«Эхо Москвы», кто не помнит, было закрыто 1 марта 2022 года.
Нет, нет, детище Венедиктова ушло не по тому, что не выдержало здравой конкуренции с другими более патриотически-настроенными отечественными либеральными СМИ, хотя бы по тому, что на момент начала СВО, таковых альтернативных СМИ, практически, не существовало.
Возможно а.п. не прав. Возможно. Но, чем заменили «Эхо Москвы», кто встал на её частоте?
«Спутник» встал, точнее поставили. При всем уважении к «Спутник», по сравнению с «Эхо Москвы» - это ни о чём.
Да, «Эхо Москвы» в конце своего жизненного цикла представляло собой грустную картину, чего стоило только анонсированное на вечер 1 марта 2022 года интервью с Викторией Нулланд!
Но, в программной сетке «Эхо Москвы» были и достойные передачи. Например, программы по культуре и языку или утренние детские программы по выходным. Они были возобновлены на других СМИ? Нет!. Они бесследно исчезли.
Другими словами, патриоты и либералы России 90-х не вырастили своих отечественных либеральных СМИ, по тому, что доверили это врагу. И враг вырастил нам свои либеральные СМИ. Но, нашими эти СМИ, несмотря на все мантры и угрозы либералов и патриотов России не стали (и стать не могли). А свои национальные либеральные СМИ патриоты и либералы России так и не создали.
С «Ютюб» та же картина.
Ленивые, праздные, ноющие патриоты и либералы, так и не найдя за четверть века ни средств, ни возможностей для создания своей национальной либерально-ориентированной видео-платформы, как это сделал Китай, с занудством достойным лучшего применения, попытались регулировать враждебный ресурс. А когда ресурс отказал им окончательно, то по своей давней врождённой традиции, прикрыли к нему доступ и тем остались весьма собой довольны.
P.S. Наглядный позитивный пример национального либерально-ориентированного подхода недавнего прошлого – история создания, концепция и принципы музея Пушкина в Москве:
Слово Андроникова. О Пушкине. Кропоткинская, 12 (1980)
Источник видео.
С пониманием и отраслевыми пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
Квартира Водителя – парковочное место, будь то прямоугольник на асфальте или автостоянка со всеми удобствами. А если их нет, не важно заняты или не построены, парковочное место по умолчанию чиновников – дорожный затор, пробка.
Hochul says she will continue to fight Trump on congestion pricing
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul defended her state’s congestion pricing program in New York City on Sunday, reaffirming her commitment to legally challenging President Donald Trump’s recent move to strike the program’s federal approval.
“The people in my state need to know I’m willing to take the fight wherever I have to,” Hochul said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday.
She added: “It’s going to the courts. I believe we will be victorious in the courts and this program will continue.”
Hochul met with Trump in Washington on Friday in a bid to salvage the congestion pricing plan, which imposes a $9 toll on drivers entering certain sections of Manhattan during peak hours and smaller tolls during other hours. Last week, Trump moved to revoke the program’s federal approval through the U.S. Department of Transportation. New York transit officials have already filed a legal challenge to Trump’s action.
She also defended the program against recent critiques from New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, who argues congestion pricing hurts working class Americans.
“With all due respect to the state of New Jersey, they do not tell us in New York what to do, nor does Washington when it comes to policies that we believe are going to reduce congestion,” she said.
Hochul’s efforts to save the program come amid pressure from Democrats for Mayor Eric Adams to resign or for her to remove him from office. This follows the Justice Department ordering a halt to his corruption case so as to not interfere with the mayor’s cooperation with the Trump administration’s immigration agenda.
Hochul said she did not discuss Adams’ case with the president, despite being concerned with the Trump administration’s perceived control of Adams. On whether she is considering removing Adams from his role, she said she’d rather “let the voters decide,” as New York has its mayoral primary elections in a few months.
“I’m going to be very cognizant, I need to keep an eye on this situation, especially the way the Trump administration has telegraphed that they want to get into our operations. And I have to be the firewall to stop that,” she said.
Губернатор штата подумывает над его отстранением, федеральный минюст пытается мэра "отмазать".
Эрик Адамс заступил на пост мэра города Нью-Йорка в январе 2022 года. Он выиграл выборы в качестве компромиссного кандидата: и демократ (хотя ранее был республиканцем), и бывший сотрудник полиции, пообещавший навести какой-никакой порядок в городе.
Поначалу всё шло неплохо, хотя преступность в Нью-Йорке только шла вразнос. Затем у мэра появились большие неприятности. В 2023 году появились первые федеральные обвинения. В 2024-м их появилось несколько. 25 сентября 2024 года Адамсу было предъявлено федеральное обвинение во взяточничестве, мошенничестве и вымогательстве пожертвований на избирательную кампанию из-за рубежа.
В 2025-м трамповский минюст распорядился заморозить дело против Адамса, мотивируя это необходимостью проведения массовых депортаций нелегалов из города Нью-Йорка, в проведении которых Эрик Адамс сотрудничал с федералами. Подчёркивалось, что обвинения полностью не сняты — они должны рассматриваться в установленном законом порядке, однако "пока надо погодить".
Губернатор штата Кэти Хокул собрала экстренное совещание с целью выяснить позицию ключевых политических фигур штата и города по вопросу возможного отстранения мэра от занимаемой должности. Губернатор по закону штата имеет на это право в случае, если главе города предъявлены уголовные обвинения.
Ещё одним ударом для Эрика Адамса стало решение федерального судьи по делу Дейла Хо проверить законность временного снятия обвинений с мэра. Судья сослался на судебный прецедент, указывающий на право судебной власти осуществлять надзор, в том числе, и за стороной обвинения. Сегодня вечером (в ночь на среду по мск) состоится первое заседание слушаний.
Напомню, против самой Кэти Хокул (а также её генпрокурора и других должностных лиц штата) минюстом подан иск о нарушении федерального законодательства в области миграции.
Пробки, дорожные заторы в США, в ЕСО>ИСО, как Вы помните, образуют Пассажиры которые вынужденно исполняют роль Водителей.
В отличии от России, ИСО>ЕСО, где пробки образуют Всадники, пришедшие вслед за Пешеходами, закрепощенными в Пассажирах (горожанах) чиновниками, в США, в ЕСО>ИСО эта проблема решается нормализацией работы общественного транспорта Пассажиров.
И Трампу это вполне по силам.
Что касается пошлин и санкций против Водителей, то этот путь ведет в никуда. Достаточно посмотреть на печальный опыт Москвы и Санкт-Петербурга. Да, ИСО>ЕСО России это не ЕСО>ИСО США, но результат у них, по модулю, будет одним и тем же.
