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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 11250
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Сарское село.
Добавлено: 28.02.2025 12:10  |  #152544
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Фанаты и Жизнь: « ».

Как известно, реклама в коллективных Системах Распределения/Производства, работает на сложении или на вычитании, а в персональных Системах Управления/ Потребления на интегрировании и дифференцировании.

Общепит не исключение.

Ресторан, по определению, в отличии от рядовой столовой или кафе, предполагает обязательную интегральную/дифференциальную политическую составляющую.

И вот эта составляющая, как говорится, и делает все дело, представляя из себя отдельное блюдо политической кулинарии, которое прилагается ко всякому выбору и составляет неотъемлемую незримую, но интеллектуально и культурно ощутимую часть впечатлений его посетителей.


‘It’s our right to not let him in’: Ukrainian restaurateur bans Trump from London culinary hotspot
Olga Tsybytovska has banned the US president from Mriya Neo Bistro, nestled in well-heeled South Kensington

My dream is to open in a peaceful Kyiv’ Ukrainian restaurateur opens in London

A Ukrainian restaurateur who employs refugees in her west London bistro who escaped the war torn eastern European country invaded by Russia has banned Donald Trump from entering her establishment.
Olga Tsybytovska found herself stranded in London while on holiday from her native Ukraine as Vladimir Putin’s forces invaded the country in February 2022.
She poured her energies into fundraisers and humanitarian efforts to help Ukrainians before opening Mriya Neo Bistro, nestled in well-heeled South Kensington, with her partner Yurii Kovryzhenko.
As well as the pressures of opening an eatery in one of the gastronomic capitals of the world, Ms Tsybytovska has the daily worry for her family who are in Dnipro.
“It has been three years of crippling anxiety”, Ms Tsybytovska told The Independent as Ukraine’s fourth largest city has been the subject of an intense bombing campaign by Putin’s army.

Olga sits outside Mirya- Ukrainian for dream.

Ms Tsybytovska does not hold back when discussing the outspoken US president and what would happen if he set foot inside her quaint eatery.
“Listening to his latest rhetoric that Ukraine is the aggressor in this war, it sounds very offensive and I just cannot let him in. I have to show solidarity with my people,” she said.
“Ukrainians have been going through terrible challenges for three years, our feelings are very intense. It’s our right to not let him in. We expect his attitude to these historic events to be different.”
“I know very little about his palate but I bet it is nothing. There is only a small chance someone with a good palate would not enjoy our food.”
The restaurant itself has attracted acclaim serving her unique take on Ukrainian dishes such as eggplant “caviar”, borscht, a traditional soup made from beetroot, chicken Kyivs and bryndza - a tangy sheep’s cheese popular in southern Ukraine.
Everyday she thinks about bettering her restaurant by juggling new menus, importing decorations like the tapestry salvaged from the smoking ruins of Azovstal whilst all the time worrying about her family.
“I speak to them every single morning I ask them how the night went and then I speak to them again just before they go to sleep. Dnipro has been bombed severely since the first day of the war.

Olga and her team in Mriya

“At this moment they are safe but who knows what can come. The enemy has no limits, hospitals, kindergartens - they bomb everything.
“Every time I hear news from home I get another anxiety attack but they are proud of me.”
Mriya has given jobs to newly arrived Ukrainian refugees to help them settle in London. Tetiana Verestiuk began as a pastry chef before working her way up to head chef.
Three months ago, she learned that her brother, Vanya, had been captured by Putin’s forces while trying to help injured friends.
“I don’t know how she goes on. Every day she is wondering, checking hostage exchanges trying to overcome her feelings whilst just trying to live.
“My dream is he is one day free and able to come here and eat our honey cake - it is our pride and one of our top sellers.

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Как говорится, можно забрать украинца/украинку с хутора, но изъять из украинца/украинки хутор - нельзя.

