Andy Boynton, Bill Fischer
Virtuoso Teams: Lessons from Teams that Changed Their Worlds
Издательство: FT Press, 2005 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 224 стр.
With "Virtuoso Teams" you can transform any enterprise. This is a book about effectively managing and leading teams that are catalysts for big change and breakthrough performances.
Whether you`re launching an innovative new product or service, entering into challenging new markets or simply trying to transform the way you operate, "Virtuoso Teams" can make the difference between achieving remarkable success, or just another modest result.
Teams is a steady area in business, but there is nothing out there with this kind of punch or invention. The case studies are absolutely fascinating and take center stage. While the primary market will be executives and managers who assemble teams (and the team members themselves) the tertiary market will be serial business book buyers who can`t believe they can have a book with such fabulous and wide-ranging stories. The stories of the great teams are unbroken by commentary. The authors weigh in with the management commentary and tips at the end of each chapter, and provide readers with questions that get readers thinking about the steps they need to take to build VT`s. The authors are consultants and Professors at one of the world`s finest executive education centres: IMD in Switzerland.
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