С пониманием и отраслевыми пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
‘I don’t want it to die’: one man’s battle to save the last phone box in his village
In 1935, Derek Harris was born – and so was the K6 red phone box. Now, Harris is spending his 90th year ensuring this beloved local facility isn’t lost
The battleground at the heart of a struggle between an 89-year-old man and a multi-billion pound multinational is a small junction in a Norfolk village, where a red phone box stands. And at the red phone box, sheltering from the wind, is Derek Harris. Last month, he learned that BT (formerly British Telecom) was threatening to close the phone box in the village of Sharrington, where he has lived for 50 years, when he saw it on the agenda of the parish council meeting. “I thought: ‘I’d better do something about this,’” says Harris.
He has described it as a “David and Goliath” campaign. It is that, and – as becomes clear on this sunlit but biting February day – so much more. We will talk mortality and reprieves, heritage and value. I’ll leave with a renewed sense of how it’s possible to feel real affection for an inanimate object, and why having a mission matters.
First, though, some field mice. Sharrington is in a picturesque part of East Anglian countryside. “We’re surrounded by open, rolling, wonderful fields – arable, beautiful,” says Harris, “except they’re inhabited by field mice – and field mice have developed a penchant for the PVC that protects the copper cabling [of phone lines]. Opposite the church, which is just up the road, there is a telegraph pole, and in it, there are three mice nesting.” His eyes sparkle. The rodents gnawed through the wires, disrupting villagers’ phone lines and internet. He knows about the mice, he says, because an engineer from Openreach, the BT-owned company that looks after the network, told him.
Harris keeps an eye on Openreach, because there is a green junction box, connected to the new fibreoptic cables, barely a couple of metres from the phone box. It wouldn’t take much to connect the payphone to fibreoptic, insists Harris – as with the whole telephone network, phone boxes will need to be upgraded to digital lines by the time the analogue network is switched off in 2027. “There’s no reason why it shouldn’t be connected, and so I’ve set my heart on it.” He says engineers visit most weeks anyway. “So maintenance [of the phone box] would be no problem. It’s cost-effective.”
The UK has 14,000 working phone boxes, down from 20,000 three years ago; at their peak in the 1990s, there were 100,000. Of these, around 3,000 are the iconic red design. When about 95% of households have a mobile phone, it’s perhaps a wonder that phone boxes survive at all.
Owned and run by BT, and costing millions of pounds each year, they are required by the regulator Ofcom under the quaintly named telephony universal service obligation. In the year to May 2020, almost 150,000 calls were made to emergency services from phone boxes, as well as 25,000 and 20,000 calls made to Childline and Samaritans, respectively.
“We have a legal responsibility to make sure that phone boxes exist to meet the reasonable needs of citizens in the UK,” says Katie Hanson, senior consumer policy manager at Ofcom, who was part of its review on payphones, with new guidance published in 2022. “Obviously, what ‘reasonable needs’ looks like won’t be the same today as it was before everyone had a mobile phone. The approach we’ve taken is to say that boxes that we think are essential are protected from removal.”
A phone box cannot be removed if it is the last in an area (more than 400 metres from another phone box), and if one or more of the following conditions apply: if it’s in an area without coverage from all four mobile network providers, or if at least 52 calls have been made from it in the past year, or if it is somewhere with a large number of accidents or suicides (Harris hopes his phone box’s proximity to the A148 is what might save it), or, finally, if there is a high social need – for instance, if it has a number of calls to helplines such as Childline or domestic abuse charities. If a phone box is the last at the site, and none of the other conditions apply, then if BT wants to remove it, it has to start the consultation process with the local authority, which is what has happened in Sharrington.
Last year, fewer than 10 calls were made from Sharrington’s public phone box and it is one of 10 in the North Norfolk district council area earmarked for removal. The village, in a conservation area, has a church dating from the 13th century and a Jacobean manor house. Harris believes the phone box is “an iconic heritage asset” and the local MP, Steff Aquarone, has written to Historic England to try to get it listed. “Working K6 models are rare,” says Harris. The K6 (for Kiosk No 6), topped with its gilded Tudor crown, was designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott to mark the silver jubilee of George V in 1935.
Harris has lived in Sharrington for half a century; it’s where he and his late wife brought up two children. The phone box has been there for even longer. Both Harris and the K6 share a birth year – 1935 – which partly explains his affinity for it. He spent his early life in Surrey, near Croydon Airport, enjoying the sight of planes flying overhead.
“Very interesting for a little boy,” he says. “It wasn’t such a good location when war started, because airports were targets.” The family evacuated to the south coast, but that wasn’t much safer – German fighter-bombers would attack the area in “tip and run” raids. When Harris was about eight, he survived one such attack while out playing with his brother. “We saw our friends falling wounded; a few got killed.” Years later, as a young man, Harris joined the army and was injured. “A field surgeon saved my life,” he says, but he was warned that he would need multiple operations in the coming years and not to expect a long life (he is, he reminds me a few times, in his “90th year”).
Sharrington’s phone box has also fought off previous threats to its life. “They made an attempt to decommission it in 2016 and we resisted it successfully,” says Harris. “I’ve faced death before, passed through it. It faced death in 2016; it’s still here. Something tells me that it’s meant to stay.” Harris and those campaigning to keep it, including local councillor Andrew Brown, have been given an extra month to plead their case.
“It can be a lifeline, and it’s a conservation asset,” says Brown, “a valuable communication resource, given the nature of mobile signalling being so poor around here.” The area is rural and isolated, some villagers have virtually no mobile signal, and North Norfolk has the highest proportion of older residents in England and Wales – the adults most likely not to have a mobile phone. And it has one of the highest proportions of second homes in the country. In an emergency, without a mobile signal or working payphone, try knocking on the door of an empty holiday home – one that probably doesn’t even have a landline anyway.
Making their case in 2016, says Harris, “we said it was an animate part of the conservation area. It wasn’t just a museum piece, and people did use it.” But, he acknowledges, “probably more than they do now.”
Many of the village elders, who relied on the phone box because they didn’t have mobile phones, have since died, but some elderly people still use it, insists Harris. If the box survives, one of the handful of calls it will have logged in 2025 will have been made by me. I lift the receiver and the crackle and deep hum of the dial tone takes me back to teenage calls, quick garbled ones you had to make before your money ran out. This phone box doesn’t take coins and doesn’t charge me, which I’m confused about. It turns out that there are some phone boxes that can’t take coins or cards, and offer free calls to UK landlines and mobiles.
I ring the only number I can remember without looking at my contacts list – my partner’s. He doesn’t pick up, because who, in this day and age, answers an unknown landline number? So I WhatsApp him to say it was me, ringing from a phone box! We’re both momentarily thrilled by the novelty, and the nostalgia.