С сожалением и отраслевыми пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 11250
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Сарское село.
Добавлено: 01.03.2025 14:02  |  #152551
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King Charles shows solidarity with Zelensky in invite to Sandringham after Trump clash
Monarch’s show of support comes as Keir Starmer will attempt to pick up the pieces of shattered Ukraine peace talks at EU leaders’ summit

King Charles has thrown his support behind Zelensky (PA Wire)

King Charles is to meet Volodymyr Zelensky at Sandringham on Sunday in a rare and dramatic sign of royal support.
The King’s invitation to the Ukraine president came a day after Donald Trump sparked worldwide outrage by insulting and abusing Mr Zelensky at the White House.
And it is only two days after Mr Trump accepted an invitation from the King for an unprecedented second state visit to Britain – delivered to him personally by Sir Keir Starmer.
King Charles’s impromptu meeting with Mr Zelensky will take place after the president meets Sir Keir, who is hosting a weekend summit of EU leaders on the Ukraine crisis.
The gestures by both the King and the prime minister are bound to be seen as the clearest possible signal that Britain is backing Mr Zelensky after his bitter fall-out with Trump.
The decision to invite Zelensky to Sandringham is the most overtly political act the King has made since succeeding Queen Elizabeth.

His mother went to great lengths to keep out of politics but, by inviting Zelensky to meet him ahead of Trump, Charles runs the risk of upsetting the volatile president.

It comes as European leaders look to the prime minister to pick up the pieces and resolve what, after a few angry minutes in the Oval Office, has become a full-blown crisis.

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Should King Charles rescind Trump's state visit invite? | LBC
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С сожалением и понятными ожиданиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 11250
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Сарское село.
Добавлено: 15.03.2025 20:32  |  #152605
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Суд Москвы избрал меру пресечения стендап-комику Артемию Останину.
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Стендап - комика Останина задержали на границе.
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18.03.2025 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

После «шутки» комика Артемия Останина о мужчине, потерявшем ногу на мине, общественники просят правоохранителей провести проверку.

По скромному мнению а.п., на четвертом году СВО, эта новость должна была бы выглядеть совершенно иначе:

• информационная реклама – «выступление комика было сорвано участниками шоу»;
• реклама политическая - «шоу комика было досрочно завершено в результате ссоры его участников, возникшей на почве их несогласия с его репликой».

С «комиком» - все понятно.
А вот со зрителями, с другими участниками шоу, нет.
Если бы они действительно переживали умом, сердцем, душой за судьбы страны и народа...

Да зная, понимая, чувствуя настроение публики, даже в таком скромном представлении, подлейший из подлейших - либерал, в жизни бы не решился рта открыть: не усовестился бы, не постеснялся бы - а именно побоялся.

С отвращением и непечатными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 11250
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Сарское село.
Добавлено: 20.03.2025 16:02  |  #152618
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Kremlistä tärähti NHL-viikon pöyristyttävintä soopaa – viime aikojen suomalais¬sensaatiosta ei jäänyt epäselvyyttä.
Ylen NHL-toimittaja Tommi Seppälä ja asiantuntija Ismo Lehkonen perkaavat tuttuun tapaan NHL-viikon puheenaiheet.

NHL-viikon pöyristyttävin puheenaihe tuli tällä kertaa Kremlistä. Venäjän tiedotteen mukaan maan presidentti Vladimir Putin oli ehdottanut Yhdysvaltojen tuoreelle presidentille Donald Trumpille maiden välisen jääkiekko-ottelun pelaamista Venäjällä ja Yhdysvalloissa.
Ottelussa amerikkalaiset NHL-pelaajat kohtaisivat Venäjän KHL-pelaajat. NHL ei asiaan ottanut minkäänlaista kantaa, koska siltä ei ole asiasta mitään kysytty.

Jokseenkin pöyristyttävänä joskaan ei yllättävänä voi pitää sitä, että kesken rauhanneuvotteluiden keskustellaan jääkiekko-ottelun järjestämisestä. Näin Venäjä pyrkii siirtämään huomion toisaalle Ukrainasta, missä se käy edelleen hyökkäyssotaa.
– En ymmärrä yhtään mitään tällaisesta. Siellä on valtava määrä ihmisiä kuollut sodassa aivan turhaan ja miehet puhuvat jääkiekko-ottelun järjestämisestä. Uskomatonta soopaa. Ensimmäiset asiat pitäisi käsitellä ensin: sodankäynti täytyy lopettaa, rauha tuoda maailmaan ja sitten mietitään muuta, Ylen jääkiekkoasiantuntija Ismo Lehkonen linjaa.

