Lawrence Zeegen
Secrets of Digital Illustration: a Master Cass in Commercial Image-Making
Издательство: Rotovision, 2007 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 176 стр.
Illustration is a hot subject, and professional designers, illustrators, and students are all looking for a well-researched, informative, and practical guide to this area of design. Continuing on from the best-selling Digital Illustration, Secrets of Digital Illustration develops themes and features work from countries with emerging graphic design industries, such as China, Singapore, and India. It uses the same format as the previous book, accommodating step-by-step tutorials, but this time it includes working sketches and thumbnails to provide a greater level of depth. Each chapter includes a brief introduction into the subject area, moving on to portfolios of leading image makers, and concluding with a step-by-step tutorial, making the book an informative, and highly enjoyable, exploration of this popular area.
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