my partner’s citizenship, my safety as a queer woman in a red state, my career in climate science and environmental justice. … We should be scared. But we will fight. I will do everything I can do to protect my community in this transition. We cannot lose hope, we have to get stronger. I am fearful but I am also a fighter.”
– Cameron McClellan in Chapel Hill, North Carolina
“Like many Americans, I am nervous about a Trump presidency. However, I am optimistic about change. We need something done about the economy and student debt. I hope Trump does not leave those with debt behind. I also hope that the job market picks up so my spouse can get a job.”
– Cassie in Ohio
“I am afraid for our country. I weep for our country. But I realize I now must take a more active role these next 4 years to prepare for the election in 2028. My father was a WWII vet, now deceased, fought for our country to be free – free from the dictatorship overpowering Europe. May he and so many others not have fought in vain.”
– Sharon Close
“We were hoping Kamala would get the chance to heal, lead and support all Americans. Now it’s up to all of us to do just that.”
– Robin Bridgewater in Austin, Texas
“I am afraid for my non-white friends. I am afraid for my friends that do not identify as heterosexual or cis. And I am afraid for our youth. Just like last time, they will witness a wave of people feeling empowered to be racist, sexist, and violent under the guise of patriotism. We are better than this and we will keep fighting.”
– Sandra in Michigan
‘I’m really scared’
Many readers expressed fear as their reaction to the results. Recurring themes in those respondents’ answers included anxiety about health care rights and safety, both personally and for loved ones.
“This is extremely scary. As a single mom and sole provider for my children, I fear his presidency will not benefit me nor my two daughters. I fear the cost of living will go beyond what it is now, and I’m barely making it by, paycheck to paycheck.”
– Cecilia in Tennessee
“I’m a father of four children. My oldest is autistic and my youngest had a liver transplant. Both need special attention and special medical and educational needs. … I’m scared I won’t be able to seek the help me and my children need now that Trump will take office. My daughter is on special medication. Medicare pays for it but now I’m afraid soon it won’t be covered.”
– Marcelino in Portland, Oregon
“As I am writing this, I have just tried again to console my daughter for probably the 10th time today. I am telling her things will be ok. … She’s worried about going to school tomorrow since the boys were already celebrating their victory over the girls yesterday. She’s worried about her future and asking me hard questions that I don’t know the answers to. She’s worried about me, her aunts, her grandmas, and her friends. How do I look at my daughter and tell her that the consequences of this election won’t shape the rest of her life when I know they will? … How long will I need to step outside to cry so she doesn’t hear me and realize I am lying to her? We are a broken country. …”
– Ashley in Florida
“I feel scared. I’m pregnant, and I’ll be giving birth when Trump is in office. Thankfully I live in a Democratic state, but if I didn’t, I’d be giving birth knowing that my life would never be as important as my unborn baby, even if it killed me. I have a toddler at home, my life needs to be more important too so I can continue to raise him and watch him grow up.”
– Katie in Connecticut
“I’m scared to death for our country, for our democracy, and for our citizens who are struggling, and full of vulnerability. Being an assistant director at a homeless shelter in Iowa, I witnessed many people today who are having trouble accepting the results of the election. People are depressed. Angry. Shocked. Upset. Frustrated. Furious. Full of rage.”
– Jeff Lenhart in Dubuque, Iowa
“I am terrified that my students I teach will be deported along with their legal-status families. They have already started mentioning their fears about not being around for the end of the school year. I am worried my transgender sister will stop receiving adequate care in Pennsylvania. … ”
– Cara in Colorado
“I am a 22-year-old transgender man in Texas and I am terrified. I didn’t think this many people would go along with Trump’s rhetoric. I feel hopeless and dehumanized. … I think we’re going to lose a lot of lives.”
– Grayson Stock in Texas
“I am scared. I’m scared for my trans friends who will find it harder to get their medications. I’m scared for my own health, and the health of my community, if companies are allowed to cut corners on safety standards just to save money and pad the already overinflated profits they already make. I’m scared for future generations, who will have to inherit a planet riddled with climate disasters that nobody can fix and air that’s poisoning the life around it. I’m scared for my female friends and my sister, who now have to fight even harder for the most basic of rights over their own reproductive systems. …”
– Lea in Salt Lake City, Utah
“As a pregnant woman in Texas with a young daughter, it’s a little scary. We’re trying to stay optimistic that our democracy we’ll stay intact but we are wondering what’s going to happen once Trump is in office with a Republican majority in the Senate. To say it’s a little worrying is an understatement.”
– Mary Clifton in Texas
“As a woman of color. A teacher of students of color. A mother of children of color. I fear for what our future holds. I feel betrayed by the women who voted for him.”
– Laura in New York
“As a 30-something woman, I’m scared. Terrified. More than that, I’m scared for humanity. The message it sends, that an impeached, convicted felon holds the highest office. That it’ll continue to embolden people to spew hate and fear monger. It feels hopeless.”
– Jenny
“I am terrified. I grew up on the west coast, never feeling like I had to be afraid for my livelihood. Now I live in Florida and while I live in the Orlando area, I am more afraid of the rhetoric that comes with a Trump presidency. I have seen how hateful and mean some people can be firsthand when he was in the seat of power, and I am terrified to have to do it again.”
– Meigs in Orlando, Florida
“I’m really scared. I’m scared about how many of us turned a blind eye to the misogyny, racism, and hatred of the man. … Instead, we have embraced his anger so that we can hopefully save a few dollars at the gas pump. I’m worried about my friends from South America that came here to escape economic hardships. … I’m worried about where this man, his administration, and his followers, will send us and our world around us in the years to come.”
– Danny Lopez
‘America just broke my heart’
Respondents disappointed with the election results expressed grief over the lack of shared values in the country and raised concerns about parenting children in such an environment, among other worries about the state of democracy.
“My family and I are disheartened. You try and teach your kids the importance of certain values: Honesty, character, integrity, respect, democracy, critical thinking, respect for women, the repudiation of attacks on those different from us, basic human decency. Donald Trump is the antithesis of these values and you hope your children hear you despite watching his behavior rewarded and celebrated at the highest level of our government.”
– Daniel Baca in Glendale, Arizona
“Once, when I was a kid, we were playing football, and I got tackled. Hard. I went down face-first into the dirt. Full on bruising, a fat lip, skin peeling off my face. And the wind knocked out of me. I couldn’t breathe, and I panicked. But I was also in shock. And, even at 9 or 10, I knew when the shock wore off the pain would be unbearable. Today, the wind has been knocked out of me and I am in shock, again. And I know the pain that’s coming will be much worse. For my daughter. For generations of young women. It’s unbearable.”
– Sherri Emmons
“As a #GirlDad, I’ve got to be nervous and worried about what road ‘female rights’ is about to head down. I don’t vote for just me, I vote for my daughters as well.”
– Andrew Dunlay in Maine
“As I woke up today and read the news, I am saddened for America. I am saddened because I feel like we had a chance at a fresh start. I felt like we finally had the opportunity for something new. I felt like we would finally have the chance for some positivity in this world, rather than the hate and division that Donald Trump continues to bring to our country. It is a sad day for America.”
– Christina in Tucson, Arizona
“Absolutely gutted. Gutted for my girlfriend, my sister, all the women in my life and around the country. My dad won’t be able to retire, my girlfriend and I will never own a home, afford to have children. In 2016 I said okay not what I want but let’s give him a shot (couldn’t vote yet). In 2020 my vote helped remove him from office, then witnessed January 6th live. Now 2024 I was hoping my vote would help elect the first female president, a woman who sparked joy and hope all around the country. I am not feeling good about the future of this country. This is definitely a dark day for the United States of America.”
– Tim M. in New Jersey
“As a public school teacher, person with a chronic illness, and as a woman, the only emotion I have left in me after hearing that Trump won this election is sadness. I am sad for my nieces who have to grow up in this world. I am sad for my students whose educational rights and freedoms will be challenged. I am sad for myself and for all women in this country who will continue to live with the knowledge that America is not ready for a female leader due to ingrained sexism and racism.”
– Marcella Anderson in Los Angeles
“Beyond the policies I hate and the rhetoric I despise, my greatest fear is that the simple act of love is not enough anymore. Dads and boyfriends voted to remove autonomy from the women in their lives. Immigrants voted to remove other immigrants from the county to try to win the horse race of America. The poor will now fight to pick up the scraps of resources left over after the rich have their ways. These are acts of hate. In Trump’s America, hate spreads like a virus and love is not enough to stop it.”
– Michael Farris in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
“America just broke my heart. I feel really alone.”
– Rachel Pearl in LA
“As my young son slept fearfully last night, and my teenage daughter stayed up with me watching the election, in her eyes I could see doubt, question, and disbelief. Were all the lessons in her upbringing wrong, as here she was seeing the exact opposite to what we stand for. How could people vote for lies, for unkindness, for deceit? … We heard on the news that people voted the way they did because of the economy, because of immigration, because of safety. But what about the core values of integrity, of honesty, of standing up for what is right, of service, of kindness? We have lost. We have lost in the eyes of our children. We have lost their trust, their faith, their beliefs. And that loss will take much more than four years to repair.”
– Visha Rao in Saratoga, California
‘I’m bitter, hopeless and furiously angry’
Other respondents were angry, expressing outrage over the country’s divided opinions. Some felt the election results were seen as a threat to progress, leaving marginalized communities a step behind to handle injustice.
“I feel like my voice, and millions like mine, can’t be heard. We, women who believe in women and for fighting for the rights to our own bodies, are screaming but the door is being shut and the music turned up louder so that the party for the elite and rich in the other room cannot hear our fight and determination. It is a fact that woman are not created equal in this country. While this is nothing new, I am having trouble comprehending how this large a population has voted to endorse this rhetoric. I am feeling a huge wave of distrust in everything and everyone today. I am however, proud of myself and millions of others like me, who accept the results and are not acting like those who lost in 2020.”
– Delaney in Napa, California
“Travesty for the foundation of America. The intense devastation we will face is only surpassed by the intense reality of how deep racism and sexism is rooted in our country. Men failed women today.”
– Amy in Minnesota
“Seeing the news articles this morning made my heart ache, and my blood boil. At the ripe age of sixteen I realize the morals and ethics of America: greed, religion, and selfishness. Though the population lives for glory and tradition, American citizens who voted for President Trump do not consider nor empathize for those who’ve suffered until they themselves are graced with misfortune. Can we as a nation process the pain and suffering we have induced upon ourselves? … We do not need enemies to deconstruct our nation, for we as a nation have seen to our own demise. ”
– Kaylen Garcia in Texas
“We are in the vestibule of anarchy waiting to enter an unprecedented descent into a dictatorship with no voting rights, no reproductive rights, no respect for race or ethnic origin, increased censorship, and a corrupt judicial and police system. All this while the middle and lower classes continue to enrich an oligarchy. At 77 years of age, I have seen small, incremental improvement in some aspects of civil life but even these are being abandoned now. You’re damned straight I’m bitter, hopeless and furiously angry.”
– Helen Engle in Brockton, Massachusetts
“As a healthcare worker caring for patients who have been victims of sexual assault, I find the results of this election to be very disturbing. Regularly, I see patients who wish not to report sexual abuse because they fear retribution by their perpetrators. Donald Trump is a convicted felon and sexual assaulter and we just elected him as president knowing this. I fear for my patients who don’t have a voice to speak up against their perpetrators because of how easily we allow people like Donald Trump hold the highest office. If he can get away with it, why can’t any other person? Disappointed and angry are understatements.”
– Sophia in Chicago
PepsiCo, Unilever sell lower quality products in India, finds report
A new report shows that major food and drink companies sell less healthy products in low-income countries like India, triggering concerns about the impact of such products on the population’s health.
According to a global index published by Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI), Nestle, Pepsico and Unilever were among the companies, which were found to be selling products in low-income countries with lower scores on a health rating system.