Материал полностью.

Trump supports Putin's call for hockey matches between nations, Kremlin says

US President Donald Trump supports Russian President Vladimir Putin's idea of holding ice hockey matches between professional American and Russian players, the Kremlin said after the two leaders spoke on Tuesday.
Russia has been frozen out of international ice hockey competitions after the country's invasion of Ukraine three years ago.
"Donald Trump supported Vladimir Putin's idea to organize hockey matches in the USA and Russia between Russian and American players playing in the NHL and KHL," the Kremlin said.
The National Hockey League (NHL) is the premier North American hockey league while the Kontinental Hockey League (KHL) is based in Russia.
The White House statement following the call between the two leaders did not mention hockey and it has not responded to questions about the sport.
The NHL said it was not yet ready to comment.
"We have just become aware of the conversation between President Trump and President Putin," an NHL spokesperson said in a statement to Reuters.
"Obviously, we were not a party to those discussions, and it would be inappropriate for us to comment at this time."
Following Moscow's 2022 invasion of Ukraine, the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) suspended all national teams and clubs from Russia and Belarus from taking part in international events.
The NHL suspended relationships with business partners in Russia, paused its Russian language social and digital media sites and said it would not consider Russia for any future competitions after the invasion began.
The IIHF later moved the 2023 world championships out of St. Petersburg.
Russian players have continued to play for professional hockey teams in the US and Canada.
The IIHF last year said that it would make a decision on Russia and its ally Belarus' participation in the 2025-26 season by May of this year.
The 2026 Winter Olympics will take place in Milan and Cortina d'Ampezzo in February.
Putin, an enthusiastic hockey fan, has donned skates to play publicly in Russia several times.

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Kremlin väite: Trump ja Putin keskustelivat NHL- ja KHL-pelaajien ottelusta
Kremlin mukaan Yhdysvaltain presidentti Donald Trump tukee Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putinin ehdotusta järjestää otteluita NHL- ja KHL-pelaajien välillä.

Donald Trump ja Vladimir Putin keskustelivat tiistaina pitkän puhelun. He käsittelivät myös jääkiekko-otteluiden järjestämistä maiden pelaajien välillä, kertoo uutistoimisto AP.
Moskova kertoi puhelun yhteenvedossa, että Trump tuki Putinin ideaa järjestää Yhdysvalloissa ja Venäjällä otteluita, joissa pelaisivat NHL:n ja KHL:n parhaat pelaajat.
Puolentoista tunnin mittaisen puhelun jälkeen Kreml tiedotti, että Trump ja Putin jatkavat yhteydenpitoa keskustelun aiheet huomioiden.
Valkoisen talon raportissa päämiesten välisessä puhelussa ei mainittu jääkiekkokeskusteluista.
– Olemme saaneet tiedon presidentti Trumpin ja presidentti Putinin keskustelusta, NHL sanoi lausunnossaan, joka lähetettiin uutistoimisto AP:lle.
– Emme olleet osapuolina näissä keskusteluissa, eikä olisi asianmukaista kommentoida sitä tällä hetkellä.
Yhdysvaltain jääkiekkoliitto USA Hockey ei vastannut heti sille lähetettyyn kommenttipyyntöön.

