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Харизма: 25

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С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Сарское село.
Добавлено: 19.10.2024 22:49  |  #151892
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Российская делегация во главе с первым вице-премьером Денисом Мантуровым прибыла в Джакарту (Индонезия)

Для встречи на летном поле выстроился почетный караул службы безопасности президента Индонезии и военный оркестр «Чанка Гарудаякса»..


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Вот такие приветственные баннеры можно встретить на улицах Джакарты. Туда сегодня прибыла российская делегация, которую возглавляет первый вице-премьер Денис Мантуров.

Баннеры "Россия - наш друг" появились в болгарском городе Пловдив.

Аэропорт города Казани накануне старта саммита БРИКС украшен тематическими баннерами, а рекламные экраны сообщают как о самом саммите, так и о новых направлениях, открытых этой осенью.

В правящей партии Грузии призвали международные организации оценить игнорирование нарушений против "Грузинской мечты" со стороны местных организаций.

Члена парламентского большинства Гиви Миканадзе перечислил "радикальные действия" оппозиции:

▪️16 октября в Хелвачаури член "Единого нацдвижения" Мамука Джеваиши вместе с товарищами повредил два предвыборных билборда "Грузинской мечты";

▪️15 октября в Кутаиси лидеры "Единого нацдвижения" Хатия Деканоидзе и Гиги Угулава повредили предвыборные рекламные щиты "Грузинской мечты";

▪️5 октября в Чугуретском районе Тбилиси активистка "Лело" Саломе Тимченко подожгла символику "Грузинской мечты" и сожгла флаг партии;

▪️8 сентября активисты партии "Ахали" сорвали плакаты правящей команды близ тбилисского аэропорта.

Кроме того, оппозиционные телеканалы до сих пор отказываются размещать в эфире рекламу "Грузинской мечты", напомнил Миканадзе.


В пригороде Чикаго, в котором находится община с большим еврейским населением, взломали рекламные билборды и вывели туда «антисемитские» надписи.
На каждом билборде было написано «Оплачено компанией MrBeast».


Если здание, то сразу с рекламой 😀

Уверена, многие из вас видели фотографии домов конца 19 века и обращали внимание на рекламные вывески магазинов!

Так вот представьте себе, у нас это было целое искусство. В середине 19 века появились мастера и артели, которые такие вывески придумывали и изготавливали.

В дореволюционной вывеске обязательно должен был быть текст. Если возможности держатели магазина позволяли, то добавляли и изображения товаров.
Обычно «картинка» выглядела следующим образом - товары располагали «пирамидкой», фон - обязательно темный, чтобы они ярче выделялись.

Но была и проблема. Города пестрили рекламой. Часто архитектура здания скрывалась за огромным количеством названий магазинов….

Поэтому к конце 19 века было принято решение - проектировать здание сразу с рекламой 😱
И архитектор еще на стадии проекта определял количество, размер и стиль рекламных вставок.

Такие вот интересные дела!

Ну и иллюстрации - на полюбоваться 😍 вывески магазинов дореволюционной России.



Источник иллюстрации.

С уважением и отраслевыми ожиданиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 10755
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Сарское село.
Добавлено: 20.10.2024 3:21  |  #151893
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Примечания и дополнения: « ».


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The Fight Over Ballots Has Already Begun in Wisconsin
Drop boxes, which had been used for years in Wisconsin until they were mostly banned after Republicans mounted legal challenges, are back. They have become the subject of bitter debate.