The rating system developed in Australia and New Zealand found that the average score was 1.8 out of 5 for low-income countries, while it was 2.3 for high-income countries. Under the system, products with a score above 3.5 are considered healthy.
The non-profit group assessed 30 such companies.
“It’s a very clear picture that what these companies are selling in the poorest countries in the world, where they are more and more active, are not healthy products,” said Mark Wijne, research director at ATNI, in an interview with Reuters, urging the governments to be more vigilant.
This marked the first instance when the index split the assessment into low and high-income countries, revealing the shocking figures.
According to the World Health Organization, more than one billion people on the planet are living with obesity, with 70 per cent of the population residing in low-and-middle-income countries. Fast food and snacks such as potato chips, cola beverages have been found to be contributing factors in propelling the obesity epidemic globally.
In India, influencers like Revant Himatsingka, popularly known as ‘Food Pharma’, have been at the forefront of the battle against major health violations committed by multinational corporations. He has also faced many lawsuits by these companies for his vocal criticism of their products.
On his social media accounts where Himantsingka has millions of followers, he has called out violations in products like Nestle’s Cerelac; Kissan’s tomato ketchup; among others.
Материал полностью.
С интересом и понятными ожиданиями, Dimitriy.
U.S. will send contractors to Ukraine to help fix its weapons
F-16 fighter jets and air defense systems are among the equipment that requires contractor support, the Pentagon said.
Ukrainian F-16 fighter jets fly over Ukraine in August. (Efrem Lukatsky/AP)
The Pentagon said Friday that it will send “a small number” of U.S. defense contractors to Ukraine, where they will repair advanced American-made weapons, including F-16 fighter jets, Bradley fighting vehicles and air defense systems, donated by Western allies amid Russia’s invasion.
The development comes in the closing weeks of the Biden administration while there is deep uncertainty over President-elect Donald Trump’s intent to sustain the extensive military and economic assistance Washington has provided the government in Kyiv over nearly three years of conflict. Biden has steadfastly opposed putting Americans in harm’s way to aid Ukraine, while Trump, who spoke with Ukraine’s president after securing reelection Wednesday, has objected to the expense and vowed to bring the war to an end — possibly on terms unfavorable to Kyiv.
The U.S.-funded contractors will be far from the front lines and won’t be fighting Russian forces, defense officials said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue. Their employers will be responsible for the contractors’ safety and security while in Ukraine, and “risk mitigation plans” will be required as part of companies’ bids for the work, officials said
(выделено а.п.: только КАБы об этом не знают).
The expansion of American support was first reported by Reuters and CNN.
Ukraine received its first provision of F-16s in July. Its military has been operating air defense systems donated by the United States and other NATO nations since Russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022. The repairs will also include Bradley vehicles, which the Ukrainians have used in aggressive attacks on Russian forces, and unspecified “complex systems,” a defense official said. It was not immediately clear whether the Pentagon intends to extend this contracted maintenance work to other U.S.-made equipment vital to Ukraine’s fight, including tanks, additional armored vehicles and artillery systems.
Ukrainian mechanics are increasingly versed in fixing Western weapons as they take abuse on the battlefield. But for more complex repairs, the U.S. has facilitated equipment transport to depots in Poland, including the replacement of worn artillery barrels and vehicles torn apart by mines and Russian fire.
U.S. personnel in Poland also have assisted Ukrainian forces through a practice known as “tele-maintenance,” in which they effectively act as customer service to help them fix problems remotely.
Ukrainian soldiers have told The Washington Post in interviews that they prefer waiting weeks for substantial repairs rather than using broken or faulty equipment. The stakes are high for infantry troops counting on that support, an officer in Ukraine’s 72nd Mechanized Brigade recently said, citing an example of battle tanks missing Russian targets because their gun barrels were dilapidated from overuse.
U.S. defense officials declined to say where in Ukraine the contractors will be based, citing security sensitivities, but noted that numerous U.S. companies already have personnel in the country to perform work for the Ukrainian government. U.S. contractors also already have signed contracts with the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development, including to bolster Ukraine’s energy grid as it is attacked by Russian airstrikes and drones. A significant amount of international help for Ukraine is based in the western part of the country, far from the front line.
Trump transition distances itself from Ukraine peace plan outlined by Republican strategist
WEST PALM BEACH, Florida, Nov 9 (Reuters) - Donald Trump's presidential transition effort said on Saturday that a Republican operative who outlined some potential contours of a U.S.-backed peace plan in Ukraine earlier in the day was not speaking on behalf of the president-elect.
Bryan Lanza, a long-time Republican strategist who was a contractor on Trump's 2024 campaign, said in an interview with the BBC that Trump's administration would be asking Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy for a "realistic vision for peace."
He said the new administration's priority in Ukraine would be establishing peace and not restoring lost territory, including Crimea.
"And if President Zelenskiy comes to the table and says, well we can only have peace if we have Crimea, he shows to us that he's not serious. Crimea is gone," he said.
Responding to Lanza's comments, a spokesperson for the transition denied that Lanza spoke for Trump. Trump's transition effort is currently vetting personnel and drafting the policies that Trump could adopt during his second term.
"Bryan Lanza was a contractor for the campaign," said the spokesperson, who declined to be named. "He does not work for President Trump and does not speak for him."
During the election campaign, Trump said he would find a solution to end the war "within a day," but did not explain how he would do so.
Zelenskiy and Trump spoke by telephone this week after the U.S. election in a conversation joined by billionaire Trump supporter Elon Musk, according to media reports.
Материал полностью.
Trump’s win was real but not a landslide. Here’s where it ranks
Donald Trump can claim a lot out of his 2024 election win:
► It’s a comeback for the ages for a president to go from a pariah after trying to overturn one election to president-elect after the next.
► A rightward shift in election results gives him a mandate to start trying to remake the US government like he promised he would.
► If Republicans win control of the US House of Representatives, he’ll have control of the entire US government to help him enact change.
What Trump cannot claim is a landslide victory, although that’s how he will describe it.
As of Saturday, Trump is winning the popular vote with a little more than 74 million votes, although millions of votes have yet to be counted in California, Washington and Utah, among others. The final 2024 popular vote tally likely won’t be known until December.
When he lost convincingly in 2020, Trump got a little more than 74 million votes. So while it’s true that much of the country moved to the right in this election, it’s also true that there was some voter apathy if, at the end of the day, turnout is down from 2020.
That doesn’t mean this will end up being a low turnout election. The University of Florida Election Lab estimates as of Friday that turnout in 2024 will be about 62.3% of the voting-eligible population, down from the high-water mark of the modern era of more than 66.4% in 2020 but still above other recent elections. Turnout in 1996 and 2000 was not much over 50% of the voting-eligible population.
In terms of the Electoral College, Trump is on track to win 312 electoral votes if his lead in Arizona holds. It’s a solid win, but in the lower half of US presidential elections.
It would be a better showing than either his or Joe Biden’s 306 electoral votes in 2016 and 2020, respectively. It would also outperform both of George W. Bush’s electoral victories in 2000 and 2004. But it would be far short of Barack Obama’s 365 electoral votes in 2008 and 332 in 2012.
Bill Clinton never reached 50% in the popular vote because both of his presidential elections featured a strong third-party candidate in Ross Perot. But Clinton did run away with the Electoral College vote, winning 370 electoral votes in 1992 and 379 in 1996.
Even those strong victories are dwarfed by Ronald Reagan’s 1984 win, a true landslide. Reagan lost only Washington, DC, and Minnesota, the home state of his Democratic rival, Walter Mondale, thereby securing 525 electoral votes and more than 58% of the popular vote.
Both Richard Nixon in 1972 and Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 exceeded 60% in the popular vote for their reelection campaigns, something that seems impossible in today’s political climate. It’s also incredible to think that two such massive landslides would occur within eight years. Nixon’s reelection rival in 1972, then-Sen. George McGovern, lost even his home state of South Dakota and won only Massachusetts and Washington, DC.
Voters were much more likely to split their tickets in those years. While Johnson, a Democrat, enjoyed a strong Democratic majority in the House after his 1964 landslide, voters who gave both Nixon and Reagan all but one state also checked them with a Democratic-controlled House.
The more recent trend is for voters to align their votes for House, Senate and the White House. That trend has led to a period during which the White House and Congress change hands more frequently, although Democrats will keep Senate seats in multiple states won by Trump this year.
Trump’s 2024 win marks the third straight presidential election in which voters have thrown out the incumbent party. The last time that happened in three straight elections was in the late 1800s when Grover Cleveland became the first president to be elected to nonconsecutive terms. Trump is the second.
Trump will never be on a presidential ballot again, because the 22nd Amendment limits presidents to two terms. But voters will get an opportunity to weigh in on how he and Republicans use their power in two years, during the 2026 midterm elections.
The past three presidents, including Trump in his first term, all lost control of the House after their first two years in office. If Trump does end up with a friendly Republican majority this year, he’ll have to work hard to keep voters on his side two years from now.
(выделено а.п.: весьма милый и немного смешной фрагмент).
Bild: German President hits writer who accused him of supporting Russia
How Steinmeier hit the writer Martin
The incident occurred at an event marking the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
The writer criticized the German president for supporting the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline while he was foreign minister.
As eyewitnesses told Bild , during Martin's speech, Steinmeier clenched his jaw and breathed heavily.
The writer himself stated that after the event the president accused him of slander and hit him.
In 2021, Steinmeier, defending Nord Stream 2 in an interview with the German newspaper Rheinische Post, said that energy cooperation was perhaps the last remaining bridge between Europe and Russia. The German president also recalled the “rich history with Russia.”
Construction of Nord Stream 2 began in 2018. After Russia recognized the independence of the DPR and LPR on February 21, 2022, German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz announced the suspension of certification of the gas pipeline.
Explosions occurred at Nord Stream in late September 2022. Russia was not allowed to participate in the investigation.
Recently, the German Attorney General's Office named the main suspect - 44-year-old diver from Ukraine Vladimir Zhuravlev. Shortly before the arrest warrant was issued, the suspect, who was in Poland, fled to Ukraine.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov noted that the German Prosecutor General's Office's version of the divers has no connection to reality.
Zakharova: The rulers in Germany are the craziest in the last 80 years
The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia commented on the incident between President Steinmeier and the writer Marco Martin
The official spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova stated that the current rulers in Germany are the craziest in the last 80 years, commenting on the incident with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the writer Marco Martin.
The diplomat drew attention to the publication of Bild newspaper, which stated that the German president hit the writer Martin on the head for words about Nord Stream. Martin criticized Steinmeier during an event to mark the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The writer spoke harshly about the president's position on relations with Russia and his support for the construction of the "Nord Stream 2" gas pipeline. After the speech, Steinmeier, according to Martin, communicated with him in a raised tone.
"I will say only one thing: my condolences to the Germans; their country has not seen such insane rulers in 80 years. On the other hand, one should always fight for dignity, honor and freedom. And if the citizens of Germany don't wake up, then their country will continue to star in this American-German B-rated porn movie. titled “Nude on Trampoline“, wrote Zakharova in her Telegramchannel.
Bild: «Президент ФРГ Франк-Вальтер Штайнмайер ударил писателя Марко Мартина по голове из-за слов о "Северном потоке".
Мартин критиковал Штайнмайера во время мероприятия по случаю 35-летия падения Берлинской стены. Писатель резко высказался о позиции президента по вопросам отношений с Россией и о поддержке им строительства газопровода "Северный поток – 2". Пока писатель говорил, Штайнмайер явно злился, "тяжело дыша и шевелил челюстью". После выступления он, по словам Мартина, напал на него. "Он потерял самообладание и ударил меня по голове, заявив, что я и "интеллектуалы" понятия не имеем, насколько трудна работа политиков", — рассказал Мартин».
Может, и фейк, конечно. Но все остальное правда - Северный поток и тд.
Комментировать - только портить.