Jääkiekko yhdistää kaksikkoa
Trump soitti henkilökohtaisen puhelun Yhdysvaltain jääkiekkojoukkueelle NHL:n neljän maan turnauksessa viime kuussa ennen finaalia, joka päättyi 2–3-jatkoaikatappioon Kanadalle.
Yhdysvaltain kansallislaululle buuattiin Montrealissa kansainvälisen turnauksen aikana Trumpin toistuvien kommenttien takia.
Trump on ehdottanut Kanadasta Yhdysvalloille ”51. osavaltiota” ja asettanut tulleja, jotka laukaisivat kauppasodan Pohjois-Amerikan naapureiden välillä.
Putinin rakkaus jääkiekkoon on laajalti tiedossa. Hän oli seuraamassa vuoden 2014 Sotšin olympialaisissa Venäjän ja Yhdysvaltain alkusarjan ottelua, jonka amerikkalainen T.J. Oshie ratkaisi rangaistuslaukauskisassa.
Maiden välinen kilpailu jäällä juontaa juurensa vuoden 1980 ”Miracle on Ice” -otteluun, jolloin Yhdysvaltain amatööriryhmä voitti suursuosikki Neuvostoliiton mitaliottelussa matkalla olympiakultaan Lake Placidissa.
NHL on sallinut venäläisten jääkiekkopelaajat liigassaan, tunnetuimpana Washington Capitalsin Aleksandr Ovetškin, joka jahtaa Wayne Gretzkyn legendaarista maaliennätystä.
NHL:n pelaajayhdistys ja liiga suunnittelevat järjestävänsä jääkiekon maailmancupin vuonna 2028. Vielä ei ole selvillä, ovatko venäläiset osa turnausta.
NHL-komissaari Gary Bettman ja pelaajayhdistyksen toiminnanjohtaja Marty Walsh ovat antaneet venäläispelaajista positiivisia lausuntoja.

Материал полностью.


Trump supports Putin's US-Russia hockey proposal, says Kremlin | REUTERS
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Trump Supports Putin’s Idea for U.S.-Russia Ice Hockey Matches | DRM News | AD1Z.
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С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 11250
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Сарское село.
Добавлено: 20.03.2025 21:23  |  #152622
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France issues its citizens with an invasion guide - including how to survive a nuclear attack - after Macron warned Europe must prepare for war

France is set to issue a survival manual to households across the country, warning citizens how to respond to an invasion or any other 'imminent threat'.
The dramatic move comes as tensions rise in Europe and fears grow over Russia's aggressive tactics.
The new 20-page booklet, reportedly packed with 63 measures, will advise the French on how to protect themselves and their families in the event of armed conflict, natural disasters, industrial accidents or even a nuclear leak.
It will include tips on how to create a 'survival kit' with essentials including six litres of water, canned food, batteries, a torch and basic medical supplies such as paracetamol and bandages.
Crucially, it will offer advice on what to do if an attack is imminent, including how to join local defence efforts, such as signing up for reserve units or firefighting groups.
Citizens will also be told to 'lock their doors' in the event of a nuclear incident - advice that has already drawn ridicule from commentators.
Despite the alarming content, the French government insists the booklet is not a direct response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
President Emmanuel Macron has previously warned that Europe must be prepared to confront the 'Russian threat' and adapt to the possibility that America could scale back its military support.
Earlier this week, Macron revealed that French fighter jets equipped with new generation hypersonic nuclear missiles will be sent to the German border as part of his bid to renew France's airborne nuclear deterrent.

President Emmanuel Macron delivers a speech in front of Dassault Rafale and Dassault Mirage 2000 fighter aircrafts during his visit to the French Air and Space Force on Tuesday, where he revealed French nuclear-armed warplanes will be sent to the German border

Officials from the General Secretariat for Defence and National Security (SGDSN), which oversaw the booklet's creation, claim the aim of the survival guide is simply to bolster France's resilience in the face of 'all types of crises'.
The decision to draft the booklet reportedly dates back to 2022, in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, as part of a national strategy to improve public preparedness.
But the timing of its release - expected before summer if approved by Prime Minister François Bayrou - has raised eyebrows.
French newspaper Le Figaro noted that the kit's rollout 'could easily suggest that the state is reacting to the unstable international situation'.
Macron has recently called for Europe to rearm in the face of Russia's aggression in Ukraine and America's wavering commitment to upholding European security under Donald Trump.
He initiated a doubling of the French defence budget over the course of his two terms and recently set an even higher target, saying the country should increase defence spending to 3-3.5 per cent of economic output from the current 2 per cent.
France's public investment bank Bpifrance will launch a €450million (£377million) fund dedicated to financing defence projects as part of the country's efforts to ramp up military spending, finance minister Eric Lombard said on Thursday.
'French citizens will be able, by tranches of €500 (£419), to invest their money in the long term,' Lombard told TF1.
French companies in the defence sector will need more than five billion euros in additional equity capital over the next few years, according to both the finance and the defence ministries.