In Wisconsin, registered voters may request an absentee ballot without providing a reason.Credit...Jamie Kelter Davis for The New York Times

Karen Cannestra does not like that drop box in front of West Bend City Hall.
Ms. Cannestra, 72 and retired, prefers to vote at her polling place in Wisconsin on Election Day, the way it was always done. It goes beyond personal preference, she says. Who knows the motives of the person who’s pulling those ballots out at the end of the day? Couldn’t somebody tamper with the process?
Isn’t that exactly what happened in 2020, she asked, when, she felt, the election was stolen?
“I don’t trust it, the drop box,” Ms. Cannestra said, before walking into City Hall to pay a utility bill. “No, no, no.”
Many Republican voters still believe former President Donald J. Trump’s baseless claim that he won the presidential election in 2020. In Wisconsin, they are taking those fears over election fraud and directing them at the dozens of ballot drop boxes across the state, though there weren’t any major problems with voter fraud there in 2020.
Drop boxes, which had been used for years in Wisconsin until they were mostly banned after the claims of fraud, are back, and they have become the subject of bitter debate. City Council and county board meetings in the state have been consumed with battles over the boxes in recent days, a glimpse of what could soon be a repeat of 2020: the results of a legitimate presidential election being questioned and rejected by a wide swath of Americans.

A ballot drop box at West Bend City Hall is available for use at any time of day.Credit...Jamie Kelter Davis for The New York Times

In the central Wisconsin city of Wausau, Mayor Doug Diny stoked fears over drop boxes in September by personally removing one that had yet to be fully installed. Last week at a City Council meeting, one Wausau resident insisted that she had seen drop boxes covertly stuffed with ballots on four different occasions when she was living in Colorado four years ago. Another man said that he believed there was “corruption” on the City Council over the issue and that the city clerk, who has local authority over drop boxes, was not doing her job.
“I think it’s absolutely appalling what’s going on in our community,” he said.
In suburban Milwaukee last week, the Washington County Board of Supervisors voted to allocate $3,000 for video surveillance of drop boxes, should municipal clerks need the funds to tighten security.
Some officials went even further.
“Every citizen should have access to livestream of the camera and instructions for how to proceed if they see something suspicious,” said one supervisor, Linda Gurath.
Another supervisor, Tina Pridemore, wondered if someone could shove 20 ballots into a box at once, and said that she knew people who were willing to volunteer to stand near the drop boxes “to make sure that we’re not having this illegal voting,” she said.
Beleaguered city clerks, nonpartisan officials who are responsible for deciding whether their municipalities should have drop boxes, have tried to reassure the public that the boxes are perfectly secure.
Around the state, some of the drop boxes are free-standing, bolted to the ground like mailboxes outside City Hall or on street corners. Others are built into the walls of municipal buildings, allowing voters to drop absentee ballots through a slot and directly inside, where they are then collected by workers and locked into a vault until Election Day. As of Wednesday, at least 78 boxes were in use, election officials said.
In Wisconsin, any registered voter may choose to request an absentee ballot without providing a reason, and hundreds of thousands of people usually vote using absentee ballots, which can be returned in person or in the mail.
In Eau Claire, the drop box has a padlock, said Kristina Kuzma, the city clerk. “When we close it, we put a tamper-evident seal every time. We empty it once a day. We have two people go out and empty it together,” she said.
“We work really hard to be nonpolitical and to stay out of politics as much as we possibly can,” Ms. Kuzma added. “We just administer the election fairly.”
Lori Stottler, the clerk-treasurer in Janesville, said she checks the box at least four times a day to collect ballots.
“People have said things like, people can do X or Y to it, they could attempt to commit crimes,” she said.
Though they were used without controversy even before 2020, the drop boxes gained popularity during that presidential election, which was held during the pandemic. By spring 2021, 570 drop boxes had been placed in nearly all of Wisconsin’s 72 counties, according to a state Supreme Court document.