Скажу только одно: мои соболезнования немцам, таких безумных правителей их страна лет 80 не видела. С другой стороны, за достоинство, честь и свободу всегда надо бороться. И если граждане Германии не очнутся, то их страна так и будет сниматься в этом американо-немецком порнофильме категории «Б» под названием «Голые на батуте».
I’m the only one who knows what really went wrong with this campaign
There just weren’t enough texts.
A Harris campaign text on a mobile phone. (Jon Elswick/AP)
Like lots of people on the internet right now, I am certain that the thing that went wrong in the 2024 Harris campaign is the very thing that I have been going on about for years, but unlike everyone else on the internet, I am right. I know what went wrong. Okay, I will tell you: not enough texts and emails from the candidate.
Every time I got one of those on my phone or in my inbox, I felt fired up. And I’m sure that’s how everyone else receiving them also felt. So why were we only receiving (and this is a rough estimate; I think I am lowballing it) 346 of them per hour? That wasn’t enough. We needed more.
Do not say to me: “Your assumptions are wrong. Obviously, we tried the strategy of sending more texts than any human being could possibly want to receive from a candidate in the course of a lifetime, and that strategy failed.”
It has not yet been tried. We received only a countably infinite number of texts. We should have received an UNCOUNTABLY infinite number of texts. What were they even doing at headquarters?
How could this campaign have hoped to win the election unless every second anyone in America was looking at a phone, that phone was dinging with news that the candidate’s college roommate’s parrot was worried that not enough money had been poured into the campaign yet? If your phone is not wrung out and shuddering from the effort of fielding all the texts, running through its battery power, begging some unknown force to make it stop, then you weren’t getting fired up enough!
Emails from the candidate. Emails from the candidate’s running mate. Emails from the candidate’s spouse. Emails from Barack Obama. Where were emails from people with even more tangential relationships to the candidate? Their neighbors? Their dog walkers? People who had once visited an Airbnb right after they’d visited it and felt that it had been left in excellent condition? People who sat behind them at a screening of “Top Gun: Maverick” and thought that their verbal responses were appropriate? If we had had my way, everyone in the country would have been required not only to receive these texts but also to send them.
What evidence do I have that my strategy would have worked?
Well, it seems to me (without much evidence; I did Google it, but that just meant that an insufficiently intelligent AI sent me a few sponsored results that were not entirely germane) that fewer people complained this year than complained in previous election cycles about the sheer volume of unrequested campaign emails and texts. This, to me, is an important signal.
Such a conspicuous lack of complaint, if it happened at all, which I am choosing to believe that it did, was not because we are just used to the world being marginally worse now and have stopped complaining as we stroll uneasily through 80-degree temperatures in November, tip at all transactions and accept that we are all 40 percent microplastics. No, it was because we liked it. The number of texts and emails was finally approaching the number of emails and text messages that it is ideal to receive from your candidate of choice. There is no ceiling. That is what I have always been saying! If we had just gotten a few more, we could have clinched this thing.
I know that some people are saying, “Your prescription is the opposite of what is true. You are just bringing a bad set of assumptions to a situation where there is no evidence that your suggested course would have made things any better!” To them I say: No! Try it! Only one way to find out, and that’s to try it! More texts! More emails! Midterms are right around the corner! We’d better start right now!
Trump talked to Putin, told Russian leader not to escalate in Ukraine
President-elect Donald Trump spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday and discussed the war in Ukraine, according to people familiar with the call.
President Donald Trump shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Osaka, Japan, in 2019. (Susan Walsh/AP)
During the call, which Trump took from his resort in Florida,
he advised the Russian president not to escalate the war in Ukraine and reminded him of Washington’s sizable military presence in Europe
(выделено а.п.), said a person familiar with the call, who, like others interviewed for this story, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter.
The government of Ukraine has been informed of the Putin call and did not object to the conversation taking place, said two people familiar with the matter. Ukrainian officials have long understood that Trump would engage with Putin on a diplomatic solution for Ukraine, the people said.
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Pentagon Press Briefing Live | Trump Warning To Putin | Russia Vs Ukraine War | Trump News | N18G
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Выглядит всё это ещё более странно, чем сообщение о телефонном разговоре Трампа с Зеленским. С одной стороны, информация о состоявшемся звонке опять утекает в прессу, причём явно из окружения Трампа (первый раз можно было подумать на киевских чиновников). С другой стороны, люди Трампа принципиально не комментируют (причём агрессивно и демонстративно) не комментируют действия Трампа. Секретность, мол, и ничего вы с "новым Трампом" не сделаете.
К тому, что Дональд резво взялся за дело и, по крайней мере, попытался обозначить активность на украинском треке, вопросов нет. Трамп обещал — Трамп старается. То, что он очень быстро обнаружит, что, мягко говоря, не всё так просто, очевидно. Так же очевидно, что общая установка окружения Трампа на "компромисс" и "заморозку" связана не столько с "ковбойством" Трампа и Вэнса, сколько с тем, что им пока что не дали полного доступа к разведданным. Но дело не в этом.
Серьёзный вопрос вызывает само настроение американской медийной среды. В 2016-м они бы уже обвинили Трампа если не в измене, то точно в нарушении закона Логана, запрещающего частным лицам вести переговоры от лица США. Теперь нет даже намёка на осуждение. Напротив, все обсуждают предполагаемые тематику и тональность разговоров Трампа с Путиным и Зеленским. Мол, Зеленскому он "пообещал", а Путина "предупредил".
Это называется программированием ожиданий. От Трампа в 2024-м невозможно опосредовано (через медийную накачку) требовать про-украинской позиции, зато можно попытаться "подарить" ему то, что уже и так несколько недель вбрасывается в информационное поле. А именно: так называемый "корейский вариант" — заморозка конфликта по существующей ЛБС. И если Трамп пойдёт на что-то более "про-путинское" (на деле, более реалистичное), вот тогда он "слабый переговорщик" и даже "путинский агент".
Ловушка простенькая, но в американских реалиях может быть весьма эффективной.
И это лишний раз показывает, что пока Трамп не разобрался с вашингтонскими бюрократами и группами влияния, всякие переговоры с Вашингтоном, мягко говоря, малоэффективны.
Разговор Трампа с Путиным. Что известно и что он означает?
О разговоре будущего президента США и президента России никто официально не сообщал.
Единственный пока источник информации о нем – публикация в «Вашингтон пост» со ссылкой на комментарии анонимных лиц.
Поэтому был ли разговор 7 ноября в реальности и если и был, то насколько точно газета передала его содержание – пока до конца непонятно.
Но если исходить из того, что написано в «Вашингтон пост», то можно сделать вывод, что Трамп действительно стоит на позиции необходимости скорейшего завершения войны путем некого территориального компромисса с Россией. В частности, если верить изданию, он готов оставить за РФ часть захваченных территорий Украины. Ранее также писали, что советники Трампа выступают за остановку войны по линии фронта. То есть, если верить всей этой информации, формула «мир в обмен на территории» (то есть прекращение войны на условиях сохранения за Россией всех или части захваченных территорий) на данном этапе активно обсуждается в команде Трампа.
Также, по данным «Вашингтон пост», Трамп выражал недовольство тем, что США вынуждены много тратить на войну в Украине, что поднимает вопрос будет ли американская помощь продолжаться и далее.
Наконец, издание утверждает, что Трамп во время разговора посоветовал российскому президенту «не обострять войну в Украине». Источник издания так пояснил смысл этой фразы: «Трамп не хочет вступать в должность в условиях нового кризиса в Украине, вызванного российской эскалацией, что даст ему стимул не допустить обострения войны».
О какой эскалации идет речь? Судя по всему – о возможности массированного удара по украинской энергетике. В частности, по подстанциям АЭС Украины, что может полностью обрушить энергосистему страны. Этот вопрос, судя по частоте упоминания, сильно беспокоит украинские власти. И, не исключено, что эту тему попросил поднять сам Зеленский, который говорил с Трампом за день до его разговора с Путиным.
Но если у РФ действительно есть намерения и возможности нанести такой удар, то далеко не факт, что Кремль от него откажется, несмотря на советы Трампа. В Москве могут посчитать, что бонусы для нее от разрушения украинской энергетики значительно перевешивают риск вызвать недовольство будущего президента США. Тем более, что удар могут осуществить задолго до инаугурации и затем использовать его для усиления давления на Украину и Запад в преддверие возможных переговоров в качестве «акции устрашения».
Что касается реакции Кремля на разговор, то как раз 7 ноября (в день, когда, по информации «Вашингтон пост», и состоялась беседа), Путин впервые публично прокомментировал итоги выборов в США, поздравил Трампа с победой и выразил готовность вести с ним диалог. Также стали более позитивными комментарии и других представителей российской власти.
То есть, если разговор действительно был, то, судя по всему, у Путина он не вызвал отторжения и был воспринят как начало диалога.
Ukraine and Russia exchange drone attacks | BBC News
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Ukraine unleashes its biggest ever drone strike on Moscow with airports forced to close and base hit
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Ukraine Attacks Moscow: Russia Shoots Down 70 Drones| Biggest 'Terror Strike' On Russian Capital
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Ukraine launches biggest drone attack yet on Moscow
Russia’s Defense Ministry said its air defense systems intercepted 84 Ukrainian drones over the Moscow, Bryansk, Oryol, Kaluga, Kursk and Tula regions. Thirty-four of those drones were shot down over the Moscow region, the ministry said — making it the largest Ukrainian drone attack on Moscow since Russia invaded the country more than two years ago.
Ukraine’s armed forces said in a Sunday morning statement that Russia attacked overnight with a “record number” of drones across the country and damaged buildings. Oleh Kiper, governor of the southern Odessa region, said two people were hospitalized with injuries.
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Moscow targeted as Ukraine and Russia trade large drone attacks
Ukrainian commentators said the strike on Moscow was in response to a massive Russian drone barrage directed at Kyiv on Thursday, soon after Donald Trump was elected as US president.
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NATO allies ready sea drones for the task of repelling enemy warships
PARIS — A number of NATO countries are pursuing new naval concepts based on sea drones programmed to keep adversaries out of allied waters, a nod to Ukraine’s pursuits with such weapons against Russian ships.
The alliance nations belong to the so-called Joint Capability Group for Maritime Unmanned Systems, or JCGMUS. The group, created following the 2018 NATO summit in Brussels, comprises more than a dozen nations considered full members, partners or observers.
Every September, member countries stage one of the largest experimentation exercises with naval unmanned systems – the drill is abbreviated REPMUS – in concert with the Portuguese Navy to help accelerate drone technology testing and interoperability among allies.
Next year, the emphasis will fall on using unmanned systems to keep adversary forces at a distance, a new tack for the group.
“The roadmap of REPMUS will focus in 2025 on non-traditional sea denial – that is limiting an adversary’s maritime freedom of action, including through anti-access, area denial and disruptive and dispersible capabilities, based in part on of what we’ve seen in Ukraine,” Craig Sawyer, chair of JCGMUS said during a panel discussion at the Euronaval defense exhibition here on Nov. 5.
One of the elements that allowed the Ukrainian Navy to create an anti-access perimeter was the deployment of different types of unmanned surface vessels, which in some cases drove straight into Russian vessels at sea or in port to neutralize them.
The NATO official also added that one of the ambitions for next year’s drill will be to deliver an anti-submarine warfare barrier project demonstrator, an initiative established in 2020 and led by the United Kingdom.
“The ASW barrier seeks to develop a technical demonstrator comprising both legacy and interoperable maritime uncrewed systems to securely provide a force multiplying anti-submarine warfare capability,” Sawyer said during his presentation.
The project involves 12 other countries, including Italy, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, the U.S., Portugal, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Australia.
The widespread use of drones seen in Ukraine across all domains has spurred greater investments in these technologies, with many countries having launched national tenders to acquire new platforms.
While procuring more unmanned assets is a necessity for many nations, Sawyer warned of the risk of tackling them alone.