The new 20-page booklet will include tips on how to create a 'survival kit' with essentials including six litres of water, canned food, batteries, a torch and basic medical supplies such as paracetamol and bandages. Pictured is a graphic from a French government website showing the recommended contents of the kit

Macron has also offered to extend the protection of France's nuclear weapons, the so-called nuclear umbrella, to other European countries.
During a visit to Luxeuil-Saint-Sauveur airbase in northeast France on Tuesday, he told aircrews their base will soon receive a squadron of Rafale F5s - the latest evolution of France's premier fighter jet that is expected to enter service in 2030.
The jets will be equipped with the ASN4G - a nuclear hypersonic cruise missile currently under development that will reportedly fly at more than 5,000mph with double the range of France's current air-launched nuclear weapons.
Macron said the government had earmarked more than €1.5billion to transform Luxeuil - a famed World War One airbase just 80km from Germany - into one of the nation's most advanced military facilities.
Rafale F5s equipped with the next-gen nuclear hypersonic missiles would be ready for deployment at the base by 2035, he said to a crowd of Air Force pilots and officers outside their hangars.
'We haven't waited for 2022 or the turning point we're seeing right now to discover that the world we live in is ever more dangerous, ever more uncertain, and that it implies to innovate, to bulk up and to become more autonomous,' he said Tuesday.
'I will announce in the coming weeks new investments to go further than what was done over the past seven years,' he added.
Macron also said that the government would order additional Rafale warplanes from French aerospace manufacturer Dassault Aviation to replace ageing Mirage fighter jets - some of which were sent to Ukraine.
Earlier this month, it was reported that Poland will soon send out a guide for its citizens on how to survive future crises, after it warned its male population they would have to go through military training amid rising tensions with Russia.
The country, which borders both Ukraine and Russia, will be sending the pamphlets to households this year.
The booklets will inform them on 'how to deal with various hazardous situations,' a deputy director for the interior ministry's civil protection unit, Robert Klonowski, told the PAP news agency.
Civilians will be given wartime tips on how to cope with 'a power outage lasting several days or several hours,' he said, adding that the information would also serve for reacting to natural disasters.
The brochure will be issued in Polish, and in Ukrainian for the some 900,000 Ukrainian refugees in the country.
'We are also planning a special version, or at least part of this guide, addressed to children,' Klonowski added.
Poland is one of Kyiv's staunchest allies in the European Union and hosts a logistics hub through which NATO and EU member states have been sending military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
It has been warily eyeing Russia and been ramping up its defences, as Vladimir Putin's invasion rages on.
Poland has been making overtures towards a war footing in recent weeks, with the country's prime minister Donald Tusk revealing that his government is working out a system to militarily train all men in the event of a war.

Sweden's Minister for Civil Defence Carl-Oskar Bohlin presents the new version of the booklet 'If Crisis or War Comes

The British government last issued similar guidance during the Cold War with the infamous Protect and Survive booklet, which advised citizens to paint their windows white and build a 'fallout room' in the event of nuclear war

Sweden, Norway and Finland have already taken similar steps amid growing geopolitical instability.
Last year, Sweden sent out five million copies of a chilling 32-page booklet titled If Crisis or War Comes, advising citizens to stock up on food and water and be ready for an armed attack.
'An insecure world requires preparedness. The military threat to Sweden has increased and we must prepare for the worst - an armed attack,' its introduction states.
Norway's directorate for civil protection distributed a similar guide last year, warning its citizens: 'We live in an increasingly turbulent world.'
The Norwegian pamphlet advises citizens to keep stock of medicine, a supply of cash, and at least a week's worth of non-perishable food items including 'crispbreads, canned pulses and beans, canned sandwich spreads, energy bars, dried fruit, chocolate, honey, biscuits and nuts'.
Finland has also launched a government website detailing how to prepare for various 'longer-term crises' including 'military conflict'.
In a similar move, Germany announced last November that it was drawing up a list of bunkers that could provide emergency shelter to civilians in the event of war.
The Interior Ministry announced underground train stations, car parks, state buildings and private properties could all be harnessed for protection.
Despite all the preparations by other European nations, the French survival booklet has already sparked mockery.