Mobile phones are everywhere, Harris admits, but he points out that in this part of the country, the signal is sketchy. “We live next to perhaps the most beautiful part of Norfolk, the tranquil Glaven Valley with a pure chalk stream running through it. It attracts ramblers, walkers, the lot, and everyone knows that there’s a working kiosk.” Think if there was an emergency and the mobile network was down – something that may happen more frequently as we increasingly experience extreme weather, he says. “Wouldn’t it be awful if someone said: ‘If only they had kept that working kiosk’?”
It has been used in emergencies. “What you have to bear in mind is the few calls that have been made have been vital, they’ve probably saved someone’s life. Not that long ago, there was a snowstorm.” The mobile network was down and the call someone made from the phone box “was the only way that rescue came to save this driver whose car was completely covered in snow – it fell off the top of the hedgerows on to his car, and he was trapped”. And not far away is the main road, known locally as the Sharrington straight – a rare straight stretch of road where Norfolk’s most reckless drivers tend to speed up. Last year, says Harris, “we had two accidents in one day, both serious hospital cases. It’s an accident hotspot.”
He makes his case with justifiable, practical reasons why the phone box should be kept, but this isn’t the whole story, I realise, when we’re talking, out of the cold, at a nearby cafe.
“Wouldn’t you like to see a working K6 retained by BT, just for the sake of it?” asks Harris. He is a good talker. He distrusts human rights lawyers, and misses the days when people respected the police. But he’s not all traditionalist – he spent much of his career working in energy conservation. I think he likes purpose and order – he is dressed impeccably in pressed jeans and shirt, and pristine traditional overcoat – which could be why he isn’t keen on the way red phone boxes have been repurposed in other villages. Under BT’s Adopt a Kiosk scheme, phone boxes have become libraries, or home to defibrillators. Why can’t Sharrington’s enjoy a new life as something like that?
“It was not designed for that,” says Harris. “What it was designed for was communication. Why should it be changed into something else? It’s a telephone kiosk. It’s not some sort of library or whatever.”
Change it into something else, and it becomes a quirky relic of British history. Another dial tone dead. As a functional phone box, says Harris, “it would be alive, wouldn’t it? That’s why I feel empathy – I feel an empathy for a living thing.”
For Harris, it’s personal. There’s a comfort in continuity, and it’s about conserving what is worth conserving, leaving the world a better place, or at least not diminished. That includes a working, iconic red phone box in the village in which he has lived for so long. “It’s fighting for what is valuable, cherished.” The older he gets, he says, “there’s this thing about intimations of mortality. The nearer you get to the end, the more you want to see things live. I wouldn’t like to see it die. That’s the way to put it. That’s what I’m fighting for.”
Villagers at war with BT over their last working phone-box: Locals launch campaign to stop iconic red K6 being disconnected - despite it only making NINE calls last year
Elderly villagers battling to save their iconic red K6 telephone box insist they won't be fobbed off with a mini-library or a defibrillator – they want a working phone.
BT has told them it wants to cut the line to the booth in the Norfolk hamlet of Sharrington, after just nine calls were made from it last year.
The telecoms giant has offered to sell the phone box to them for just £1 as part of a scheme which has seen hundreds of obsolete kiosks converted into everything from art galleries to nightclubs.
But campaigners say many elderly residents of the north Norfolk village do not have mobile phones in an area that is blighted by erratic signal strength.
'It's a David and Goliath situation,' said 89-year-old resident Derek Harris, who is leading the resistance.
'It is a war between the village and BT and we are trying to enlist as much help as we can.
'We want this phone box to remain functioning.'
The number of payphones in the UK has fallen from more than 100,000 in the 1990s to fewer than 20,000 today, and just 3,000 of them are Sir George Gilbert Scott's classic red K6 design.
Villagers in the Norfolk hamlet of Sharrington are determined to save their telephone box
Hundreds around the country have been converted into libraries, art galleries or even cafes
The rise of mobile phones has slashed demand for public phones and the telecoms regulator Ofcom allows BT to cut off a unit if it is used for fewer than 52 calls a year.
BT says the Sharrington box is used for fewer than one call a month on average and not a single coin has been inserted so far this year.
But Mr Harris, who has lived in the village for 50 years, says many locals rely on it in emergencies and it provides a crucial lifeline for ramblers and tourists who may find themselves in a phone signal blackspot.
'We are an elderly population who are not great with technology,' he explained.
'Some of them do not have iPhones and I am not sure they even have land lines.
'BT make enough money. They should maintain it and keep it functioning.
'They are relentless in their desire to remove this cherished part of village heritage.'
The boxes have become an iconic symbol of Britain such as this one outside Parliament
But thousands have been scrapped, converted or sold off since production stopped in 1968
Mr Harris helped fight off a previous attempt in 2016 but fears BT will not take no for an answer
Ofcom also forbids the disconnection of a phone box that is more than 400 metres from the nearest alternative if there is no mobile coverage in the area, a high frequency of accidents or suicides nearby, or if there are exceptional local circumstances – such as a risk of sudden flooding.
But that has not stopped the cull of the iconic K6's which have been a mainstay of the British high street since they were first rolled in 1935.
'Calls made from our public telephones have fallen by around 90 per cent in the past decade,' said a BT spokesman.
'We are continuing to review our remaining estate of payphones, removing those that are no longer being used, in line with rules set out by Ofcom.'
There is a thriving trade in uprooted K6's which are highly sought after as garden ornaments or features in pubs and restaurants and currently available on eBay for up to £8,000.
But many villages have bought their redundant booths and put them to uses ranging from plant and book-swap stalls, to facilities for vital medical equipment such as defibrillators and first-aid stations.
But villagers in Sharrington insist that a telephone is their priority and have secured the backing of local MP Steffan Aquarone and their parish council who are petitioning Historic England to grant the kiosk listed status.
'Norfolk is bad for phone signal and I think there are people in the village who do not have mobile phones,' a parish council spokeswomen said.
'We want a functioning phone and a phone box.'
Just forty K6's remain in public use across the county and BT confirmed it is consulting with North Norfolk District Council on the removal of the payphone in Sharrington.
A local campaign saw off a previous attempt to disconnect the booth in 2016, but Mr Harris fears BT will not take no for an answer.
'They are waging a war of attrition, and they have admitted that,' he said.
'They have even said if you succeed, we will come back again and again and again.
'We have got to shield it from bullying BT.'
Как известно, Москва один из самых недружелюбных, по отношению к Водителям, городов России. Поэтому появление очередной характерной инициативы, отраслевого удивления не вызывает и вызывать не должно:
Шашечкам выписывают аттестат.
С 1 марта вводится обязательное тестирование таксистов на знание города.