“The need for standards and interoperability becomes critical when you realize the mass and scale UxS [unmanned systems] represent – we will never be able to manage thousands of assets as individual cases and programs,” he said.
“Give war a chance,” the maverick strategist Edward Luttwak implored at the tail end of the Clinton administration. The quest for durable peace, he thought, was habitually interrupted by those liberal do-gooders who refused to let wars “burn themselves out.”
Spool forward some 25 years and war is being given a whole lot of chances, from Israel’s onslaught on Gaza and Lebanon to weaponized famine in Sudan to the long, grinding war in Ukraine. Amid this devastation, Western leaders have in the past years showed a unified front, largely supporting Ukraine and Israel and ignoring Sudan. But a new dynamic has underpinned this informal coalition: the growing penchant for war — and the tolerance of its costs — among the Western liberal-left establishment once lampooned by Mr. Luttwak.
When did the left become so comfortable with war? We need to ask this question with some urgency — not least because Donald Trump repeatedly played on fears of global war in his election campaign before promising to “stop wars” in his victory speech. The standard explanation is that terrorists and an axis of autocracies are threatening the world order, and Western leaders — whatever their political affiliation — must act. Certainly, the world looks more dangerous than it has for a long time. But this does not fully explain the way that the Biden administration has so single-mindedly been arming Ukraine and Israel while also letting allies in the Persian Gulf wage a devastating proxy war in Sudan. Nor does it quite explain the enthusiasm for the remilitarization of Europe coming from liberal commentators, Nordic social democrats and German greens alike, who will now be looking worriedly across the Atlantic.
Two other explanations stand out. First, history has shown that governments and bureaucracies tend to become addicted to a war footing, with failure sucking them in further — think of America’s war on terror, or Vietnam. War encourages a perverse cycle of escalation in which huge financial and political gains accrue for governments and the military-industrial complex while the costs tend to be borne by weaker parties — before they start to come home in some shape or form.
We’ve called this bipartisan pattern “wreckonomics” and have found it especially present in wars or conflicts with costs that Western politicians can largely outsource — from fighting terrorism, drugs and smugglers to quasi-colonial interventions during the Cold War. Traditionally, the political right has been the dominant actor in these forays, including Richard Nixon’s war on drugs and George W. Bush’s war on terror. That last effort proved a savior for the military-industrial complex while inflicting relatively limited American fatalities as instability, terrorism attacks and mass displacement accumulated elsewhere. Today, the war in Ukraine is once again offering a supercycle of vastly increased military spending, this time without the risk of any Western combat deaths.
There’s an important difference between invading Iraq and Afghanistan, on the one hand, and defending Ukraine against Russian invasion on the other. Yet where war involves a skewed distribution of costs and gains, it tends to incentivize further escalation. Notably, Western leaders, such as Britain’s Keir Starmer, France’s Emmanuel Macron and NATO’s former head Jens Stoltenberg, have suggested that the Ukraine war is winnable, without having a clear road map beyond sending more weapons — to the point of potentially allowing long-range Storm Shadow missiles to be fired into Russia itself.
The second and crucial factor is that moral righteousness blinds us to the costs of war and the faults of friends. Until quite recently, that fire tended to burn strongest on the right, while center-left governments in the United States and Europe have frequently offered some kind of “lesser evil” to temper the worst costs of war. Consider Tony Blair’s claim that he could tame the war on terror by joining it, or left-leaning politicians’ habit of playing catch-up with the right on border security. The end result has still in many cases involved more military solutions. Barack Obama, for instance, distanced himself from Mr. Bush’s war on terror when he was president, but he waged what some called “drone wars” while failing to bring military spending below Cold War levels. In the political marketplace, liberals have tended to be insecure consumers of the war fix rather than its principal peddlers.
That has been changing. In the past years, the sense of righteousness that has so often infused right-wing war fever has been increasingly evident on the left, with a moral crusade to defend democracy and fight existential threats becoming a crucial part of its case for power. Though this tendency did not start with the U.S. election of 2016, Mr. Trump gave it a very significant boost in America.
The Democrats’ defeat was partly explained by accounts of Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin conspiring to undermine democracy, and later, the Jan. 6 riot in Washington added further urgency to the fight for democracy. During the pandemic, liberals saw themselves as being on the right side of history in an existential fight against a virus and the populist authoritarians who were recklessly ignoring it.
Right-wing wreckonomics has tended to drum up existential threats against the nation, such as migration, terrorism and drugs. A different kind of existential angst — focused on rising authoritarianism, global emergencies and vulnerable groups — has typically animated liberal righteousness. When this means protecting democracy or victims of violence, for instance, it has an obvious good side. But center-left leaders have increasingly been harnessing these protective instincts to the war machine while shutting down spaces for frankly debating the costs incurred in cranking it up.
Over Ukraine, Mr. Starmer, then leader of the British opposition, told his lawmakers that anyone assigning blame to NATO for the war would be kicked out of the Labour Party. Legitimate questions around the causes of conflict or concerns around military escalation — including nuclear war — have been routinely dismissed in ways that brook no dissent. We have seen a wide array of critics accused of apologism, misinformation or not caring about democracy, from the realist scholar John Mearsheimer to the populist British leader Nigel Farage and Pope Francis. Amid such accusations, the danger of groupthink has grown.
A similar shutting down of debate has been underplaying the costs of war in the Middle East. Amid evidence of multiple war crimes, criticism of Israel’s devastating military campaign has been suppressed under liberal or center-left governments — whether in German political debates, on U.S. campuses or in French streets. The Biden administration and key European allies have been providing arms and military support to Israel as the Palestinian death toll has risen past 43,000, according to the Gazan health ministry. And public debate has been practically nonexistent over the Biden administration’s warm support for the United Arab Emirates, which was recently rewarded with “major defense partner” status and praised as an ally against terrorism despite credible evidence it has been arming the Rapid Support Forces rampaging through Sudan. (The United Arab Emirates has denied this.) Rather than going away, the righteous legacy of the war on terror is still adding fuel to the fire in these catastrophes.
If liberals cannot honestly discuss these devastating human costs, who will?
Worryingly, it is hard-right politicians who are selectively trying on the peace mantle. So we have JD Vance standing in as one of America’s most visible Ukraine war skeptics; in Europe, criticism comes mainly from outfits such as the populist Reform U.K. party and the far-right Alternative for Germany. Meanwhile, the upstart Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance in Germany has offered a rare left-wing challenge to the Ukraine war consensus. Although condemned by liberals, the party’s growing popularity is a warning to Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s collapsing coalition of greens, liberals and social democrats.
To be clear: Mr. Putin’s aggression is wreaking havoc, and the costs of not confronting it are considerable. But it remains striking that it has fallen to a motley band of challengers to highlight the kinds of major problems that only intensify when righteousness feeds enthusiasm for war: Costs end up coming home, conflicts develop a life of their own, bureaucracies bloat, and the risks of escalation and mission creep grow.
Meanwhile, right-wing politicians haven’t precisely abandoned their war fix. Rather, they are more cynically picking their battles and selectively stoking the fires. Republicans have wholeheartedly supported Israel’s actions while Mr. Trump has once again been bringing war rhetoric home with talk of a migrant “invasion” and the “enemy from within.”
Paradoxically, the outcome of the U.S. election may open up space for a rethink. Politicians must now find a way to address serious crises and genuine threats without ignoring the steep costs of one-dimensional war fixes. The appeal of an “antiwar" message from the hard right on Ukraine should make center-left parties — and not just the Democrats — pause for breath. Given their history, center-left parties in particular should be well placed to think and speak clearly about paths to peace that do not involve waging unwinnable wars indefinitely. Failing to confront those with a vested interest in militarism, they have left the door open for the right’s calculating mix of war and peace. Framing the choice as one between all-out war and capitulation is unhelpful, and framing peace advocates as conspiracists or traitors is an Orwellian turn that only digs us deeper into the mire.
When liberals compete to give war a chance — and when speaking the unspeakable comes down to fringe and hard-right politicians — we are in serious trouble. Unless we can open up political space for dissent and confront the true costs of conflict, wars will not burn themselves out. They will simply burn.
As Trump Returns to Power, Allies and Adversaries Expect a Wave of Revenge
President-elect Donald J. Trump’s momentary talk of unity on election night may underestimate the depth of his resentment after multiple impeachments, investigations, indictments and lawsuits.
President-elect Donald J. Trump called for unity after declaring victory in West Palm Beach, Fla., last week.Credit...Doug Mills/The New York Times
On the night he recaptured the presidency, Donald J. Trump declared that “it’s time to unite” and “put the divisions of the past four years behind us.” That was then. It took only 55 hours for him to begin threatening again to use his newly reclaimed power to investigate those who anger him.
Peeved at what he called “fake, untrue, and probably illegal rumors” that he might sell shares of the social media platform that has become a prime source of his wealth, Mr. Trump went online to deny such plans and demanded that those spreading such speculation “be immediately investigated by the appropriate authorities.”
Whether he will ever carry out that or his many other threats to prosecute antagonists is still unclear. Mr. Trump sometimes lashes out without follow-through. But not always. And he spent much of the campaign focused on exacting “retribution” for all the ways he believed he had been wronged, leaving allies and adversaries alike anticipating a wave of payback after he takes office again in January.
Eight years after his initial victory, Mr. Trump returns to the White House angrier, more embittered, more aggrieved and more overtly talking about revenge than the last time. His momentary nod to unity on election night led to some predictions that he might ease off the menacing threats. After all, he has essentially gotten everything he wants — vindication by the voters, an election sweep more convincing than his first and the almost certain end to any risk of going to prison himself, especially after the Supreme Court granted presidents broad immunity from prosecution for acts taken in office.
But that may underestimate the depth of his resentment and desire for retaliation after the multiple impeachments, investigations, indictments and lawsuits aimed at him. He may not go after the biggest figures, like President Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris, but allies expect him to pursue at least some of the targets he has singled out. And even if he holds back on some, his mercurial nature means that no one can assume he would not change his mind, creating an atmosphere of intimidation that may inhibit vocal dissent.
“Will Trump retaliate?” asked Gwenda Blair, a biographer of the Trump family. “Of course. The only question is how much will be broad-brush and how much will be targeted.”
“At the least,” she said, “there will be loud, highly publicized congressional investigations, special prosecutors and more than a few actual prosecutions. There will also be more quiet retaliation, in the form of tax audits, nonrenewal or cancellation of grants, programs, loans, firings and/or nonhirings.”
Mr. Trump’s office did not respond to a request for comment on whether he would pursue his campaign promises. But some advisers said no one should be surprised if he does. Mr. Trump does not believe in forgive and forget, one person familiar with his thinking said. He is an eye-for-an-eye person, and he is seething about what has happened to him the past four years.
Matthew G. Whitaker, an aggressive former federal prosecutor, could be Mr. Trump’s choice for attorney general.Credit...Eric Lee/The New York Times
Republican insiders said the president-elect’s advisers are engaged in a debate pulling him in opposite directions. His most confrontational aides and allies are encouraging him to go after his foes, reasoning that what they call “lawfare” attacks on Mr. Trump crossed a line and justify an unforgiving counteroffensive. Other advisers, including some wealthy donors, view that as unproductive and damaging to his legacy, arguing that he should focus on his policy agenda of tax cuts, tariffs and an immigration crackdown.
The proxy for that battle is the choice of attorney general. The decision about who to install at the top of the Justice Department is being seen as an indicator of which way Mr. Trump will go with his retribution campaign. If for instance it is someone like Matthew G. Whitaker, an aggressive former federal prosecutor who briefly held the post in an acting capacity in Mr. Trump’s first term, Republicans said that would mean the president-elect is determined to punish his rivals.
If it is someone like Jay Clayton, a former Securities and Exchange Commission chairman under Mr. Trump now at Sullivan & Cromwell, or Robert J. Giuffra Jr., a co-chair of Sullivan & Cromwell and a former counsel to the Senate Whitewater committee that investigated President Bill Clinton, then it would be taken as a sign that Mr. Trump wants to focus more on his immigration crackdown and other priorities.