French President Emmanuel Macron has urged France to learn how to respond to an invasion or any other 'imminent threat'

French comedian Matthieu Noël scoffed at the idea of telling people to 'stock up' and 'lock their doors' if a nuclear bomb hits.
'Putin could drop a nuclear bomb on Paris, Ebola could strike the Cantal - we'll be ready,' he joked on France Inter.
'While you're at it, why not advise against snorkelling during a tsunami?'
The UK, meanwhile, has shown no signs of following suit.
The British government last issued similar guidance during the Cold War with the infamous Protect and Survive booklet, which advised citizens to paint their windows white and build a 'fallout room' in the event of nuclear war.
A 2004 campaign following the Madrid bombings offered updated advice, but there's been little movement since.

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С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
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Харизма: 25

Сообщений: 11250
С нами с 27/02/2007 г.
Откуда: Россия, Сарское село.
Добавлено: 21.03.2025 19:31  |  #152627
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So it’s victory for Kirsty Coventry in the IOC elections. Who says cards with a rigged deck isn’t an Olympic sport?
The Zimbabwean has global sport’s top job but Britain’s Sebastian Coe was snubbed, and with good reason: he might have changed things

It is significant': Kirsty Coventry voted first female president of IOC

Congratulations to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on the surprise election of its new president, Kirsty Coventry, confirming its status as one of the few electorates on Earth never to have had a change election. Another one is Fifa, with those two organisations’ eternal contest to be the worst-run governing body remaining easily the hardest-fought rivalry in world sport.
Yes, the IOC has been in its 144th special session to elect a new leader. Don’t worry – it hasn’t been all hard beds, spartan canteens and bad lighting, as is inflicted on the poor old cardinals in Conclave. The three-day event inevitably took place at a five-star luxury Greek resort.
Much can and is being made of Coventry being the first woman and the first African to win the role with 49 votes, while much less, as usual, will be made of the opaque backroom politics that saw her blow rival candidates including the World Athletics president, Seb Coe, out of the water, with voting unexpectedly not even having had to proceed to multiple rounds. Coe finished third with only eight votes, a full 20 behind the second-placed Juan Antonio Samaranch Jr. Quick primer: Juan’s the son of Juan Antonio Samaranch, himself a former IOC president, whose final act in the top job was to elevate his son to the committee. Very sporting. Juan Sr came via an impeccable IOC pedigree, of course, having previously served as a sports administrator under an actual fascist regime – in his case, that of General Franco in Spain. His tenure is notable for probably the worst corruption scandal in Olympic history. Or rather, let’s face it, the worst that we know about.
So close, Juan Jr! Alas, the IOC presidency going semi-hereditary might have been a bad look too far for the outgoing president, Thomas Bach. Either way, for whatever reason, Coventry’s candidacy was reportedly pushed hard in the very final stages by Bach and various other top IOC bigwigs. Bach has personally appointed more than two-thirds of the electorate, and was voted in as the still-powerful honorary president on the same day as Coventry’s victory. As the Olympic motto famously runs: citius, altius, status quo.
Needless to say, Bach wasn’t a fan of Coe’s criticism of the secretive election process. “There is a good democratic rule, when you don’t win,” he said. “Don’t blame the voters and don’t blame the procedure.” Hmm. Not sure quite how pristine a democracy a meticulously assembled band of royals, international businesspeople, politicians and select former athletes is, particularly the ones flown in from autocracies. But look, I hope they enjoyed this election, and at some point might even consider the idea of having free and fair ones in their own countries.
Zimbabwe, where Coventry is a sports minister, might be a case in point, with President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s 2023 election victory characterised by brutal suppression of civil and political rights. Asked during her campaign how she could square her close ties with him, with even Fifa having banned Zimbabwe from international fixtures over government interference in the national game, Coventry explained: “It gets criticised, and that’s OK, because at the end of the day, I don’t think you can stand on the sidelines and scream for change. I believe you have to be seated at the table.”
In fact, that might have been the most opinion-adjacent opinion she voiced during the entire election, where her answers tended toward the radioactively inoffensive. Asked, for instance, how she’d bring something new, she replied: “Just the fact that I am running is a huge achievement. Now, we’ll see how the next few days unfold, but I’m looking forward to what comes next.”
Plenty more of that, which makes her pledge to protect the female category in sport with “a bit more of a leading role” one to watch. Pushed on this headline issue in the wake of her victory, Coventry explained: “We’re going to create a taskforce that’s going to look at the transgender issue and the protection of the female category.” What do we want? Taskforces to be created! When do want them? In due course!
Part of the IOC’s trouble with Coe, who ran on a platform stating that the IOC should ban transgender athletes in the female category in the interests of sporting fairness, is that he does things. His time at the helm of World Athletics saw him found a fully independent anti-doping and sporting integrity unit, rule decisively on the protection of the female category, and ban Russian athletes – the latter being something that seems to have earned him the permanent enmity of Bach. What’s a little light land invasion between friends – especially rich despotic friends? Remember: the IOC and Fifa need autocracies, with the massive financial outlay that any modern sporting mega event requires really only making sense politically for corrupt and autocratic regimes that wish to make a certain statement to the wider world. It’s why they’re having the next summer Olympics in the US. I’m joking, I’m joking.
Still, Coe’s decisive loss yet again confirms of the IOC that you can’t win as an outsider in an insider’s race. It’s not that he’s an unknown quantity, more that he’s a known quantity. They certainly can’t be risking a new broom, after all, just as they couldn’t risk looking too hard into a quite staggering array of vote-buying/bribery/corruption/doping/political/sportwashing scandals down the decades. Once you realise that the one thing sport’s biggest wigs really hate is a sporting chance, it all becomes so much easier to understand.