С 1 марта в Москве и области вводится обязательная аттестация таксистов на знание местных достопримечательностей, правил перевозки багажа и оказания первой помощи в ДТП. Добровольную пока процедуру прошли 65 тыс. из 150 тыс. водителей. Такие данные представили столичные власти на слушаниях в Мосгордуме. В ходе аттестации таксисты должны ответить на 10 из 300 вопросов, в том числе о поведении в стрессовых ситуациях. В подмосковном минтрансе сообщили о возможном введении штрафа в 5 тыс. руб. для таксистов, не прошедших аттестацию, но для этого надо еще изменить законодательство.
Материал полностью.
Знание маршрута своего движения, свободная самостоятельная ориентация на местности, понимание и сопричастность к культуре Среды Обитания на Дорогах которой пролегает его Путь – неотъемлемый навык любого и всякого Водителя, квалифицированного профессионала, предмет его гордости и признак его отраслевой состоятельности.
А почему у чиновников Возничего Москвы возник такой вопрос?
А по тому, что у него на Дорогах катаются не Водители, а Всадники, которые пришли в Москву вслед за своими Пешеходами, закрепощенными Возничим в Пассажирах, которые Водителями ещё не стали, не становятся и становится не собираются.
Именно поэтому на торпедах Всадников Москвы и появились планшеты, в планшетах навигаторы, а в навигаторах актуальная дорожная обстановка. Т.е. без планшета, навигатора, удаленного профессионала по процессу, подавляющее большинство московских «Водителей» выполнить свои профессиональные обязанности не в состоянии.
Отсюда и убогая культура общения с «Пассажирами», насильно закрепощенными Возничим, изображающими из себя ответственных квалифицированных Пешеходов.
Как на Украине хуторянство, так в Москве купеческая провинциальность.
Казалось бы, какие «Пассажиры» – такие и «Водители», но нет, «Водители» ещё хуже по тому, что «Пассажир» для таких «Водителей», как для Возничего – только груз, груз желанный, выгодный, удобный.
Иначе, если возникло уверенное желание «все» поменять, начинать нужно «в консерватории».
С сожалением и нецензурными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.
Как Вы помните, прадедом Александра Сергеевича был Абрам (Петрович) Ганнибал, отпрыск княжеского эфиопского рода, воспитанный Петром I.
Так вот, за 2700 лет до того, около 900 годов до н.э., во времена царя Соломона, жила в тех краях царица Савская.
И было у той царицы великое множество достоинств и один недостаток…
«…Вы когда-нибудь слышали о женщине, которая бы потеряла голову только от того, что у мужчины красивые ноги?» - перефразируя Фаину Григорьевну можно сказать, что во времена царя Соломона многие мужчины теряли голову только от того, какие у царицы Савской «некрасивые» ноги.
Как царь Соломон решил эту загадку знают все: стеклянный пол, бассейн с рыбками, понятная женская реакция…
Никаких копыт, всё как у людей, но кривенькие и в шерсти.
Казалось бы, какое отношение эта библейская легенда имеет к современной нам исторической эпохе?
The Real Reason Zelenskyy Doesn’t Wear a Suit
There’s a deeper reason the Ukrainian president eschews American-style formalwear.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s contentious Oval Office meeting with President Donald Trump and Vice President JD Vance didn’t just highlight a debate over geopolitics. It also kicked off an argument over clothes.
“Why don’t you wear a suit?” asked Brian Glenn, a correspondent for the conservative Real America’s Voice network, prompting a smirk from Vance. “You’re at the highest level in this country’s office, and you refuse to wear a suit.”
But the criticism of Zelenskyy’s lack of traditional tie-and-jacket attire misses an obvious question: Why does he dress like that? As it turns out, the black tactical gear he wore to the Oval Office — much like his now-iconic olive-green fleeces and combat boots — is part of a growing visual shift in Ukraine, marked by the war’s impact on the clothing industry and the military’s now central place in Ukrainian culture.
I spoke to Illia Ponomarenko — a Ukrainian journalist who has covered the war, written for the
Kyiv Post and The Kyiv Independent and authored I Will Show You How It Was: The Story of Wartime Kyiv
— about the real meaning behind Zelenskyy’s style. “The clothes are more than clothes,” he said. “They are part of a culture of people who are involved in this war.”
This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
There’s a lot of discussion in the U.S. about whether Zelenskyy should wear a suit on diplomatic trips. But the discourse is almost always filtered through American eyes. From a Ukrainian perspective, why do you think he dresses the way he does?
Zelenskyy’s clothes are sending a soft, anti-elitist message. When he meets with prominent figures and power brokers, his clothes are basically asking, what are you about? Are you about the business of saving lives, or are you about fancy protocols? Even when he meets with kings, he dresses in a way that represents the average Ukrainian involved in this war effort. So it’s a message to say, “I’ve come to the corners of power as a representative of my humble people.”
The war has undoubtedly reshaped many industries in Ukraine, including clothing production. How has the conflict influenced the way Ukrainian brands approach technical and military apparel?
As you know, Ukraine has been at war with Russia and its armed proxies for over a decade now. When this conflict was in its early stages in 2014, the Ukrainian military was in a very poor condition. So resistance depended on the response from everyday people, such as cab drivers and IT people, who self-organized into volunteer battalions. These people bought clothes from hunting supply shops and military surplus stores, just so they could get some equipment and go fight. Naturally, the demand produced supply.
With time, new companies were started to supply people with better equipment. Many of these tactical clothing producers are veteran-owned businesses producing clothes in Ukraine for Ukrainians. This includes companies such as M-TAC for tactical gear and Talan for boots. The growth of this tactical clothing industry rose out of the spirit of the time, which is to say the self-organizing forces to defend Ukraine. The clothes are more than clothes; they are part of a culture of people who are involved in this war.
A friend of mine who works as a war photographer in Ukraine told me that it was somewhat unpopular to wear tactical gear in civilian life prior to 2014, but that has changed since the war. How did the average Ukrainian see this style of clothing before this conflict?
We must understand that 2014 [the year Russia invaded Crimea] was a watershed moment for this country, not just for its trajectory, but how people see military service members. In some ways, 2014 marked the end of a long, sad period when the Ukrainian military was deeply neglected, under-financed and mistreated. The image of the average Ukrainian soldier was laughable. Wearing military gear at the time may have signaled that you came from a poor family and didn’t have many prospects in life.
After 2014, the image of the military improved, partly because the government instituted a series of large-scale reforms to rebuild the nation’s defense systems. The image of the average Ukrainian soldier now is much different, largely because so many people have gotten involved in the war effort or know someone who has, and thus they’ve seen the price of freedom. The military now is one of the most trusted institutions in Ukrainian society, so the uniform represents something different. Plus, service members are better outfitted and equipped today, so they also look different.
Are there distinctions between what people can wear depending on how they’re involved in this effort?