Officials in Racine, Wis., have installed seven drop boxes across the city.Credit...Jamie Kelter Davis for The New York Times

Then Republicans filed a lawsuit challenging their use, and the state Supreme Court, which was controlled by conservative justices at the time, decided in 2022 to mostly ban them.
This summer, under a state Supreme Court with a newly liberal majority, the court reversed the ruling. Drop boxes were back, should city clerks decide to use them.
Meagan Wolfe, the state’s chief election official, said on Wednesday that voters “should have a great deal of confidence that that is a secure option.”
Wisconsin has a heavily decentralized election model, with more than 1,800 municipal clerks who administer local elections. Some clerks have cited the convenience that drop boxes offer for people who would prefer to not return their ballot in the mail, or voters who drop off ballots in the evening hours, on their way home from work.
Many conservatives in Wisconsin have since denounced the boxes and praised towns that have not used them.
At a rally in Dodge County this month, Sheriff Dale J. Schmidt took the stage, turning to address Mr. Trump, who was campaigning there.
“I have something very important I think you’re going to want to hear,” Sheriff Schmidt said. “In Dodge County, in this 2024 election, there are zero drop boxes for the election.”
As the crowd erupted in cheers, Mr. Trump gave a double thumbs-up.
“We’re going to make sure that we have the best, most secure election in Dodge County history,” Sheriff Schmidt said.
(Sheriff Schmidt was wrong about the number of drop boxes; several municipalities in Dodge County have them, as the clerks pointed out last week.)
Some clerks have opted out to use the boxes. In Racine in southeastern Wisconsin, seven of them are in use. In Kenosha, which is roughly the same size as Racine and also in the southeastern part of the state, there are none.
Michelle L. Nelson, the Kenosha city clerk and treasurer, said that she decided not to use a drop box, and instead expanded early voting hours.
“I know that some people think that they aren’t secure,” she said. “On the other side, there have been people who have asked, how can I as a clerk make sure that there isn’t intimidation?” Ms. Nelson added, envisioning a scenario where people could position themselves near the drop box and ask voters if the ballot was actually theirs.
Some Republican officials said that they have tried to persuade voters not to worry about the security of ballot drop boxes.

Jilline Dobratz, the city clerk in West Bend, has heard from residents who seem skeptical about the security of their ballots. Credit...Jamie Kelter Davis for The New York Times

Stephanie Soucek, the chair of the Republican Party of Door County in northeastern Wisconsin, said she has tried to tamp down fears.
There is a drop box in the county seat of Sturgeon Bay, a city of 10,000 people, which Ms. Soucek says is safe and secure.
“I’m encouraging people that they can trust this process,” she said. “I feel like Republican voters have slowly come on board with the idea. It’s just taking time.”
At public meetings, residents have also spoken up in favor of the drop boxes, arguing that trying to remove them is a form of voter suppression.
“Making it harder to vote is out of touch with Wisconsin values,” Nancy Stencil of Wausau said at a City Council meeting last week.
Inside West Bend City Hall, Jilline Dobratz, the city clerk, said she has encountered voters who return ballots in person and slide them across the counter, underneath a wall of plexiglass.
“‘Make sure it counts,’” they sometimes tell her, Ms. Dobratz said.
“It’s tough to hear those things because I’ve been doing this over 11 years, I have many clerk friends and we work hard,” she said. “When people say negative things, it’s hard not to take it all personal.”

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I'm a Republican and I'm a Democrat. Our marriage, pure bliss. But on politics, we just don't agree except for Bob Casey. He's independent. That's right. Casey's leading the effort to stop corporate greed, inflation and price gouging Casey bucked Biden to protect fracking and he sided with Trump to end NAFTA and put tariffs on China to stop them from cheating. So, in this house, we agree it's Bob Casey who's doing right by Pennsylvania. I'm Bob Casey and I definitely approve this message.

Vulnerable Senate Democrat Promotes Trump Ties in New Ad
The spot, which says that Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania had “sided with Trump” on trade and tariffs, was quickly denounced by the Trump campaign.