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Kirsty Coventry elected first-ever female IOC president as Seb Coe is beaten.
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Kirsty Coventry elected first female president of IOC as Coe routed in vote

Ex-Olympian Kirsty Coventry becomes first woman to be elected as IOC president

The Zimbabwean swimmer Kirsty Coventry has become the first woman to lead the International Olympic Committee in its 131-year history after a stunning first-round knockout over a seven-strong field that included Britain’s Sebastian Coe.
In a contest that had been expected to go through multiple rounds of voting, the 41-year-old won 49 of the 97 votes in the first round, giving her an immediate majority. She is the first African to become IOC president and becomes the most powerful woman in global sport.
But it was a crushing day for Coe, who could only secure eight votes, putting him third behind the Spaniard Juan Antonio Samaranch Jr with 28.
Coventry’s victory came despite a manifesto that was widely seen as bland, and a campaign that started slowly. However, in the final few days before the secret ballot, strong lobbying from outgoing IOC president Thomas Bach and other senior IOC members proved to be crucial in tipping support her way.
Suddenly a contest that had been fought over in the shadows for months was all over in just two minutes: the time it took for the IOC’s quixotic membership of royals, former athletes, politicians and billionaires to throw their weight overwhelmingly behind the seven-time Olympic medallist.
It took a while for Bach to confirm the result – and the electronic voting machine of Afghanistan IOC member Samira Asghari appeared not to function. But when it was finally announced Coventry, who won seven Olympic medals in swimming including gold in the 200 metre backstroke at the 2004 Athens and 2008 Beijing Games, was full of smiles.
“The young girl who first started swimming in Zimbabwe all those years ago could never have dreamt of this moment,” she said. “I am particularly proud to be the first female IOC president, and also the first from Africa. I hope that this vote will be an inspiration to many people.
“Glass ceilings have been shattered today, and I am fully aware of my responsibilities as a role model. I will make all of you very, very proud and hopefully extremely confident in the decision you have taken. Now we have got some work together.”
Beforehand Coe was widely accepted to have the best CV, having won two Olympic gold medals, run the London 2012 Games and having been World Athletics president since 2015.
He had hoped to get votes by positioning himself as the change candidate, who would make the IOC more democratic and also protect women’s sport.
However, his strategy to get the backing of a majority of former athletes before winning a majority in the later rounds when other candidates dropped out was blown away.
“It’s very early to start poring over the numbers, but I think it’s pretty clear that the athletes, and in particular the female members, voted for her in very big numbers in the first round,” Coe admitted. “Clearly it’s a disappointing result, but that’s what happens when you go into an election.”
Not all candidates were as downbeat. Japan’s candidate Morinari Watanabe, the president of international gymnastics who came fourth with four votes, summed up his efforts succinctly afterwards. “Eight years gone in two minutes,” he said, smiling as he clapped his hands.
Coe’s chances were certainly hindered by becoming an implacable enemy of Bach when World Athletics banned all Russian athletes from the Rio 2016 Olympics for state sponsored doping.
But the stark reality is that there was probably little any candidate could have done given Bach’s power and influence over the organisation he has run since 2013, during which time he has appointed more than two-thirds of the electorate.