A choice like Jay Clayton, a former Securities and Exchange Commission chairman under Mr. Trump, could indicate that the president-elect wants to focus on policy priorities.Credit...Brendan Mcdermid/Reuters
In the days since the election, some of Mr. Trump’s more combative allies have relished what they expect to be the coming reprisals. “Here’s my current mood,” Mike Davis, the founder of the Article III Project, a group focused on appointing conservative judges, wrote on social media. “I want to drag their dead political bodies through the streets, burn them, and throw them off the wall. (Legally, politically, and financially, of course.)”
Mr. Davis, who has dismissed speculation that he may be considered for attorney general, added that “Trump’s opponents attempted to bankrupt him for non-fraud” and “imprison him for life for non-crimes,” so they are in no position to complain. In an interview with the conservative online influencer Benny Johnson, Mr. Davis warned Letitia James, the New York attorney general, not to continue her legal efforts against Mr. Trump. “Because listen here, sweetheart, we’re not messing around this time, and we will put your fat ass in prison for conspiracy against rights.”
What Mr. Trump does not do through the Justice Department, his Republican allies in Congress may do on his behalf. Two House Republicans, Representatives Jim Jordan of Ohio and Barry Loudermilk of Georgia, signaled on Friday that they would investigate Jack Smith, the federal special counsel, in the next term by sending his office a letter directing him to preserve records of his investigations into Mr. Trump.
Mike Davis, the founder of the Article III Project, center, has dismissed speculation that he may be considered for attorney general but has chided Mr. Trump’s adversaries in the days since the election.Credit...Jack Dempsey/Associated Press
The list of people or organizations that Mr. Trump identified for investigation during his campaign is long and varied. Altogether, NPR tabulated more than 100 such threats. He vowed to appoint “a real special prosecutor to go after” Mr. Biden and his family and said that Ms. Harris should be “prosecuted for her actions” on border policy. He shared posts calling for former President Barack Obama and former Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming, his most prominent Republican critic, to be tried by military tribunals.
He has also demanded the prosecution of people he blames for the criminal and civil cases against him, including Ms. James, who won a $450 million civil verdict against Mr. Trump for defrauding lenders; Justice Arthur F. Engoron, the New York judge who presided over that case; and Alvin L. Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney who convicted Mr. Trump of 34 felony counts stemming from hush money paid to Stormy Daniels.
As for Mr. Smith, who charged Mr. Trump with trying to illegally overturn the 2020 election and mishandling classified documents, the president-elect has said that he would not only “fire him within two seconds” on his first day back in office but also that the government “should throw Jack Smith out” of the country.
Regarding Jack Smith, the special counsel investigating Mr. Trump, the president-elect has said that he would “fire him within two seconds.”Credit...Doug Mills/The New York Times
Mr. Trump has also suggested prosecuting a member of the Georgia grand jury that indicted him and threatened “long term prison sentences” for election workers he believes cheated him of his last election. He has said that Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Meta, “will spend the rest of his life in prison” if it can be determined that he has broken any laws.
Mr. Trump is an advocate of revenge. “Get even with people,” he once said. “If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard.” The first time he won the presidency, he relished rally crowds chanting “Lock her up” and even told his opponent, Hillary Clinton, on a debate stage that if he won “you’d be in jail.” He did not follow through, softening after his victory and saying she “went through a lot.” But he never fully gave up the idea and came back to it from time to time.
While in office, Mr. Trump sought to use law enforcement agencies against his political adversaries in ways that were once unheard-of in the post-Watergate era. He repeatedly badgered his attorneys general to investigate Mr. Obama, Mr. Biden and other Democrats like former Secretary of State John Kerry, only to be rebuffed. But his administration did investigate others who angered him, like the former F.B.I. officials Andrew G. McCabe, Peter Strzok and others.
Mr. Trump may not go so far as to investigate Mr. Biden now that he has won. House Republicans spent years looking into Mr. Biden’s family and did not come up with evidence to justify impeachment. Moreover, an 81-year-old former president will no longer be a threat to Mr. Trump, who tends to focus his ire on people currently angering him.
Letitia James, the New York attorney general who won a $450 million civil verdict against Mr. Trump for defrauding lenders, has been among the people Mr. Trump has demanded to be prosecuted.Credit...Emil Salman for The New York Times
But Mr. Trump’s critics added that nothing should be taken for granted. “He’s erratic and has the attention span of a 7-year-old,” said Harry Litman, a former Justice Department official under Mr. Clinton. “But his thirst for revenge against those he views as his current antagonists is very real, and there’s no reason to think he would be deterred by legal niceties. Just ask Andy McCabe or Peter Strzok.”
That reality was made clear in the past few days when a number of people on Mr. Trump’s presumed enemies list declined to comment, for fear of attracting his attention. As one put it, it would be insane to speak out at this time. Gen. Mark A. Milley, the retired Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, told Bob Woodward in his new book that he was concerned Mr. Trump could recall him to active duty and then court-martial him.
Mr. Trump’s outburst at speculators trading stock of his social media company came across as mostly venting — and shoring up his own net worth. Shares of Truth Social were falling when he posted a message disputing that he would sell shares. The stock quickly rebounded, adding $500 million to his net worth. It seemed doubtful any actual investigation would follow.
But some of those closest to him are pressing him to live up to past promises. Elon Musk, Mr. Trump’s billionaire patron, posted a video on Friday first taped by the former president nearly two years ago vowing “to shatter the left-wing censorship regime” that he blamed on “a sinister group of deep-state bureaucrats, Silicon Valley tyrants, left-wing activists and depraved corporate news media.”
Mr. Trump has called for former Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming, his most prominent Republican critic, to be tried by military tribunals.Credit...Ruth Fremson/The New York Times
Mr. Trump has accused federal officials and social companies of trying to suppress conservative speech, while they have said they were only trying to identify falsehoods about elections, vaccines and the like.
Mr. Trump said in the video that he would “order the Department of Justice to investigate all parties involved in the new online censorship regime” and “to aggressively prosecute any and all crimes identified.” In reposting it, Mr. Musk, the owner of X, formally known as Twitter, added, “YES.”
Council is slammed for 'disrespectful' Covid memorial site that cost taxpayers £100,000 but leaves locals unimpressed: 'It looks like a pile of scrap metal'
A local authority has been blasted for its 'horrendous' and 'disrespectful' Covid-19 memorial site - where people can pay respect to those who lost their lives during the pandemic - which cost £100,000.
The 'Remembering Together' memorial in the form of a sculpture is supposed to be a tribute to the collective experience of loss and resilience during the pandemic, and aims to provide a quiet, peaceful space for reflection.
The sculpture, created by artist Caspar J Wilson, has emerged from a series of workshops and stories told across Falkirk, Scotland, where community members shared their thoughts, memories, and aspirations to create this permanent piece of art.
However, many locals in town are less than impressed by it, and say Falkirk Council should be 'ashamed' of themselves and there are even calls for its leader to resign.
A council source said: 'It's been referred to as a piece of art, but it looks more like someone has been to a scrap yard and picked pieces of metal out of a skip.
A local authority has been blasted for its 'horrendous' and 'disrespectful' Covid-19 memorial site
The 'Remembering Together' memorial in the form of a sculpture is supposed to be a tribute to the collective experience of loss and resilience during the pandemic
'It's embarrassing. It wouldn't be so bad if the names of those who lost their lives in Falkirk during the pandemic were engraved on the metal.
'I'm not surprised the public are angry about the design - it represents nothing. The family members of those who died during Covid weren't even contacted about this. The council leader owes people a public apology.'
Remembering Together' is national programme funded by the Scottish Government. Each local authority was awarded £100k to create ways of recognising the impact the pandemic had on peoples' lives in local communities.
The sculpture, in Callander Park, is just days away from being finished, but taking to Facebook, many have already expressed their disgust.
One person commented: 'Horrendous looking. It's pieces of metal with nothing to do with the people who died during the pandemic. Falkirk Council should be ashamed at what they've done and are continuing to do to Falkirk.'
Another wrote: 'The people we all lost during the pandemic deserve a much better looking memorial than this.'
A third said: 'Who on earth in Falkirk Council commissioned this eyesore. Hope whoever did has a good read at the comments residents are putting forward and that individual should seriously consider resigning.'
Many locals in town are less than impressed by it, and say Falkirk Council should be 'ashamed' of themselves
The sculpture, created by artist Caspar J Wilson, has emerged from a series of workshops and stories told across Falkirk, Scotland
A forth added: 'With all due respect it's an eyesore and total waste of money. I can't see anyone who lost someone going up to that thing.
'Upside down chute? Crash barrier? I'm not seeing memorial there. What's it supposed to be? Wasted money that could have gone to better use', said a fifth.
Leader of Falkirk Council, Cecil Mieklejohn, responded to the backlash last night saying: 'All councils were given funding to develop something by way of a Covid Memorial, and it was decided and designed by the community working with an external artist, there has been a host of activities over the last year or more involving all ages.
'I think it will be a great addition to Callendar Park, with a quite area to sit by the lake to contemplate and remember for some, and to play in and out of the structure for kids and there is a connection with the Kelpies.
'Please be mindful of those who were involved in the design and respect that.'
A short unveiling event will take place at the park on Saturday November, 16, from 12pm.
Песков – о якобы состоявшемся разговоре Путина и Трампа: Это наиболее наглядный пример качества той информации, которая сейчас публикуется иногда даже в достаточно уважаемых изданиях. Это полностью не соответствует действительности. Это чистая выдумка, ложь, полностью не соответствует действительности.
Putin denies he has spoken to Trump branding it 'pure fiction' amid reports president-elect warned him not to escalate war in Ukraine
Russia's president Vladimir Putin has denied reports he has spoken with Donald Trump in recent days and added he has no concrete plans yet to speak to him.
The call between the President-elect and Russian leader was first reported by the Washington Post, citing unidentified sources, and said that Trump had told Putin that he should not escalate the Ukraine war. News agency Reuters also reported on the call, citing an unidentified source.
Trump is said to have warned Putin on Thursday not to escalate the war in Ukraine and reminded him of 'Washington's sizeable military presence in Europe', according to the Washington Post.
But now Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has vehemently denied this call ever took place. 'This is completely untrue. This is pure fiction, it's just false information,' Peskov said as he brutally hit back. 'There was no conversation.'
'This is the most obvious example of the quality of the information that is being published now, sometimes even in fairly reputable publications,' Peskov said.
Asked if Putin had plans for any contacts with Trump, Peskov said: 'There are no concrete plans yet.'
Putin denying that the phone call took place is awkward for Trump, who has long maintained that he has Putin's ear, promising to find a resolution to the war in Ukraine.
Republican strategist Bryan Lanza said incoming president Trump had 'vision for peace' for Ukraine but not a 'winning' outlook for the country at war with Russia.
'When Zelensky says we will only stop this fighting, there will only be peace once Crimea is returned, we've got news for President Zelensky: Crimea is gone,' Lanza told the BBC.
'What we're going to say to Ukraine is, you know what you see? What do you see as a realistic vision for peace? It's not a vision for winning, but it's a vision for peace. And let's start having the honest conversation.
'And if that is your priority of getting Crimea back and having American soldiers fight to get Crimea back, you're on your own.'
Russia has been signalling to the US and its allies for weeks that if they give permission to Ukraine to strike deep into Russian territory with Western-supplied missiles, then Moscow will consider it a major escalation.
Putin said on September 12 that Western approval for such a step would mean 'the direct involvement of NATO countries, the United States and European countries in the war in Ukraine' because NATO military infrastructure and personnel would have to be involved in the targeting and firing of the missiles.
The Kremlin said that it sensed European powers were nervous about Trump's election, but that they were still 'pumping weapons into Ukraine in order to continue this war to the end.'