Yes, there’s a distinction for camouflage. As a civilian, you’re not supposed to wear something with camouflage — you can wear any type of solid color, including navy, black, olive green, but not camouflage. It would be considered dishonorable, like stolen valor. Camouflage is a symbol of you being an actual soldier.
For his meeting with Trump, Zelenskyy wore what looked to be a black tactical quarter zip with the Ukrainian trident and black pants. I think for the average American, they see this as casual clothing, not necessarily military clothing. Can you describe how these elements related to the military?
Yes, Zelenskyy prefers to wear clothes from Ukrainian brands, such as M-TAC. The thing about M-TAC is that they produce clothes that could also be considered casual, such as sweatshirts and hoodies. But some of these clothes are also the things you’d wear in war zones. These are the same clothes you might wear with body armor and a military combat jacket. When I working as a war reporter, I had a sweater that was pretty close to what Zelenskyy wore during that meeting. I also had a police-style jacket with lots of pockets. Both of these are things I wore underneath my body armor. There are a million variations of how someone can combine clothing for a war zone. What Zelenskyy wore could have been easily worn by someone in the military.
What is the meaning of the Ukrainian trident?
It’s one of the key national symbols and the official Ukrainian coat of arms. This specific one with three prongs derives from 1,000 years ago, with Prince Volodymyr the Great, who introduced Christianity to Eastern Slavs. He’s considered to be one of the greatest rulers of Kyiv and predecessors of Ukraine. That was his sign.
Ukrainian men of fighting age haven’t been able to leave the country during this conflict. For those who are able to secure exemptions and go abroad, I’ve heard there’s some sensitivity around what you post online. If you’re able to go out of the country, you’re careful not to post photos online, lest people resent you for it. Do you feel Zelenskyy wearing tactical gear abroad is a way for him to signal to people back home that he’s not on vacation — he’s doing things for the war effort?
I think that’s true. Zelenskyy represents a large community of people who are actively involved in things necessary for the war and security effort. In Ukrainian society, there’s a strong emphasis on equality. People don’t care about status and wealth, but common cause. When Zelenskyy travels abroad, it wouldn’t be very nice of him to wear very expensive suits, such as Ralph Lauren or whatever.
But his clothing is also a message for people beyond Ukrainians. His clothes pose a question: Are you ready to look beyond dress protocols and talk to someone who represents humble soldiers who are doing heroic things every day? Are you ready to step down from the heights of your protocols and talk about real-life issues, such as saving the country and lives of people?
У библейской царицы Савской проблемы с гормонами и дурная наследственность с успехом компенсировались блестящим умом, великой мудростью и любовью подданных, а вот у бывшего президента Украины все наоборот, так что разоблачи его царь Соломон и всем бы открылись почерневшая душа, оскудевший ум и безмерное эго.
С сожалением и понятными ожиданиями, Dimitriy.
Власти Великобритании до сих пор не уведомили посольство о наличии граждан РФ среди членов экипажа судна Solong, сообщили ТАСС в диппредставительстве России.
Посольство РФ ждет подтверждения, что задержанный капитан контейнеровоза Solong — гражданин России, отметили в дипмиссии.
EXCLUSIVEThe moment disaster struck US oil tanker as it caught fire off the Yorkshire coast after Russian captain crashed cargo ship into it
This is the heartstopping moment a cargo vessel crashes into a giant oil tanker off the Yorkshire coast.
The footage shows a massive explosion as the Portuguese-flagged Solong ploughs into the anchored Stena Immaculate.
The oil tanker – carrying 220,000 barrels of aviation fuel for US Airforce jets – was 'speared' by the cargo vessel in the North Sea.
One crew member from the Solong is still missing and presumed dead while the 59-year-old Russian skipper of the ship is under arrest accused of gross negligence manslaughter.
In the clip, which was allegedly taken onboard the cargo ship and posted onto social media, a desperate crewman is heard pleading: 'Lord, Lord, help us, Lord help us.'
Alarms and sirens can be heard in the background of the clip which lasts around ten seconds and was reportedly taken just minutes after Monday's collision.
It is not known if the crewman who videoed the film was among the survivors taken off the Solong and those who did escape described how they narrowly escaped death.
Fires broke out on both vessels following the collision which happened as the oil tanker was anchored just off the east Yorkshire coast.
Horrifying footage appears to show the moment the MV Solong slammed into the side of jet fuel tanker the Stena Impeccable on Monday
The footage was reportedly captured moments after the crash and showed a huge fireball bursting from the sky
Coastguard officials say 36 people were rescued in the operation and initial fears of a major environmental disaster have now diminished.
Virginia McVea, chief executive of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, said: 'There have been no further reports of pollution to the sea from either vessel beyond what was observed during the initial incident.'
The area of the east Yorkshire coast is home to a large seabird population and wildfire organisations are also monitoring the situation closely.
The footage emerged today as shameless pro-Putin propagandists claimed Britain had staged the North Sea tanker crash to blame Russia for the disaster, as part of a 'ludicrous' conspiracy theory.
The claims were ridiculed by a British minister, who said they showed the 'depths to which Russian propaganda is now prepared to sink - almost literally'.
The Russian captain of the doomed Solong was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of manslaughter after rescuers were unable to find one of his crew, who is now presumed dead.
The Russian captain has not been named by Humberside police but was arrested 'on suspicion of gross negligence manslaughter in connection with the collision'.
His vessel slammed into the 50,000-ton Immaculate – which was carrying supplies for the US military – off the East Yorkshire coast shortly before 10am.
Millions of gallons of fuel poured into the sea, with smoke from the fierce inferno visible from space.
Kremlin propagandist and pro-war pundit Sergey Mardan today dubbed Britain 'great experts in organising sabotage' as he claimed the UK could 'easily harm' an American ship in a bid to blame Moscow for the disaster.
'There are many interesting coincidences and details in this case,' he said. 'Pentagon fuel, a tanker flying an exotic American flag for the merchant fleet, and now a Russian captain.
'The location of the emergency should also be taken into account - the territorial waters of Great Britain.'
He added: 'The British are great experts in organising sabotage and provocations... For the sake of such a deal, they would easily [harm] both an American tanker and a piece of their own coastline.'
Russian media commentator Vladimir Kornilov, an analyst for Putin-controlled state news outlet Russia Today, said: 'How predictable everything is with the British.
'The arrested captain of the Portuguese dry cargo ship Solong, which rammed an American military tanker off the coast of England just before the [war] negotiations between Russia and the USA, of course, turned out to be a Russian citizen.'
He had predicted earlier 'that London would definitely look for a "Russian trace", he said. 'Something tells me that this whole accident was organised under this "trace".'
But British politicians have been quick to rubbish the 'ludicrous' conspiracy theory.
