Книги издательства "H Kliczkowski"
Bars: Designer and Design / Bares: Arquitectura y disenoNowadays bars are meeting points which are often conceived as genuine temples of leisure. Architectural trends and new designs actively contribute to this phenomenon, constantly experimenting with the creation of spaces and their temporary ...... |
Peluquerias: Cabelereiros ParrucchieriPELUQUERIAS CABELEREIROS... |
Restaurantes ExclusivosDurante los ultimos 20 anos, se ha incrementado la cantidad у diversidad de restaurantes de disefio en las ciudades mas importantes del mundo. La expectativa de los consumidores se ha ampliado notablemente -los restaurantes se han convertido en ...... |
Hoteles Singulares / Singular HotelsThe idea of the hotel as a place where one can feel the same way one feels in one`s own home is out of fashion. People do not travel these days to reach spaces reminding them of their house. To the contrary, we travel to escape routine and ...... |
Nuevas tiendas y boutiquesEn el mundo de hoy, la necesidad de buscar nuevas experiencias lejos del simple consumismo ha hecho que surjan espacios como los que muestra el libro que se presenta a continuacion. "Nuevas tiendas у boutiques" nos introduce en los ultimos у mas ...... |