Kremlin spokesman Peskov was also asked about reports that British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and French President Emmanuel Macron wanted to convince US President Joe Biden to allow Ukraine to fire Storm Shadow missiles deep into Russia.
'Nothing can be ruled out,' Peskov said, adding that European leaders still wanted to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia.
'We, in turn, will continue the SMO (special military operation) until we achieve all our goals,' Peskov said.
'The dynamic of the SMO is well understood by the military. They understand well what is happening. And it is probably important to note that no individual types of weapons are able to change this dynamic anymore.'
Материал полностью.
Kremlin denies Trump-Putin phone call | BBC News
Источник видео.
Руководитель МИДЕИ (МИД) Молдавии Михай Попшой
деланно возмутился
якобы падением на территории страны двух российских БПЛА-пустышек (т.е. без боевой части). Сделал он это на английском языке, так, чтобы целевая аудитория точно поняла, заявил, что дроны «подвергли опасности молдавские жизни». Расчёт верный: Reuters и ко. тут же не рефлексируя подхватили.
💬 «Категорически отвергаем голословные антироссийские выпады, которые, к сожалению, стали нормой в Республике Молдова. В очередной раз никаких доказательств того, что БПЛА имели российское происхождение и были запушены с территории нашей страны, представлено не было. МИД Молдавии ограничился ссылкой на якобы имеющиеся у молдавской стороны «точные сведения», не раскрывая деталей.
Уверены, что доказательства никогда не будут представлены, потому что их нет.
Обращает на себя внимание тот факт, что информация о двух БПЛА, якобы упавших в Молдавии, появилась одновременно с проведением ВСУ массированного налёта на Россию и гражданские объекты в Российской Федерации. Данное совпадение указывает на стремление киевских властей спровоцировать Молдавию на полноформатное подключение к участию в боевых действиях на стороне Украины и Запада».
Как обычно — никакой экспертизы или доказательств, всё «МиХайли-лайкли». Откуда у специалиста по правам человека и бывшего сотрудника посольства США в Молдавии знания и достаточная экспертиза, чтобы установить происхождение обломков, детали случившегося — загадка. А ведь можно было бы просто воспользоваться установленными на подобные случаи каналами связи, если речь идёт о заботе о собственных гражданах. Но зачем, когда есть соцсети и щедро проплаченная русофобия.
Да и не нужна никакая экспертиза режиму Санду, который отрабатывает политический заказ.
Когда речь шла об украинских дронах или частях ракет ПВО, падавших на молдавскую землю или убивавших молдавских граждан, МИДЕИ и его руководство либо распространяли фейки о российских ракетах, либо хранили гробовое молчание.
• 5 декабря 2022 года — в г.Бричаны упали
украинских зенитных ракет. Кишинёв начал раскручивал истерику (вокруг падения «российских ракет», потом историю замяли, а позже тихо де-факто
, что это были ракеты комплекса С-300, которые могли принадлежать только ВСУ — режим Санду молчал.
• 27-28 сентября 2023 года — в районе села Фырлэдень была идентифицирована
боевая часть (боеголовка)
ракеты зенитного украинского комплекса С-300 — режим Санду молчал.
• 16 октября 2024 года — недалеко от села Ленкауцы Окницкого района на расстоянии 4 км от государственной границы с Украиной были
то ли элементы снаряда, то ли ракета ПВО ВСУ — режим Санду молчал.
• 10 ноября 2024 года — вновь были
найдены осколки.
военного объекта (дрона-пустышки самолётного типа) в районе села Фырлэдень — режим Санду молчал.
• С 2022 по 2024 год — неоднократные удары дронов-камикадзе ВСУ по Приднестровью
— режим Санду молчал.
Всё это — следствие безответственных, либо злонамеренных действий украинских зенитчиков и артиллеристов, которые бомбят соседнюю Молдавию. Но ни Попшою, ни Санду, ни другим румынам, засевшим в правительственных кабинетах кишинёвской администрации, нет никакого реального дела до жизней молдавских граждан.
Жертв и разрушений от украинских обломков ракет и снарядов в их зазеркалье как будто бы и нет. Как не существует, согласно заявлениям и действиям режима Санду, ни молдавского языка, ни полумиллионной диаспоры в России...
Молдаване же предоставлены сами себе. Возможно, в кабинете Санду до сих пор празднуют её «победу»?
Donald Trump Jr suggests his President-elect father will cut off aid to Ukraine with meme telling Zelensky 'you're 38 days from losing your allowance'
Donald Trump Jr has shared a mocking video warning Volodymyr Zelensky that he will 'lose his allowance' when his father returns to office, as fears mount in Ukraine over what a Trump presidency will mean for US support in the war against Russia.
The meme was shared by former Alaska governor Sarah Palin and reposted by Donald Trump Jr.
Brits urged to switch off SIX kitchen appliances as winter bills set to soar
As the UK braces for colder weather and darker days, pensioners are advised to reconsider their use of energy-hungry kitchen gadgets.
The warning comes on the back of a controversial decision by Labour to cut the £300 Winter Fuel Allowance in September, leaving millions of elderly residents with little choice but to find ways to reduce energy consumption in their homes.
With winter fast approaching, pensioners are being urged to reconsider their reliance on certain household appliances that are particularly costly to run.
A recent study by the Office for National Statistics and the Energy Saving Trust has highlighted the true cost of running kitchen gadgets and household appliances - and the results are staggering.
Kettles, hobs, microwaves and ovens can significantly contribute to rising energy costs - with some costing up to £2.72 per hour to operate.
These seemingly small daily expenses can contribute to soaring energy bills, especially during the colder months when demand typically rises.
The six appliances pensioners are urged to cut back on, or pull from the socket when not in use, this winter include: hobs, air fryers, microwaves, vacuum cleaners, grills and ovens, and kettles.
According to the study, hobs can set homeowners back 37p for each ring used per hour.
Meanwhile, air fryers and microwaves both cost around 26p per hour to run.
Pensioners are advised to reduce hoovering their homes this winter, as vacuum cleaners cost 18p per hour to run.
The third most expensive appliance to run happens to be the kettle, which will set brew-lovers back 67p per hour, according to the study.
For those who regularly make hot drinks four or five times a day, an electric kettle is usually powered for 20 minutes a day when boiled throughout the day - resulting in an eye-watering yearly cost of £81.97.
Grills and ovens are the fourth on the list, racking up around 54p per hour.
According to Power NI, ovens and grills are used for an hour per day, on average, over the course of a year, resulting in an extra £196.74 each year in electricity bills.
When it comes to the cheapest appliance to run in terms of per-hour cost, extractor fans are the cheapest appliance to run at just £0.002 an hour, which adds up to 67p per year.
In light of the findings, Christopher White, at Vaccum Wars, has now issued a stark warning to homeowners.
Speaking to Birmingham Live, White said: 'The findings from this study highlight that certain household appliances, particularly those used frequently for daily tasks, are some of the most expensive to run in the UK.
'This is especially impactful given the dominance of such appliances in households. These small costs add up over time, creating a significant financial burden for households.
White continued, offering practical advice to pensioners on how to reduce the impact of high energy consumption.
He said: 'Encouraging more efficient use of appliances, investing in energy-saving models, and adopting alternative methods for everyday tasks could all contribute to lowering energy consumption and ultimately, bringing down household bills.'
'Additionally, increased awareness about the best times to use high-energy appliances, such as during off-peak hours, could reduce costs.'
It comes as Moneysaving expert Martin Lewis has revealed how pensioners could secure themselves a handout worth £11,300 with just one simple step.
He urges all pensioners to check whether they are eligible for pension credit, something he often reminds his fans is under-claimed.
Democrats' disastrous showing in the 2024 election is resurfacing a war over the party's core direction that has lain dormant since the days of the first Trump administration.
Why it matters:
House Democrats are already fretting that these fights could seriously hamper House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries' (D-N.Y.) efforts to win a majority in 2026.
• "I think that you're going to see some of the highest numbers of primaries in 2026 — to the left and to the right," one House Democrat predicted. "It's going to feel like four parties."
• The lawmaker added that such a dynamic would leave Democratic leadership "in a really tough place, because it's really [focused on] member protection when it should be preparing" to help a Democrat retake the White House.
• "People are going to their corners in the ring and saying, 'We're the winning corner,'" Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) told Axios, summing up conversations he has had with colleagues since Election Day.
Driving the news:
Moderate and progressive Democrats, in interviews with Axios, have blamed their ideological counterparts for the loss.
• "I think the identity politics stuff is absolutely killing us," said one centrist House Democrat.
• Said another moderate: "Whatever you want to try to say about Kamala Harris and her record, you can't try to claim she was a Joe Biden moderate. That's just not accurate."
The other side:
A progressive House Democrat shot back at "members that are blaming the trans community and the LGBT community, members who are saying that progressives are the reason we lost the election."
• "Some of us got 78% of the vote in our own elections and the VP got 53%, 54% in some cases — or got less than that," the progressive argued.
• Rep. Greg Casar (D-Texas), a leader of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, argued the party failed to recognize the economic pain many Americans are feeling and propose bold solutions to alleviate it.
• "You can't bring a policy paper to a gunfight. This was a populist moment, and we should recognize that," he said.
Zoom in:
The infighting is already getting messy, with a top aide to Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) resigning over the centrist congressman's comments about transgender issues to the New York Times.
• Moulton argued that Democrats' efforts not to offend anyone on issues like transgender participation in youth sports ended up alienating some voters.
• Centrist Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-N.Y.) pointed to GOP anti-trans ads in an interview with Axios: "Biological boys playing in girls sports, it doesn't happen that often, the Republicans make that a big issue as a way to get everyone pissed off, and we just didn't talk about it."
The bottom line:
The fight is not confined to just progressives versus moderates — it's also rank-and-file Democrats versus their leaders.
• One moderate House Democrat told Axios: "Democrats are terrible at accountability ... if we're in the, like, think tank world, and all that matters is having nice ideas, then sure, maybe we can call that success."
• A House progressive said there "is some real responsibility to be taken. Just acting like we're in a pep rally, saying, 'You all did a good job. ... I think it's bullsh*t. Let's acknowledge that we failed."
А.п. намеренно приводит этот справочный материал, как пример симбиоза Социальной рекламы компаний и работы с ветеранами страны в Системах ЕСО>ИСО.
В России, в ИСО>ЕСО, такая помощь, в основном имеет камерный характер: ветеранам помогают «на дому».
Есть в прочем и исключения, когда ветеранов берут на обслуживание отдельные коммерческие структуры, но это скорее исключение, чем правило.
Публичная помощь не характерна культурным традициям ИСО>ЕСО.
Тем не менее, при должном подходе, в этом виде помощи нет ничего зазорного.
И такой подход вполне заслуживает отраслевого внимания.
Where veterans and military eat free this Veterans Day
Businesses across the nation are saluting veterans and active-duty military personnel this Veterans Day with free meals, drinks and discounts Monday.
The big picture:
The federal holiday honors those who have served in the military — past and present. By showing a military ID, veterans can eat or drink for free at more than a dozen chains around the country.
Veterans Day what's open and closed
State of play:
Most businesses are open Monday but the United States Postal Service is closed and won't deliver mail.
• Banks and federal government offices are closed but the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq stock markets are open on the holiday.
• Many schools across the country also are closed.
Veterans Day 2024 free food and deals
Zoom in:
The following deals are valid only on the federal holiday at participating locations nationwide, unless otherwise noted.
• Proof of service such as a military ID is required for most deals. Exclusions apply.
• Some McDonald's and Chick-fil-A locations will have specials but the chains do not have nationwide offers.
• Smaller chains also have offers and one way to check is by looking at social media posts.
Applebee's Veterans Day free meal 2024
and active-duty military personnel eat free at Applebee's from a select menu when dining in Monday.
• Veterans and military also get a $5 bounce back card to use on a future visit.
Buffalo Wild Wings Veterans Day free wings and fries
Buffalo Wild Wings
restaurants are offering 10 free boneless wings and fries to all "past and present armed services members" with a valid ID Monday.