The Conservative's shadow armed forces minister, Mark Francois, told MailOnline: 'The idea that Britain somehow "staged" this very unfortunate accident is utterly ludicrous and just shows the depths to which Russian propaganda is now prepared to sink - almost literally.
'The one question for Russia now is not about that incident but, bluntly, will Putin accept the US/Ukrainian ceasefire proposal - or not?'
Penny Mordaunt, a former Defence Secretary and Tory cabinet minister, added: 'This Russian rebuttal is beyond parody.'
Shadow transport minister Jerome Mayhew said the nationality of the Solong's captain raises 'further questions' about the incident.
'Where military assets are damaged it is vital that motives are fully investigated to exclude foul play,' he said.
'The nationality of the captain of the Solong raises further questions about potential motivation that the Government must now get to the bottom of.'
The 459ft Solong - with a crew of Russian and Filipino nationals - crashed into the 596ft Stena Immaculate on Monday.
A port inspection in July 2024 in Dublin found the vessel's 'emergency steering position communications/compass reading' unreadable.
Inspectors found a total of 10 deficiencies, including 'inadequate' alarms, survival craft 'not properly maintained' and fire doors 'not as required.'
A later inspection in Scotland in October found two other deficiencies yet the ship wasn't detained after either inspection.
One sailor from the Solong remains missing, presumed dead.
The other 36 crew members from the two vessels were brought safely ashore, with no major injuries.
Survivors of the crash yesterday told MailOnline they had only seconds to react.
Recalling the terrifying maritime smash and aftermath, one crewmate from the Immaculate said: 'It was either get into your life jacket or get incinerated.'
The 36 survivors of the tanker and cargo ship Solong were recovering at hotels in Grimsby on Tuesday as a full investigation began.
A handful of the American crew of the Stena Immaculate spoke about what happened but asked not to be identified.
They were so close to the flames as they boarded the lifeboat that some suffered singed hair. Thankfully all survived without serious injury. One member of the Solong crew is missing presumed dead.
One crewman said: 'Yesterday was a bad start to the day, but it ended gloriously. Why? All 23 of us got off the ship without anybody being in it.' Adding that he was 'pleased to be alive.'
Asked about his actions immediately after the tanker carrying a cargo of jet fuel burst into flames, he said: 'I did have time to think. I ran through the procedures. Because if I hadn't had time to think, we wouldn't have survived. We drilled, we trained, we prepared for the unprepared. We do emergency prep non-stop. Regardless of outside uncontrollable forces.'
The Stena Immaculate, which had travelled from the Greek port of Agioi Theodoroi.
Meanwhile, the Solong had been sailing from the Scottish port of Grangemouth to Rotterdam in the Netherlands.
Assistant Chief Coastguard John Craig has said salvage firms are at the scene and are developing a plan to recover both the Solong and the Immaculate.
The Solong is currently being held offshore in a safe position by a tug boat.
Mr Craig said: 'A tow line has now successfully been put in place and a tug is holding Solong offshore in a safer position.
'There are still some flames visible on the main deck of the Solong and firefighting is focusing on this area.
'A salvage plan is being developed with the appointed salvors on scene.'
In a statement on Wednesday morning, Virginia McVea, chief executive of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, said efforts to recover the two stricken ships were ongoing.
She added: 'There have been no further reports of pollution to the sea from either vessel beyond what was observed during the initial incident. HM Coastguard's counter pollution and salvage team has a comprehensive counter pollution response in place should it be required. Salvors also have equipment and personnel ready to respond to any pollution.
'The MCA is working with the salvage companies who are responding on behalf of the vessels' owners and are working in full co-operation with all commercial and government partners. The overarching objective is to protect the public and the environment to the best of our ability, during this ongoing incident response.
'The Solong is being held in a safe position offshore by a tug and further support vessels remain in the ship's immediate vicinity. This morning's (12 March) assessment shows the fires on board the ship have greatly reduced in their extent and intensity.
'The Stena Immaculate remains at anchor, with safety tugs in position should they be required. There are no visible flames on board and an on-board assessment may be carried out later today.
'Salvors will only board the vessels when it is safe to do so. Only then will it be possible to carry out comprehensive damage assessments.'
Collisions remain rare in the busy North Sea.
In October 2023, two cargo ships, the Verity and the Polesie, collided near Germany's Heligoland islands in the North Sea.
Three people were killed and two others are still missing and considered dead.
In October 2015, the Flinterstar freighter, carrying 125 tonnes of diesel and 427 tonnes of fuel oil, sank after colliding with the Al Oraiq tanker five miles off the Belgian coast.
BREAKING: Russian captain of ship in North Sea crash charged with gross negligence manslaughter.
Источник видео.
Russian captain is charged with manslaughter after container ship's North Sea crash with US oil tanker
The Russian captain of a container ship which crashed into a US oil tanker and killed a 38-year-old crew member has been charged with gross negligence manslaughter, police confirmed tonight.
Five Russians were on board the Solong container ship when it allegedly rammed the Stena Immaculate – which was carrying supplies for the US military – off the English coast, triggering a fire on both ships.
Master of The Solong, Vladimir Motin, 59, of Primorsky, St Petersburg, Russia, will appear at Hull Magistrates' Court on Saturday charged with gross negligence manslaughter, Humberside Police said.
The Crown Prosecution Service said that Filipino national Mark Angelo Pernia, 38, died following the collision between the Solong and the Stena Immaculate off the east coast of Yorkshire.
A statement from the force said: 'An investigation by Humberside Police supported by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) into the collision between a tanker and a cargo vessel in the North Sea, off the coast of East Yorkshire, has resulted in a man being charged.
'The captain of the Solong vessel, Vladimir Motin, 59 years old, of Primorsky, St Petersburg, Russia, has been charged with gross negligence manslaughter and been remanded in police custody to appear at Hull Magistrates' Court tomorrow.
'On Monday, 10 March, Humberside Police received a report at around 11am that a collision had occurred between the two vessels, resulting in one crew member being reported missing.
'Extensive searches were carried out by HM Coastguard to locate the missing crew member, now presumed deceased.
'The family are being supported by specialist trained officers and our thoughts remain with them at this difficult time.'
News of the captain being charged comes as the crew member who is presumed dead following the collision has been named as Filipino national Mark Angelo Pernia.
Frank Ferguson, head of the Crown Prosecution Service Special Crime and Counter Terrorism Division, said: 'We have authorised Humberside Police to charge a Russian national in relation to a collision involving two vessels in the North Sea off the east coast of England.
'The Portuguese-registered cargo ship, the Solong, collided with the American-registered oil tanker, the Stena Immaculate, just before 10am on Monday, 10 March 2025.
'Filipino national Mark Angelo Pernia, 38, died.
'Vladimir Motin, 59, from St Petersburg, Russia, who was the vessel's captain, is due to be charged with one count of gross negligence manslaughter.'