The 71-year-old German, who was voted in as honorary president on Wednesday, will continue to wield significant influence even if he denied having a direct involvement in Coventry’s victory afterwards. “There is a good democratic rule, when you don’t win,” he said. “Don’t blame the voters and don’t blame the procedure.”
But while many will rejoice at the first woman to lead the IOC, her election victory will be seen as controversial in some quarters.
Part of that is because Coventry is the sports minister of a Zimbabwean government that is subject to sanctions from Britain, which are “aimed at encouraging the Government of Zimbabwe to respect democratic principles and institutions and the rule of law”.
Human Rights Watch’s assessment of Zimbabwe reads: “In August 2023, President Emerson Mnangagwa was reelected in an election characterized by repression of civil and political rights. Southern African Development Community observers and others found that the election failed to meet regional and international standards for free and fair elections.
“Following the elections, abductions, arbitrary detention and torture of parliament members, opposition political activists, and human rights defenders escalated. Since then, the government has repeatedly targeted opposition members and activists, holding them in prolonged detention, mistreating them in custody, and weaponizing the judicial system against rights defenders.”
Coventry also received US$100,000 (about £55,000 at the time) in cash from Zimbabwe’s former president, Robert Mugabe, upon her return from the Beijing Games in 2008.
But for now Coventry, who will take over when Bach formally leaves office on June 23, having reached the maximum 12 years in office, is only looking forward.
“Sport has an unmatched power to unite, inspire and create opportunities for all, and I am committed to making sure we harness that power to its fullest,” she said in her victory speech. “The future of the Olympic movement is bright, and I can’t wait to get started.”

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Тихонов назвал "законченной мразью" кандидата в президенты МОК

… Четырехкратный олимпийский чемпион по биатлону Александр Тихонов в разговоре с РИА Новости назвал мразью кандидата на пост президента Международного олимпийского комитета (МОК) и главу Всемирной легкоатлетической ассоциации (World Athletics) Себастьяна Коу.
Выборы нового президента МОК пройдут 20 марта в рамках 144-й сессии организации в Греции. Действующий глава МОК Томас Бах отказался от участия в выборах.
"Там все русофобы, за исключением Самаранча-младшего, он грамотный. Также есть надежда на Ватанабэ, но политика Японии далека от дружбы с нами. Они приезжают, когда что-то нужно. Не дай бог Коу станет президентом. Очевидно, что он законченная мразь. Мы надеемся на лучшее. Живем на самой богатой территории земного шара и все надеемся на лучшее", – сказал Тихонов.
Кандидатами на пост главы МОК, помимо Коу, являются президент Олимпийского комитета Иордании Фейсал ибн Хусейн, глава Международной федерации гимнастики (FIG) японец Моринари Ватанабэ, президент Олимпийского комитета Франции (CNOSF) и Международного союза велосипедистов (UCI) француз Давид Лаппартьен, двукратная олимпийская чемпионка по плаванию, член исполкома МОК зимбабвийка Кирсти Ковентри, глава Международной федерации лыжного спорта и сноуборда (FIS) швед Йохан Элиаш и вице-президент МОК испанец Хуан Антонио Самаранч - младший.

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"The most powerful job in global sports" | Lord Coe's IOC (Olympic) Presidency manifesto explained.
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С интересом и понятными ожиданиями, Dimitriy.
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Книги по дизайну

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21.03.2025 - 17:37
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