• Available for dine-in and at Buffalo Wild Wings GO locations for "walk-in/orders placed at the counter."
Chili's Veterans Day free meal deal 2024
Chili's Grill & Bar restaurants are serving up free meals Monday for veterans and active military members.
Denny's Veterans Day free Grand Slam
Denny's will have free Grand Slams for all military personnel from 5am to noon Monday with valid military ID or DD 214.
Dunkin' free Veterans Day doughnut
Participating Dunkin' locations
are giving veterans and active military a free donut of their choice Monday while supplies last.
• No purchase or ID is required for the in-store only freebie.
Golden Corral free meal for military and vets
Golden Corral's
Military Appreciation Night is from 4pm until close Monday with a free thank you buffet and beverage for all current and former U.S. military members.
• The chain said all restaurants are participating and that no purchase or military ID is required to receive the free meal.
Hooters Veterans Day free meal
is offering all retired and active-duty military a free meal from a select menu when they purchase a beverage.
IHOP Veterans Day 2024 free pancakes
is giving away free Red, White and Blueberry Pancake combos to veterans and active military from 7am to 7pm Monday when dining in.
Krispy Kreme Veterans Day free coffee and doughnut
Krispy Kreme is giving veterans and service members a free small coffee, hot or iced, and a free doughnut of choice on Monday.
• No purchase or proof is required for this deal.
Olive Garden has a Veterans Day deal each year. Photo: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Olive Garden Veterans Day free meal deal 2024
Olive Garden is offering a free meal from a special menu Monday that includes an entrée and comes with unlimited breadsticks and soup or salad.
Outback Veterans Day free Bloomin' Onion
Outback Steakhouse is giving active and retired military personnel and their spouses a free Bloomin' Onion and beverage with purchase of an adult entrée Monday.
Red Lobster Veterans Day 2024 free meal
Red Lobster is offering free Shrimp & Chips to veterans, active-duty military and reservists Monday.
• The chain also has a daily 10% discount for veterans and active duty.
Starbucks Veterans Day 2024 free coffee
Starbucks is offering a free hot or iced 12-ounce brewed coffee for veterans, military service members and military spouses at participating U.S. stores Monday.
Wendy's Veterans Day free breakfast combo deal
Wendy's is offering a free breakfast combo to "those who served or are currently serving in the U.S. military."
• The free combo is available during breakfast hours Monday at participating locations. Military ID is not required, the chain told Axios.
Starbucks has a freebie for veterans and military members. Photo: Matthias Balk/picture alliance via Getty Images
Veterans Day free coffee
Starbucks and Krispy Kreme
aren't the only chains serving up free coffee Monday.
• Biggby Coffee: Free 16-ounce beverage of choice with ID for veterans and military.
• Caribou Coffee: Free small Cold Press or coffee of the day for veterans, military service members and their spouses Monday. Ask for the offer at the register or drive-thru, the company told Axios.
• Casey's: Free cup of coffee or fountain drink to all veterans. The chain says it is extending the same offer year-round to active-duty military personnel and on-duty, uniformed first responders."
• Duck Donuts: Veterans and service members can get a free medium hot coffee or cold brew Monday with valid military ID or Veteran ID Card.
• Kum & Go: Free coffee for veterans and active military Monday.
• Maverik — Adventure's First Stop: Free coffee for veterans and active-duty military Monday.
• PJ's Coffee: Free 12-ounce hot or cold brew coffee Monday for veterans and active-duty military.
• Whataburger: Starting Monday and continuing year round, veterans and active service members get a free 16-ounce hot or iced coffee daily with uniform or valid ID.
More free Veterans Day meals and treats for military
Most discounts
are only available on Veterans Day.
• Bob Evans: Free meal from a special menu with 10 breakfast items available all day for veterans and active-duty military with proof of service.
• Cheddar's Scratch Kitchen: Veterans and active military members will get a free appetizer or dessert Monday.
• Chicken Salad Chick: Veterans and active-duty military get a free Chick Meal and a fountain drink Monday at all locations.
• Famous Dave's: Free lunch for veterans Monday at all locations with valid ID.
• Huddle House: Those who are serving or have served in the military get a free MVP Breakfast Platter Monday.
• Hy-Vee: Free buffet-style breakfast from 6 to 10am at stores. Veterans and active-duty military also get 15% off their grocery purchase Monday.
• Krystal: Free breakfast sandwich from opening until 11am Monday with proof of service.
• Little Caesars: Free lunch combo from 11am to 2pm Monday for veterans and active military members.
• LongHorn Steakhouse: Veterans and active-duty military get 10% off their meal and a free appetizer or dessert for their table Monday.
• Pilot Flying J: Any ID.me verified active, retired, or veteran service members and their families can enjoy a free meal up to $12 through Pilot's myRewards Plus app at participating Pilot, Flying J, and One9 Fuel Network travel centers.
• Playa Bowls: Veterans and servicemembers with valid military ID get a free bowl Monday at participating locations.
• Qdoba: Veterans and active-duty military get 50% off any full-size entrée Monday at participating locations. Dine-in only with valid military ID.
• Raising Cane's: 10% off Monday for active or nonactive military, fire, police, EMTs, and their spouses when they mention the chain's Hero Discount Program.
• Sheetz: Veterans and active-duty military get a free half turkey sub and regular size fountain drink Monday. They also can get a free car wash at Sheetz locations with car washes.
• Smashburger: Free All-American Single or Double Burger Monday. In-store only. One burger per person with valid military ID, but the company told Axios "verbal confirmation accepted."
• Smoothie King: Free select 20-ounce smoothie for active and retired military from noon to 3pm local time Monday with valid military ID at participating locations.
• Tim Hortons: Free classic doughnut for veterans and active military who place orders at participating locations.
• White Castle: Free combo meal or breakfast combo meal for veterans and active-duty service members when dining in Monday.
Veterans Day store discounts: Target, Kohl's, more
including Kohl's, Publix, Target, have special discounts for veterans for the holiday.
• Great Clips is giving out free cards for haircuts to veterans and active military Monday as part of its Thank a Veteran program. Non-military customers who also visit Monday will also get a "free haircut card to give to a service member or veteran," the company said.
• Find more store discounts, travel offers and wireless phone plan savings from SheerID and ID.me, which verify military service.
Материал полностью.
С интересом и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
Патрушев: США и Британия могут вывести из строя морские оптоволоконные кабели
Полгода назад Николай Патрушев, ранее на протяжении 16 лет занимавший пост секретаря Совета безопасности РФ, был назначен на пост помощника президента РФ, а чуть позже и председателя Морской коллегии России. В интервью корреспонденту «Ъ» Елене Черненко он дал оценку нынешней ситуации с безопасностью на Черном и Балтийском морях, рассказал о перспективах Северного морского пути и обозначил планы по развитию судостроения в России.
[size=11Николай Патрушев
Фото: Дмитрий Духанин, Коммерсантъ[/size]
— Позвольте перед тем, как перейти непосредственно к «морской» тематике, спросить вас о вашей оценке состоявшихся в США президентских выборов. Несет ли грядущая смена власти в США позитивные с точки зрения России изменения?
— Для достижения успеха на выборах Дональд Трамп опирался на определенные силы, перед которыми у него имеются соответствующие обязательства. И как человек ответственный, он будет обязан их исполнить.
В предвыборный период он делал много заявлений для привлечения на свою сторону избирателей, в итоге проголосовавших против деструктивной внешней и внутренней политики, которую проводила действующая администрация президента США. Но избирательная кампания завершилась, и в январе 2025 года наступит время для конкретных дел избранного президента. Известно же, что зачастую предвыборные обещания в США могут и расходиться с последующими действиями.
— При этом некоторые эксперты в США предполагают, что на Дональда
Трампа может быть оказано сильное влияние и давление, чтобы его действия не расходились с планами американских элит, прежде всего так называемого глубинного государства (deep state). Ну, как это было в его первый срок. Его избрание явно раздражает некоторых представителей властных и бизнес-структур, и многие вообще сомневаются в его безопасности.
— Вы затронули актуальный вопрос. Нам известно о двух случаях покушения на его жизнь в ходе предвыборной кампании. В целом же за всю историю Соединенных Штатов на жизнь президентов и кандидатов покушались регулярно — более 20 раз. Во время пребывания на своем посту от рук убийц погибли четыре президента США. Поэтому спецслужбам США крайне важно не допустить повторения подобных случаев.
— По морям. Западные эксперты и СМИ в последнее время все чаще утверждают, что вооруженные силы Украины с помощью в том числе западного оружия уже чуть ли не разгромили Черноморский флот. Соответствует ли это действительности?
— Я только что посетил Черноморский флот, познакомился с ходом боевого дежурства войск и сил флота и убедился в его боеспособности, готовности противостоять вызовам и угрозам с морских направлений.
Никакого поражения нашего флота на Черном море нет. И это притом что агрессивные действия Киева в этом регионе координируются натовскими специалистами.
Западники должны твердо усвоить, что Россия крепко стоит на Черном море, и наши позиции в этом регионе мы не позволим ослабить. И тем более не потерпим постоянного военно-морского присутствия нечерноморских государств в нарушение Конвенции Монтрё.
Россия прочно удерживает свой статус одной из ведущих военно-морских держав мира, наш флот уверенно выполняет все свои задачи, начиная с самой главной — ядерного сдерживания. Не так давно атомные подводные крейсеры «Император Александр III» и «Красноярск» совершили подледный переход из операционной зоны Северного флота в районы базирования Тихоокеанского флота, протяженность маршрута превысила 4 тыс. морских миль. Такие операции приобретают особую значимость в контексте пересмотра отечественной ядерной доктрины. Наши оппоненты должны знать, что морской ядерный щит России всегда на страже нашей страны. Развиваются также и другие компоненты, силы и средства нашего флота.
— А как вы оцениваете ситуацию на Балтике? Некоторые официальные лица стран-членов НАТО говорят, что теперь это по сути «внутреннее озеро» Североатлантического альянса. Совсем недавно в германском Ростоке был открыт многонациональный морской тактический штаб НАТО…
— Американцами и их европейскими союзниками взят курс на милитаризацию Балтийского моря. Между прочим, это традиционная для Запада стратегия. Еще во время Крымской войны англичане с французами стремились овладеть Кронштадтом, а в обеих мировых войнах немцы пытались закрепиться на российском берегу Балтики. Наши моряки-балтийцы всегда сокрушали замыслы агрессоров.
В настоящее время обеспечение безопасности на Балтике является важнейшей военно-политической задачей. С момента вступления Швеции и Финляндии в НАТО, а также на фоне подрыва «Северных потоков» Россия принимает дополнительные меры по защите своей территориальной целостности и экономического суверенитета.
— Насколько я помню, вы один из первых поставили под сомнение «украинский след» подрыва трубопроводов. Со стороны западных официальных лиц и в СМИ много противоречивой информации по поводу этой истории. Вы не поменяли свое мнение насчет того, что за этим стоит не Украина?
— В деле террористического акта на «Северных потоках» действительно всплывают интересные подробности. Даже датские морские власти не скрывают, что американские корабли накануне находились в районе взрывов. При этом любому интересующемуся возможностями военно-морских сил зарубежных страны известно, что у украинских ВМС нет ни оборудования, ни подготовленных специалистов для совершения глубоководного теракта. Осуществить диверсию такого масштаба могли лишь подразделения специального назначения стран НАТО. Доподлинно известно, что такие боевые пловцы и соответствующая техника имеется у американских и английских спецслужб.
Поэтому нелепо звучат призывы канцлера (ФРГ Олафа.— «Ъ») Шольца провести якобы непредвзятое расследование, обвинив в диверсии каких-то украинцев.
США сознательно лишают Германию столь нужных для ее развития российских энергоносителей, а сегодняшнее руководство ФРГ подыгрывает тем, кто фактически уничтожает немецкую экономику.