Earlier on Friday the force confirmed magistrates had granted a further extension to the time detectives could hold the captain 'due to the complexities of the incident'.
He had been arrested on suspicion of gross negligence manslaughter on Monday evening, hours after the collision.
Ernst Ross, the company that owns the Solong, said earlier this week that Motin had been 'actively assisting with the investigations.'
All five Russians involved in the North Sea drama are 'alive', according to Russian sources.
The Stena Immaculate is still at anchor at the point where the collision happened, which is about 12 miles off the East Yorkshire coast, near Withernsea.
Meanwhile the Solong drifted south of this location, to a point where it could be seen off the Lincolnshire coast.
Also on Friday, chief coastguard Paddy O'Callaghan said the vessels are 'stable' and salvors have boarded them both to continue damage assessments.
He said: 'There are now only small periodic pockets of fire on the Solong which are not causing undue concern.
'Specialist tugs with firefighting capability remain at both vessels' locations.
'Regular aerial surveillance flights continue to monitor the vessels and confirm that there continues to be no cause for concern from pollution from either the Stena Immaculate or from the Solong.'
Mr O'Callaghan said: 'The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is also assisting in the response, and continues to advise that any public health risk on shore is deemed to be very low.
'The UKSHA will keep risk assessments under continual review as further information becomes available.'
Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer said on Thursday the situation was 'reasonably contained'.
Pressed on calls for a Cobra meeting to assess the potential environmental damage, he said: 'We are absolutely monitoring this 24/7 and I've got teams doing that and assuring me of what's going on.
'At the moment, the situation is reasonably contained. And, obviously, we will do whatever is necessary.'
The CPS said it 'reminds all concerned that criminal proceedings against this defendant are now active and that he has the right to a fair trial.
'It is extremely important that there should be no reporting, commentary or sharing of information online which could in any way prejudice these proceedings.'
A total of 36 crew members from the two vessels were brought safely ashore, with no major injuries.
The US-flagged 50,000-ton MV Stena Immaculate was engulfed by a huge fireball after Solong 'came out the blue' and allegedly ploughed into it.
Solong sliced through the hull of the tanker, causing thousands of litres of jet fuel to spill into the sea and forcing sailors from both vessels to abandon ship.
The Russian embassy in London earlier said: 'The embassy has been monitoring the situation around the collision of two ships in the North Sea on March 10 from the very first minutes .
'Consular staff are in close contact with the British competent authorities.
'During this time, local authorities have not received any information about the presence of Russian citizens on board these vessels, or about other Russians injured as a result of this accident.'
The Russian embassy in London said: 'As of March 14, additional information has emerged regarding the Russian citizens from the crew of the Solong vessel, flying the Portuguese flag, which collided with the Stena Immaculate tanker flying the US flag in the North Sea on March 10.
'According to the ship owner, the Solong crew includes five citizens of the Russian Federation.
'Among them is the ship's captain, who was detained by the competent authorities of the United Kingdom and is currently under investigation.
All crew members from among Russian citizens are alive, they did not receive injuries as a result of the incident, and the sailors' condition does not cause concern.
'On the evening of March 13, diplomats from the consular section of the Embassy held a detailed telephone conversation with the captain of the vessel.
'According to him, he feels well.
'The Russian citizen has been provided with an interpreter and a lawyer, with whom our employees also maintain constant contact.
'The Embassy is in close contact with the British competent authorities, including with the police station where the ship's captain is currently being held, as well as with the wife of our compatriot.'
Salvage companies boarded the two vessels on Thursday and were carrying out initial damage assessments, the coastguard said, adding that small fires were still being reported on the Solong's top deck.
Police said extensive lines of inquiry were continuing but it was taking time given the vessels were still at sea and there were a large number of witnesses involved.
A handful of the American crew of the Stena Immaculate spoke about what happened but asked not to be identified.
They were so close to the flames as they boarded the lifeboat that some suffered singed hair. Thankfully all survived without serious injury. One member of the Solong crew is missing presumed dead.
One crewman said: 'Yesterday was a bad start to the day, but it ended gloriously. Why? All 23 of us got off the ship without anybody being in it.' Adding that he was 'pleased to be alive.'
Asked about his actions immediately after the tanker carrying a cargo of jet fuel burst into flames, he said: 'I did have time to think. I ran through the procedures. Because if I hadn't had time to think, we wouldn't have survived.
'We drilled, we trained, we prepared for the unprepared. We do emergency prep non-stop. Regardless of outside uncontrollable forces.'
Another American crewman told CBS news how the other ship 'came from out of the blue.'
He said he was near the section of the Stena Immaculate where the Solong made its impact and that he had only seconds to react when he heard shouts to brace before impact.
All of a sudden 'a massive ship came from out of the blue,' he said.
The Solong continued to drive into the ship for about 10 minutes after initial impact, according to witnesses.
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Владимир Нерюев, заместитель генерального директора коммуникационного агентства Аура поделился мнением, какие изменения произошли или произойдут в профессии PR-специалиста.
Генеральный директор агентства мобильного маркетинга Mobisharks (входит в ГК Kokoc Group) — об эффективном мобильном маркетинге и примерах успешных стратегий.
За последние пару лет реклама банков изменилась. Появились новые сюжеты и герои. Реклама по-прежнему — не только инструмент продвижения услуг, но и способ формирования доверия к финансовым организациям. Главный тренд, который отмечают эксперты,— переход от сухого перечисления выгод к эмоционально окрашенным коммуникациям.
Антитрендами наружной рекламы в текущем году стали прямолинейность и чрезмерная перегруженность сообщений. Наружная реклама продолжает показывать рост: число рекламных конструкций за последний год увеличилось более чем на 2 тысячи.
В компании Sellty спрогнозировали развитие рынка электронной коммерции в сегменте СМБ на ближайший год. По оценке основателя Sellty Марии Бар-Бирюковой, число собственных интернет-магазинов среднего, малого и микробизнеса продолжит расти и увеличится минимум на 40% до конца 2025 года. Компании будут и дальше развиваться на маркетплейсах, но станут чаще комбинировать несколько каналов продаж.