Senator Bob Casey, Democrat of Pennsylvania, distances himself from the Biden administration and highlights his support of certain Trump administration policies in a new TV campaign ad that aired in parts of the state on Friday, signaling a last-minute appeal to the former president’s supporters in a crucial battleground state.
In the ad, two voters — a married couple made up of a Republican and a Democrat in Old Forge, Pa. — praise Mr. Casey as an independent lawmaker, saying that he “bucked Biden to protect fracking and he sided with Trump to end NAFTA and put tariffs on China.”
The spot aired nearly 100 times in Pennsylvania on Friday, frequently in heavily Republican areas such as Johnstown and Altoona, according to data provided by the tracking firm AdImpact.
The Trump campaign quickly seized on Mr. Casey’s references to Mr. Trump in the commercial, attacking the senator on social media for “desperately trying to embrace President Trump” and saying he was “a shill for Kamala’s deranged, radical left agenda.”
An official with Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign in Pennsylvania said that Ms. Harris supports fracking, and that the ad was not an indication that Mr. Casey was separating himself from the vice president. When asked if Mr. Casey’s campaign had informed the Harris campaign about the ad before it aired, the official said that he would not discuss internal communications between the two campaigns.
Maddy McDaniel, a spokeswoman for Mr. Casey, said that the senator “always does what’s right for Pennsylvania, regardless of party,” and that “he stands with Pennsylvanians and doesn’t care what any politician has to say about it.”
Mr. Casey had a reputation early in his Senate career as a low-key moderate, but he gained prominence for his resistance to many of former President Donald J. Trump’s policies. He has also moved considerably to the left over the nearly 18 years he has been in the Senate — becoming more supportive of gun control measures and bills aimed at ensuring access to abortion.
Another Democratic senator running for re-election — Senator Tammy Baldwin, in the battleground state of Wisconsin — also aired an ad in her state’s major cities on Friday that portrayed her as working equally with Mr. Trump and President Biden on policies promoting American manufacturing. The ad says that Ms. Baldwin “got President Trump to sign her Made in America bill, then she got President Biden to make it permanent.”
The ads were the latest indication that both senators are tacking to the center as their races tighten. Mr. Casey sailed to re-election in 2018, defeating his Republican opponent by 13 points. A Times poll last week showed Mr. Casey leading David McCormick, a Republican businessman, by five points. Polling has shown Ms. Baldwin’s lead over her Republican opponent, Eric Hovde, a banking executive, to be shrinking in recent weeks.
Incumbent lawmakers and other candidates often highlight their efforts to reach across the aisle on issues that matter most to their constituents. Mr. Casey’s opponent, Mr. McCormick, for example posted a picture on social media of him shaking hands with Gov. Josh Shapiro, a Democrat, at a police conference after the first assassination attempt against Mr. Trump earlier this year.
But Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris and other top Democrats have spent years presenting Mr. Trump as a singular threat to American democracy while some of their Senate colleagues are amplifying their efforts to cooperate with Mr. Trump.
At least one of the claims in the ads is somewhat misleading, when it says he “bucked Biden to protect fracking and sided with Trump to end NAFTA.”
Mr. Biden took no actions against fracking in Pennsylvania.
On NAFTA, Mr. Casey had expressed support for steps the Trump administration took to renegotiate NAFTA, and to withdraw outright from another Pacific trade deal.
Mr. Casey voted for the updated trade agreement, but in a statement on his Senate website, he notes that significant changes were made before he and other Democrats supported it. It adds that “the initial version negotiated by the Trump Administration was a corporate trade deal and completely unacceptable.”

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Steel bars that hold up bridges, propel ships and send rockets into space. But for years, China's been low balling their prices. So it's been tough to compete. We can't let China steal Wisconsin jobs. So I wrote a law to require American infrastructure projects use American iron and steel. Tammy Baldwin got President Trump, the signer made an America bill, then she got President Biden to make it permanent. I'm Tammy Baldwin. I approve this message. Tammy Baldwin has our back of.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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На VII Международном форуме «Матрица рекламы», прошедшем в ЦВК «Экспоцентр» в рамках международной выставки  «Реклама-2018», большой интерес у профессиональной аудитории вызвала VI Конференция «Интернет-реклама».

на правах рекламы

20.10.2024 - 08:28
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