Chris Grimley, Mimi Love
Color, Space, and Style
Издательство: Rockport Publishers, 2007 г.
9781592532278, 978-1-59253-227-8, 1-59253-227-6
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 288 стр.
The content of this book is for general information purposes only and has been obtained from many sources, including professional organizations, manufacturers` literature, and national codes and guidelines. The authors and publisher have made every reasonable effort to assure that this work is accurate and current, but do not warrant, and assume no liability for, the accuracy or completeness of the text or illustrations, or their fitness for any particular purpose. It is the responsibility of the users of this book to apply their professional knowledge to the content, to consult sources referenced, when appropriate, and to consult a professional interior designer for expert advice if necessary.
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