МагРСвЂР ЎРѓРЎвЂљРЎР‚ Р В РЎвЂР  В»Р С†Р СћР В°Р в„–Р Р…Р В° РІРѕСЃСЊРСВРцР¶РСвЂР  В·Р Р…ей Вячеслава Зайцева МагРСвЂР ЎРѓРЎвЂљРЎР‚ Р В РЎвЂР  В»Р С†Р СћР В°Р в„–Р Р…Р В° РІРѕСЃСЊРСВРцР¶РСвЂР  В·Р Р…ей Вячеслава Зайцева. "МагРСвЂР ЎРѓРЎвЂљРЎР‚ Р В РЎвЂР  В»Р С†РЎвЂљР В°Р в„–Р Р…Р В° РІРѕСЃСЊРСВРцР¶РСвЂР  В·Р Р…ей Вячеслава Зайцева" "Р В РІР‚в„ў этой РєРЅРСвЂР  С–Р Вµ - РІСЃСЏ правРТвЂР В Р’В° Р С• Р В РЎВРѕРµРѠРїСѓС‚РцвнашеРѠбесконечно прекрасноРѠРСВР В РЎвЂР ЎР‚Р Вµ." ЗайцевДанная РєРЅРСвЂР  С–Р В° была напРСвЂР ЎРѓР В°Р Р…Р В° РЎРѓР С• словсаРСВРѕРіРѕ Р В РІР‚в„ў. Зайцева Р РЋР С“ небольшой Р»РСвЂР ЎвЂљР ВµРЎР‚атурной СЂРµРТвЂР  В°Р С”турой. РђСЂС‚РСвЂР ЎРѓРЎвЂљР СвЂР ЎвЂЎР ВµРЎРѓР С”Р СвЂР  в„– РїРѕРТвЂР ЎвЂ¦Р С•Р Т†Р Р†Р С•РЎвЂћР С•РЎР‚Р СВленРСвЂР  С†Р С†Р Р…аполненРСвЂР  С†Р С—СЂРµРТвЂР  В°Р ВµРЎвЂљ СѓРЅРСвЂР  С”альность РцСЂРµРТвЂР  С”ость этой РїСѓР±Р»РСвЂР  С”ацРСвЂР В РЎвЂ. Автор РїСЂРµРТвЂР ЎРѓРЎвЂљР В°Р Р†Р СвЂР  В»Р В° СЃРІРѕСЋ РєРЅРСвЂР  С–РЎС“, как РїСЂРѕРСвЂР  В·Р Р†Р ВµР ТвЂР  ВµР Р…Р СвЂР В Р’Вµ, вкотороРѠесть РІСЃРµ: Р В РўвЂР  Р…евнРСвЂР  С”овые запРСвЂР ЎРѓР СвЂ, фантастРСвЂР ЎвЂЎР ВµРЎРѓР С”Р СвЂР В Р’Вµ путешествРСвЂР РЋР РЏ СЃРєРІРѕР·СЊ РІСЂРµРСВР РЋР РЏ Рцпространство, повествованРСвЂР В Р’Вµ РІРµРТвЂР  ВµРЎвЂљРЎРѓРЎРЏ то РѕС‚ первого, то РѕС‚ третьего Р»РСвЂР ЎвЂ Р В°, Р В Р’В° Р В РЎвЂР  Р…РѕРіРТвЂР В Р’В° СЃР°РѠЗайцеввеРТвЂР  ВµРЎвЂљ Р В РўвЂР В РЎвЂР  В°Р В»Р С•Р С–РцСЃРѕ СЃРІРѕРСвЂР  С Р В»Р СвЂР ЎвЂљР ВµРЎР‚атурныРѠальтер-РЎРЊР С–Р С•. Р В Р’Вто попытка объять необъятное, Р В РўвЂР  В°Р В»Р ВµР С”Р С• выхоРТвЂР ЎРЏРЎвЂ°Р В°РЎРЏ Р В Р’В·Р В Р’В° СЂР°РСВРєРцпростого Р В Р’В±Р В РЎвЂР  С•Р С–рафРСвЂР ЎвЂЎР ВµРЎРѓР С”РѕРіРѕ повествованРСвЂР РЋР РЏ. Р’СЃРµ каноны Рцзаконы жанра рушатся почтРцсразу же, стоРСвЂР ЎвЂљ прочесть несколько первых странРСвЂР ЎвЂ . «МагРСвЂР ЎРѓРЎвЂљРЎР‚, Р В РЎвЂР  В»Р С†РЎвЂљР В°Р в„–Р Р…Р В° РІРѕСЃСЊРСВРцР¶РСвЂР  В·Р Р…ей Вячеслава Зайцева» - это Р Р…Р Вµ просто увлекательное чтенРСвЂР В Р’Вµ, правРТвЂР В РЎвЂР  Р†Р В°РЎРЏ Р В РЎвЂР ЎРѓРЎвЂљР С•РЎР‚Р СвЂР РЋР РЏ Р¶РСвЂР  В·Р Р…РцвелРСвЂР  С”РѕРіРѕ человека, нашего СЃРѕРІСЂРµРСВеннРСвЂР  С”Р В°. Р В Р’Вто – безРТвЂР В Р’В° Р В РЎвЂР  Р…форРСВацРСвЂР В РЎвЂ. Р В РІР‚в„ў РєРЅРСвЂР  С–Р Вµ встречаются совершенно неожРСвЂР В РўвЂР  В°Р Р…ные Р±РѕРЅСѓСЃС‹, напрРСвЂР В РЎВер, рецепт любРСвЂР В РЎВРѕРіРѕ салата Р В РЎВРѕРТвЂР  ВµР В»РЎРЉР ВµРЎР‚Р В°. Р СњР С• главныРѠР±РѕРЅСѓСЃРѕРѠявляются Р В РЎвЂР  В»Р В»РЎР‹РЎРѓРЎвЂљРЎР‚ацРСвЂР В РЎвЂ. Р В Р’Вто настоящРСвЂР  в„– РїРѕРТвЂР  В°РЎР‚РѕРє Р В РўвЂР  В»РЎРЏ всех ценРСвЂР ЎвЂљР ВµР В»Р ВµР в„– таланта Зайцева
Чего не хватает радио, чтобы увеличить свою долю на рекламном рынке? Аудиопиратство: угроза или возможности для отрасли? Каковы первые результаты общероссийской кампании по продвижению индустриального радиоплеера? Эти и другие вопросы были рассмотрены на конференции «Радио в глобальной медиаконкуренции», спикерами и участниками которой стали эксперты ГПМ Радио.
Деловая программа 28-й международной специализированной выставки технологий и услуг для производителей и заказчиков рекламы «Реклама-2021» открылась десятым юбилейным форумом «Матрица рекламы». Его организовали КВК «Империя» и «Экспоцентр».
28 марта в Центральном доме художника состоялась 25-ая выставка маркетинговых коммуникаций «Дизайн и реклама NEXT». Одним из самых ярких её событий стал День социальной рекламы, который организовала Ассоциация директоров по коммуникациям и корпоративным медиа России (АКМР) совместно с АНО «Лаборатория социальной рекламы» и оргкомитетом LIME.
На VII Международном форуме «Матрица рекламы», прошедшем в ЦВК «Экспоцентр» в рамках международной выставки «Реклама-2018», большой интерес у профессиональной аудитории вызвала VI Конференция «Интернет-реклама».