По имеющейся информации, американцы и англичане рассматривают диверсию на «Северных потоках» в качестве одного из многих методов продвижения своих экономических интересов. Под их удар могут попасть новые объекты инфраструктуры, в том числе морские оптоволоконные кабели, обеспечивающие связь во всем мире.
— И какой план стоит за всем этим, по вашему мнению?
— Его можно описать одним словом — хаос. С тех пор как гегемония Запада зашаталась, Вашингтон решил хаотизировать энергетический рынок, в том числе путем дестабилизации морских перевозок. Кроме того, при попустительстве американцев назревает очередное обострение обстановки на Ближнем Востоке и других стратегически важных районах. Присутствие американских ВМС в районе Персидского залива и их так называемые действия по обеспечению безопасности судоходства, в том числе удары по хуситам, являются лишь ширмой, за которой скрываются планы по эскалации напряженности в регионе. В том числе и для того, чтобы надавить на Китай и Индию, глубоко заинтересованных в поставках энергоносителей. А заодно создать условия для передела энергетического рынка.
Только американцы забывают историю. Танкерная война уже была в Персидском заливе в 1980-е годы. Тогда чуть не рухнула мировая страховая отрасль, начинался энергетический кризис глобального масштаба. Для его предотвращения администрации Рейгана пришлось потратить огромные средства.
Справится ли с новым кризисом нынешняя Америка, обремененная астрономическим госдолгом, трудно сказать.
В свое время Англия провозгласила себя владычицей морей, но со временем оказалось, что она взвалила на себя непомерную ношу. Попросту переоценила свои силы, а в итоге разорилась и растеряла свою морскую мощь, что во многом способствовало крушению Британской империи. Посмотрите, что сейчас представляет из себя некогда мощный английский флот. На кораблях ВМС Англии нехватка личного состава доходит до трети. Служить там непрестижно. Признаки упадка морской мощи сейчас наблюдаются и в США. На бумаге флот у них огромный, а на деле — низкий боевой дух моряков, хроническая нехватка личного состава, недостаток ремонтных мощностей и рабочих на кораблестроительных предприятиях.
— Если бы все это было столь проблематично, то западные СМИ бы, вероятно, об этом писали, а этого особо не наблюдается.
— В западном мире принято замечать соринку в чужом глазу, а в своем бревно не видеть. Между тем жесткой критике со стороны Белого дома был подвернут Морской институт ВМС США, признавший провал американской программы прибрежных боевых кораблей класса LCS из-за неудачной их конструкции. То есть даже американским специалистам непозволительно сомневаться в качестве производимой в США продукции.
— Что вас наводит на такую мысль?
— Да хотя бы широко известные примеры загадочной гибели сотрудников корпорации Boeing, заявивших об имеющихся технологических проблемах у выпускаемых авиакосмических аппаратов.
— А что может Россия противопоставить своим оппонентам на море?
— Мы должны поднимать свою роль в Мировом океане, повышать собственные возможности, укрепляя при этом взаимодействие с дружественными странами.
Огромный потенциал в морской сфере имеют страны БРИКС. Даже для Эфиопии, единственной из стран БРИКС без выхода к морю, морская торговля представляет несомненный интерес.
По сути, сама география расположения государств БРИКС подсказывает нам, что без совместной работы в Мировом океане нам не обойтись. Речь идет и о поддержании стабильности, и безопасности на морских коммуникациях, о концентрации совместных усилий в области судостроения, развития портовой инфраструктуры, подготовке морских кадров, внедрении новых технологий.
Материал полностью.
Иностранные государства
переделывают морские буи в шпионские приспособления для сбора данных о расположении китайских подводных лодок
Такое предупреждение опубликовало министерство госбезопасности КНР. Там отметили, что отличить обычный морской буй от "шпионского" невооруженным глазом невозможно, для этого нужны специальное оборудование и приборы.
Согласно министерству, "шпионскими" считаются буи, которые выпускаются с военных самолетов вблизи китайского побережья и с высокой вероятностью используются для кражи конфиденциальных данных. Ведомство попросило неравнодушных граждан сообщать о подозрительных морских буях, за это они получат материальное вознаграждение.
Угроза катастрофы под Курахово,говорил ли Путин с Трампом,ключевое значение Курского плацдарма.11.11
Источник видео.
Ключевой козырь. В чем значение Курского плацдарма
На фоне общей тяжелой для ВСУ ситуации на фронте есть одно направление, где украинские войска не только не отступают, но и проводят активные атакующие действия.
Это Курская область.
В конце прошлой неделе там началось новое наступление россиян. Но, как признают даже российские паблики, идет оно с большим трудом и потерями. Россиянам удалось продвинуться в районе Новоивановки, а также к Старым Сорочинам недалеко от Малой Локни, но развить успех пока не получается, а некоторые прорвавшиеся подразделения, как пишут телеграмм-каналы РФ, фактически оказались в окружении в результате контратак ВСУ.
Такая ситуация, как заявляют и украинские военные и эксперты, и западные СМИ связана с тем, что в Курскую область в приоритетном порядке отправляются резервы ВСУ.
Причем это лучшие подразделения.
В Курской области Украина держит больше войск, чем на юге Донбасса, пишет испанская газета El Pais со ссылкой на украинских военных. На российской территории ВСУ каждые 10 дней проводятся ротации. Под Курахово же - раз в 25 дней.
Отправка резервов в Курскую область на фоне резкого ухудшения ситуации на Донбассе все чаще в Украине вызывает критику.
"Возможно, у наших лидеров есть какой-то большой секретный план, иначе я не понимаю, почему наши лучшие бригады находятся на Курщине, а наша оборона в Украине разваливается", – цитирует El País недавно уволившегося из ВСУ генерала Дмитрия Марченко.
Однако, все ж таки, можно увидеть определенную логику в том, что украинское военно-политическое руководство хочет любой ценой удержать плацдарм в Курской области, а если получится, то и расширить его. Даже ценой потери территорий в Донецкой области, где резервов не хватает.
С победой Трампа на выборах в США все чаще говорят о переговорах об окончании войны. При этом в качестве базового сценария рассматривается прекращение огня по линии фронта. Однако, в таком случае, встает вопрос, что делать с занятой ВСУ частью Курской области. Оставлять ее под контролем Украины - слишком большое унижение для Кремля, на которое он вряд ли пойдет. Тем более, что Москва неоднократно заявляла, что никакие договоренности с Киевом заключать не будет до тех пор, пока украинские войска остаются в Курской области. Кроме того, в РФ есть и своя "партия войны", которая вообще против прекращения огня по линии фронта и требует "воевать до победного конца". И наличие украинских войск в Курской области дает ей дополнительные аргументы, чтоб сорвать договоренности о завершении войны.
В Киеве, время от времени, в публичной плоскости обсуждается также и вариант, что, в случае начала переговоров о прекращении огня по линии фронта, Курскую область можно будет "обменять" на часть захваченной россиянами украинской территории. Например - на Энергодар и Запорожскую АЭС. Однако и это для Кремля также будет "потерей лица". Особенно, с учетом того, что ранее Путин ставил условием окончания войны контроль вообще над всей территорией Донецкой, Луганской, Запорожской и Херсонской областей.
То есть, наличие курского плацдарма, судя по всему, рассматривается украинскими властями, в ожидании переговоров, как важнейший козырь, при помощи которого можно будет либо добиться от Москвы болезненных для нее уступок (передачи части захваченных территорий), либо, если РФ на уступки идти откажется, вообще сорвать любые договоренности об окончании войны по линии фронта.
Но, вероятно, это понимают и в Кремле, а потому, по данным западных разведок, в последнее время РФ увеличивает число войск в Курской области.
Газета The Washington Post пишет, что Россия собрала там 50-тысячную группировку, в которую входят, как считают в Украине и на Западе, и северокорейские войска.
Эта группировка готовится к крупному наступлению, чтобы восстановить контроль над Курской областью. При ее формировании Россия не перебрасывала войска с востока Украны, "что позволило Москве одновременно давить на нескольких фронтах".
Forbes также пишет, что Москва планирует ускорить вытеснение ВСУ из Курской области - на случай, если Трамп предложит заморозку войны по линии фронта.
Насколько реально для российской армии в ближайшие месяцы выполнить эту задачу?
Пока, как писалось выше, ВСУ в Курской области держат оборону и контратакуют. Туда постоянно подтягиваются украинские резервы, что делает продвижение армии РФ крайне трудной задачей. По крайней мере теми силами, которые там есть. Более того, некоторые российские паблики предполагают, что в Курской области сами ВСУ могут еще пойти в масштабное наступление.
С другой стороны, сейчас площадь Курского плацдарма, по разным данным, 450-600 квадратных километров. Причем там у ВСУ нет сплошных мощных линий укреплений, подобных тем, что Россия выстроила в Запорожской области. С сентября россияне уже смогли вернуть значительную часть плацдарма под свой контроль. Поэтому, за счет увеличения числа наступающих войск и их огневой поддержки, армия РФ рано или поздно, теоретически, может полностью выдавить украинские войска за границу. Правда, возможно, для этого придется перекинуть войска с других участков фронта, замедляя там наступление. Но, если вопрос о переговорах об окончании войны действительно станет реальностью, то Курск будет однозначно приоритетным направлением и за ценой там не постоят.
Уровень доступа: Вы не можете начинать темы, Вы не можете отвечать на сообщения, Вы не можете редактировать свои сообщения, Вы не можете удалять свои сообщения, Вы не можете голосовать в опросах
Владимир Нерюев, заместитель генерального директора коммуникационного агентства Аура поделился мнением, какие изменения произошли или произойдут в профессии PR-специалиста.
Генеральный директор агентства мобильного маркетинга Mobisharks (входит в ГК Kokoc Group) — об эффективном мобильном маркетинге и примерах успешных стратегий.
За последние пару лет реклама банков изменилась. Появились новые сюжеты и герои. Реклама по-прежнему — не только инструмент продвижения услуг, но и способ формирования доверия к финансовым организациям. Главный тренд, который отмечают эксперты,— переход от сухого перечисления выгод к эмоционально окрашенным коммуникациям.
Антитрендами наружной рекламы в текущем году стали прямолинейность и чрезмерная перегруженность сообщений. Наружная реклама продолжает показывать рост: число рекламных конструкций за последний год увеличилось более чем на 2 тысячи.
В компании Sellty спрогнозировали развитие рынка электронной коммерции в сегменте СМБ на ближайший год. По оценке основателя Sellty Марии Бар-Бирюковой, число собственных интернет-магазинов среднего, малого и микробизнеса продолжит расти и увеличится минимум на 40% до конца 2025 года. Компании будут и дальше развиваться на маркетплейсах, но станут чаще комбинировать несколько каналов продаж.
Чего не хватает радио, чтобы увеличить свою долю на рекламном рынке? Аудиопиратство: угроза или возможности для отрасли? Каковы первые результаты общероссийской кампании по продвижению индустриального радиоплеера? Эти и другие вопросы были рассмотрены на конференции «Радио в глобальной медиаконкуренции», спикерами и участниками которой стали эксперты ГПМ Радио.
Деловая программа 28-й международной специализированной выставки технологий и услуг для производителей и заказчиков рекламы «Реклама-2021» открылась десятым юбилейным форумом «Матрица рекламы». Его организовали КВК «Империя» и «Экспоцентр».
28 марта в Центральном доме художника состоялась 25-ая выставка маркетинговых коммуникаций «Дизайн и реклама NEXT». Одним из самых ярких её событий стал День социальной рекламы, который организовала Ассоциация директоров по коммуникациям и корпоративным медиа России (АКМР) совместно с АНО «Лаборатория социальной рекламы» и оргкомитетом LIME.
На VII Международном форуме «Матрица рекламы», прошедшем в ЦВК «Экспоцентр» в рамках международной выставки «Реклама-2018», большой интерес у профессиональной аудитории вызвала VI Конференция «Интернет-реклама».