Viktor Mayer-Schonberg and Kenneth Cukier
Big Data: Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think
Издательство: Mariner Books, Houghton Mifflin, An Eamon Dolan Book, 2014 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 272 стр.
Since Aristotle, we have fought to understand the causes behind everything. But this ideology is fading. In the age of big data, we can crunch an incomprehensible amount of information, providing us with invaluable insights about the what rather than the why.
We`re just starting to reap the benefits: tracking vital signs to foresee deadly infections, predicting building fires, anticipating the best moment to buy a plane ticket, seeing inflation in real time and monitoring social media in order to identify trends. But there is a dark side to big data. Will it be machines, rather than people, that make the decisions? How do you regulate an algorithm? What will happen to privacy? Will individuals be punished for acts they have yet to commit?
In this groundbreaking and fascinating book, two of the world`s most-respected data experts reveal the reality of a big data world and outline clear and actionable steps that will equip the reader with the tools needed for this next phase of human evolution.
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